v7 Chapter 49: Tarantum Military Port

He couldn't help but sigh: the Diaonians completely turned the Gulf of Taranto into their inner lake, and the distance between the towns of the Dionynia in the bay through the short distance of the sea made the connection more Close.

What he didn't know was the reason why the Gulf of Taranto was so prosperous and there was another one: the piracy problem most worried by the sea trade merchants in other city-states of the Mediterranean did not exist here, in the military port of Castellón, in the military port of Tarantum, The warships belonging to the First Fleet patrol the Gulf every day, maintaining order in the Gulf and ensuring the safety of the vessels.


Just as the busy scene in the bay of Sophos took a comparison with the port of Athens in the port of Eleus, the second son of Kunogora, received the Ministry of Military Affairs. After the emergency notice, he was approved by the commander Alexis, and he ran wildly from the Dani horse. He changed the horse several times in the station on the side of the road, and finally arrived at the Tarantum military port at dusk.

The Tarantum Military Port is the main station of the main fleet of the Dionysian. After Tarantum was forced to become the free city of Dionia, the commander of the navy, Sekleian, had "the growing fleet of the Dionya (because there were too many warships in the South Italian war), The Lie military port has been unable to accommodate the reason for requesting the opening of a new military port, and it is recommended that the military port be located in the big port of Tarantum, because it is indeed a natural harbor.

Daves readily agreed, of course, the problem he considered was not only military convenience, but the Navy’s presence not only allowed the nearby surveillance and deterrence of this erratic city-state, but also Tarantum’s old-fashioned sea trade, with a large number of shipbuilding techniques. Superb and experienced sailors and fishermen, who will be good sources of the Navy, train them to accept the cultural and political ideas of Diaonia, which in turn can affect the people of Tarantum.

In the face of Dionya's request, Tarantum reluctantly agreed to hand over the western part of Dagang to the management of the Dionysian Navy. After all, it has been abandoned.

As the navy settled in, the land east of the Great Harbor to the east of Metapentum was placed under the First Fleet. The Tarantum people suffered heavy casualties in the South Italian War. There were not enough people to take care of the land near the border, and the ingenious pressure of Daves made this part of the land allocated to the first fleet stationed here. The sailors, including a large number of civilian sailors who joined the first fleet of Tarantum.

Today, there are 150 three-layer paddle warships and other large and small warships in this military port, totaling about 230 warships, and then counting 50 three-layer paddle warships and other warships in the Castellon military port, the first fleet. The other three fleets were stabilized by more than 350 warships and became the strongest fleet of the Dionysian Navy.

But even if the number of ships in the first fleet is large, there is still enough open space in the Tarantum military port to build a dry dock to accommodate more warships, which shows that the size of its military port is large. Moreover, the sea surface in the Dagang is also wide enough. Usually, some small-scale training is even held directly in the Dagang. This has become a scene in the Dagang. The Tarantum people often stop at the shore.

When Dika O'Calat handed Alexis's letter of proof to the military guards, he got in, but the time to wait for the ship at the military port was a bit long.

There are still vacant Clippers at the pier next to it, why should you wait here? ! Dika O'Clarta was a little angry.

Until he got on the boat, one person came out of the cabin and explained to him: "I am sorry! Just transferred a piece of material from the Castellon military port and urgently transported it to Duni. The personnel in the military port are busy doing this. So it delayed you some time."

"To deliver goods to the front line is a major event in the kingdom. I am only a small matter." Dika Oklatra saw him at first sight. He immediately understood why the ship was late, and said with fluency and respect: "And you are still in person. I don’t know how to express my gratitude!"

Seclín, the former commander of the Dionysian Navy, in the Southern Italian War, he led the fleet to defeat the Syracuse Navy, which was then dominated by the Western Mediterranean, and thus controlled the oceans of the Great Greece and the eastern end of Sicily, for Dionys. Ya finally defeated Syracuse and played a key role in the heroes of the Dionian people.

After the war, as the territory of the Dionya expanded, the fleet that had become huge was divided into four by Davers: the first fleet was in Tarantum, defending the maritime safety of the Gulf of Taranto; the second fleet Settled in the Catania plain to defend the maritime safety of the city of Sicily in the Sicilian city; the third fleet stationed in Trina, guaranteeing the maritime rights of the Kingdom of Dionia in the Tyrrhenian Sea; the fourth fleet to Brindisi As a base, defend the territory of the Kingdom of Denia in the direction of the Adriatic.

