v7 Chapter 54: The fall of Thebes

"Oh, that treacherous Fibidas!"

Among the Spartans who are most familiar with these military ministers, in addition to many customers who came to Turai to negotiate, it is probably Phibidas. But in the hearts of the Diaonians, his image is notorious. Not only did he participate in and direct the military operations of Syracuse's invasion of Dionia in the Nanyi battle, he also designed and slaughtered Dionysius. Sis. Although the Dionysians hated Dionysius, the betrayal and deception of Fibidas also made them feel very ugly.

"His Majesty, what is Fibidas doing?" Tolmid asked curiously.

"He was just appointed by the Spartan Elders Council to be the coach of the Caldick League," Daves said.


At this moment, Phibidas, who was chanted by several military chiefs in Dionia, is leading the brigade through the Corinthian isthmus. His mission was to lead Sparta's main force to the Kalkidike Peninsula, help Macedonia to take back the lost land, and defeat Olympus to break up the Carlydick League.

This is an extremely important task. It was originally not for Fibidas, because although the trick of throwing Dionysius was an order issued by the Elders Council, some Spartan elders were still responsible for the implementation of this massacre. Bidas was disgusted and opposed to let him lead, but only the insistence of Agassius allowed him to finally get this appointment.

The army is about to enter the Piosia region.

At this time, Phibidas repeatedly reminded the team's officers at all levels to be vigilant and cautious.

After the end of the Corinth War, thebes were the last city-state to accept the King and the covenant, and after being forced to dismantle the Peorus League that the Thebes had been working for, the Thebes were very dissatisfied with Sparta’s attitude. Although in the past few years, Debes has not done any provocative actions against Sparta, but Fibidas does not dare to take it lightly, so as not to disappoint the trust of Agassius.

After passing through the ruins of Platia, the Spartan army is already approaching the territory of Thebes.

Phibidas saw that the sky was already a little late, and ordered the troops to camp on the spot.

Just as the soldiers began to be busy, a man who was secretive from the territory of Thebes insisted on meeting Filipdas.

When the guard led him into the big account, he politely saluted Fibidas and said: "Respected General Fibidas, I am the confidant slave of Leon Tiadas."

Filidas certainly knows who Leon Tiadas is.

The Thebes hate Sparta, but not everyone. Just like the citizens of Athens and Corinth, there are also the Spartans. The same is true of Thebes. It is because of their promotion in the country. Sis finally accepted the King's peace treaty, and because of the greatness of Sparta in recent years, Tobes had to re-use the originally-suppressed Spartan to show that it was not to provoke it. Bada’s friendship, Leon Tiadas is the head of the pro-Spartan faction, and he is one of the military governors of Thebes this year (Debes is also the implementation of the dual governing government).

After confirming a Persian silver mask that Agassius had given to Leon Tiadas six months ago, Fibidas’s serious look became mild. He asked: “Leon Tiadas Do you have anything to tell me?"

The slave did not speak, and only used his eyes to turn back and forth to the guards on both sides.

Pfeidas agreed, but said aloud: "They are Spartan heroic warriors, my good comrades, there is nothing to be kept secret!"

When the slave saw Fibidas, he said, he had to bluntly say: "General, my master wants to invite you to lead your troops to attack the Acropolis of Thebes."

It turned out that although Leon Tiadas was elected as the consul, the anti-Sparta faction in the council and the citizen assembly took over the vast majority, and his rights were greatly restricted and actually became a display. He was humiliated and determined to change this embarrassing political situation.

At this time, he saw that Sparta’s large army was in the immediate vicinity. Two days later, it was the Dem’s Mother’s Day (the celebration day of Demeter). The Acropolis would not be fortified and handed over to the women. Celebrate the festival. On the day of the Mother's Day in Thebes, the city-state women who have been doing housework can celebrate in the Temple of the Acropolis. Because they are required to stay at home all the year round, they will have some freedom in the day, so the city-state Men should avoid it, and this custom is similar to the Dionysian Festival.

So he made an adventurous decision: to unite the Spartans, to capture the Acropolis of Thebes, to arrest the anti-Spartan faction, and to master the power of Thebes.

After listening to the detailed description of the slave, Fibidas felt a heartbeat when he was surprised.

Just as he meditated, the next Spartan adjutant couldn’t help but say: "Fibidas, the elders’ council will give us the task of going to Kalkidike and attacking Olympus instead of getting the elders. With the permission of the council, rashly attacked Thebes and triggered a new war."