Daves did not let Seklely re-elect the position of the commander of the Navy, but let him take the position of the commander of the first fleet, although the strength of the first fleet was earlier than that of the Divine Navy of the year. But from the naval commander to the commander of the first fleet, this is still a demotion. However, Daves proposed to the Senate at the same time, and elected Seklelyan to become the Dionysian veteran. This is a great improvement in the political status of Seklean. He also became after Heinepolis. The second young veteran under 30 years old. Moreover, after the Navy was dismantled, Davers also canceled the position of the Navy Commander, and Sekleian did not complain too much.

Sekleian went to Tarantum to take office. This is ten years. Apart from major events, he rarely returns to Turai to attend the usual Senate meeting. The young heroes of the year have now entered middle age and less. The arrogance of youth. At this point, he said mildly to Dika Oklade: "I am also going to attend your father's funeral, just walking with you."

When he mentioned his deceased father, Dika O'Calart’s heart was a pain. It was his life’s regret to be unable to accompany him before his father’s death.

"How is the progress of the war in Dawny?" Seclerian asked casually.

"It's still relatively smooth. We have already captured the city of Herdonia, the city of Askrum. The army has approached the center of the Dani people, Lucena, and is preparing to besiege the town. From the current situation See, other Dawn tribes and towns have no signs of reinforcement to the city of Lucerne. It is estimated that this war will end years before.” Talking about the war he participated in, Dika O'Clatt is somewhat excited and contented. .

Upon hearing this good news, Seklely sighed and sighed: "Or command the army to fight on land!" After the South Italian War, the Kingdom of Dionia was not always a peaceful sight, and its conquest of Meshapi, The three wars of Pucciti and Danny are not small, but these wars are near Dionia, and the other fleet is too weak to defend the first fleet of the core waters of Dionia. Secline has not been able to go to the battlefield again in the past ten years. How can he have no regrets in his heart?


When Dika Okrat felt at the home of Turui, his brother Soastus led his family to prepare for funeral.

Because of the early death of Kuno Gorata's wife, it was the Greek custom formed by his eldest daughter and two daughter-in-laws for centuries, cleaning his body, applying fragrance and wearing gorgeous costumes. Moreover, Sostatus also set up a large wooden shed in front of the house, placing the remains of Kunogora in a wooden bed covered with herbs and then in his mouth. Put a silver coin so that his soul can deliver the ferry fee for the ride.

When the mourning halls and the spirits were arranged, it was the turn of the unique funeral customs of Diaonia: the scepter of the Hades Temple, Plesinas, led the priests, priests, and saints to the mourning hall. Before, he began to sing a singer and pray that he would enter the Elysee Paradise as soon as possible. The usual funeral is usually only attended by Hades priests or priests. After all, the identity and status of Kunogolata do not require Davis to give instructions. Plesinus personally brought the main Hadith main temple. Team bottom.

The next dayThe immediate family members of Kunogolata, including the son-in-law, Hilos, wore black crepe, and the expression was solemnly kept in front of the coffin. Even his daughter and daughter-in-law cut their hair according to custom. To mourn.

Early in the morning, Daves arrived at the mourning hall with six children, including Christopher and Alice, and Cynthia and Klotok Katex, and presented to the body of Kunogora. A wreath made of pomegranate leaves, and led the family to solemnly salute them, singing Hades carols. After comforting a few of the relatives of Kuno Gorata, the Daves family walked out of the hall and washed the hands and face with a few large tanks of water outside the hall, and then left.

After King Deavers left, the people who came to pay homage began to grow.

At the beginning, they were the veterans. There are Ansitanos, Burkes... these old friends of Tuli, who have deep friendship; there are Cornelus, Trito de Moss, Rafayas, Prote Syros, Stromboli ... These hard-working entrepreneurs have jointly laid the foundations of the Dionysian foundation; there are Capps, Felicius, Amintas, etc. Although they are dissatisfied, he always advocates peace and opposes war, but admires it. He can be a former mercenary veteran of the people; there are Sedum, Wesba, Hermon, etc., who have been with him for more than ten years, and have received many photos of them. There are Anta Orris and Xipu. Los, Lucias... wait for the veterans who are appreciated and supported by him; there are many veterans who entered the Senate after the South Italian War.