The slave heard this and looked anxiously at the leader of the Spartan army.

If it is a general Spartan general, it may strictly follow the instructions of the Presbyterian Council, and it will never be extravagant, but Fibidas is different. He was already daring and he was in the South Italian War and lived with Dionysius. In the end, I learned more about the purpose of swindling and viciousness at any means, so he said with indulgence: "Surax, after the Peloponnesian War, Spartan troops can freely enter and exit China and Greece. After the last war, we led the army to pass through here, and we must first obtain the consent of several important city-states in China and Greece. Otherwise, we can only go to North Greece by boat. Do you know why?"

The adjutant named Solax said without thinking: "It is because of Athens, Thebes... These Greek city-states oppose us."

"So your Sparta was blocked by Athens and Thebes on the Peloponnese. The action is very free. We need to make Thebes an ally of Sparta again. It is far more than a thousand miles away. Kalkidike is much more important! Now we are close to the territory of Thebes, and the Thebes are about to hold a celebration, obviously that we will lead the troops to North Greece, so completely neglected. If we missed This time's great opportunity, I will regret it very much!" Fibidas said with a loud voice, his fists clenched, and his eyes sparkled with greed.


On the plains south of Lake Jericha, the city of Mybes is stuck in the main road leading to western Greece and northern Greece. The east and west sides are mountains stretching for three or four hundred meters above sea level, although it is not too difficult. OK, but it is not as convenient as going directly through Thebes. Thebes is also relying on the fertile and convenient transportation of the southern plains of Lake Jelica to create a trade boom that makes it a big country in Greece.

The Acropolis of Thebes was built on a goose-shaped highland called Kademia in the city, and is one of the best in the city-states of Central Greece. Just because of the terrain limitation, the city of Thebes is a rectangular shape with a long north-south, narrow east-west, and the acropolis is almost close to the east wall of the mountain.

On the day of the Mother's Day

Fibidas first led some troops to quietly lurk in the mountains on the east side of Thebes. After Leon Tiadas used his power of the consul to open the guards of the East Gate, Pfeidas led the army. Gushing in, quickly occupied the acropolis where the terrain is dangerous but unguarded.

The Abyss Council, composed of nobles, was threatened and blocked by the rogues employed by Leon Tiadas, and it was impossible to call citizens to fight in time.

The pro-Spartan faction has long formed an armed attack on the gates of the city of Thebes, and opened the gates of the city, and placed them in the remaining troops of Sparta, leading them to kill and kill the anti-Spartans in the city. The screams are all over, a mess...


When the Spartans attacked the city of Thebes, Pelopidas was attending a banquet hosted by Cathy at home.

Cathy is a well-known wealthy businessman in the city of Thebes. He is a man of great enthusiasm and a good friend. He invited many friends to come to the house on the grounds that "the mothers and women are carnival in the temple, and our men can't treat themselves."

Ipami Danda is not on the invitation list. He is 37 years old and he has been fascinated by learning. He rarely participates in politics and does not like to make friends. He is not famous in Thebes, but Pelopidas is his best friend. Strong pulled him to dinner.

During the banquet, Ipaminda specially sat in the corner, quietly savouring food and quietly listening to other guests.

Pelopidas is the most eye-catching He is energetic, sharp-minded, quick thinking, knowledgeable, and he actively participates in politics when he is an adult, although he is still young, he has already served In the important position of the city-state, and the most active in the anti-Spartan faction, many people surrounded him to be proud of talking with him.

Halfway through the banquet, one of their friends came in and told them that the Spartans had entered the city and were stalking and killing a member of the Spartan faction!

This amazing news caused a mess in the banquet.

Pelopidas responded first, and he shouted: "We must hurry to call the citizens and drive the Spartans out! Who will go with me?!"

But no one came out to respond.

Pelopidas was disappointed, turned and went out, but was stopped by Ipami Honda: "My friend, please calm down! Just now Filidas has said very clearly, 'is Leonti The collusion between Yadas and the Spartans made it easy for Spartan's army to enter the city. 'This is a meticulous plan. The Spartans have occupied the Acropolis and have the help of traitors. You go out not only. It’s impossible for the horrified citizens to fight against the ferocious Spartan fighters without preparation, and to make yourself a hungry wolf!”