v7 Chapter 61: Treasury and pay

"Sesta Master, not all veterans can get used to the plain life like you. The key is that they are paying, no gain, there will be an imbalance in the heart, so it is difficult to resist the temptation." Sedore Say something next to you.

"Then don't come to be a veteran, simply go to business!" Seta returned to the top.

"Well, I told you to come to discuss the solution, not to let you quarrel." Daves gently said, so that the room immediately returned to silence.

His eyes swept over the faces of the people and saw that Melsis looked nervous. He knew what he was worried about, and he smiled in his heart and stared at Anta Orris. After entering the King’s office, Anta Rees has been quiet.

Of course, Vesba is also the same quiet. As a rotating presidency, the Lucanias, in addition to maintaining the interests of the Lukanians, will strive to be outside, other times in the Senate is almost no Without words, he was criticized as a "puppet" in private, and he thought that his ability was far less than that of Hermon. He could sit in this position, completely immersed in the light of his son Bagul. After Wesbach heard it, it was still me, nothing changed.

And Anta Orris, the veteran who just became the last chairman, has been relatively low-key for a few months, but Daves did not want him to be silent, so he asked directly: "Anta Orris, you have this What do you think?"

Anta Orris stunned and immediately corrected the body. The quiet temperament immediately changed. The sigh of calmness said: "Your Majesty, the veteran is the best of the country, and his position is also honorable. This should be The pride of the veteran, but now the public sees our veterans, just like the criminals who are looking at each other, full of doubts, 'Who will be the second of Pollux? Who will be the second of La Odesian?' We are gradually losing The trust of the people and the foundation of the highest power of the Royal Mother Territories are collapsing. This is a very terrible thing! Therefore, we must prohibit the veterans from accepting any gifts and gifts, regaining the trust of the people and re-assigning us. The honor!-"

"But, Master Anta Orris." Cornelus interrupted him.

But he has not continued to say it, Anta Orris is quick and eager to say: "Dear Kornerus, please listen to me!"

Corne Ruston looked a bit awkward.

“But the most noble veterans don’t mean to be the poorest. When the poor stand in front of the rich, they don’t have the confidence to speak. The elders who live in distress are also facing the wealthy citizens. This way, not only reduces our veterans. The prestige also gives citizens a different idea to look down on our minds and is not conducive to the governance of the people and the kingdom.

While giving the honor of the veterans, the kingdom should also give them the corresponding wealth. Because it is their efforts that have created the kingdom of today's prosperity, and the veterans should enjoy the wealth they deserve! Therefore, I recommend paying the veterans, and it is a high enough salary! ”

Anta Orris’s impassioned words were finished, and everyone was a little moved.

Davers was quiet and didn't speak. Melsis first picked it up: "No! No! The money of the state treasury pays other officials, and there is not much left! Send money to the veterans. No!!

"You don't worry, Melses." Daves ordered him, and then said to everyone in a hurry: "Anta Orris said it well, and I think so in my heart. Formulating laws, prohibiting The elders accepted the gift and received supervision from the ombudsman, local councillors, and security officials. At the same time, they began to pay the veterans, and they were paid enough to let the elders live like a real veteran... What do you think? ”

"Your Majesty wants to send us money, how can I disagree?" Sedrum said jokingly. In fact, the fact that he did not pay and could not help but gave him and Weisba had no influence. Their other identity was the leader of the tribe. Although the young men in the tribe basically went out independently, they had large tribes. Land, a lot of slaves, a large number of cattle and sheep, are not short of money. Therefore, the object of Daves's consultation is mainly other people.

In the face of Daves' proposal, Cornelus still has a consistent attitude: "Your Majesty, I agree with your proposal. But how much is this salary appropriate? Where does the money come from?"

"It seems that everyone has reached a consensus on the proposal to ban the elders from receiving gifts and paying wages." Daphus said, his eyes swept through Lucias and Mariji, and both of them nodded.

"Next, let's talk about the specific salary should be?" Daphus's gaze fell on the face of a nervous Melsis: "Mersis, you tell me, the next time the city's chief executive What is the salary of the official level?"

“The next level of officials of the city’s chief executive?” Once talking about business, Melsisch regained his calmness. He thought about it and said: “The deputy chief executive, the intermediate construction officer, the middle-level ombudsman, the intermediate-level agricultural officer, Intermediate judges...etc., all can be counted as officials at the same level, but the pay is more or less different. Like the agricultural officer and the construction officer, because they have to run outside for a long time, the salary will be more, the judge, The Ombudsman is relatively easy to work, and the salary is a little less... the average is probably about... about 40 drachma Mahathis silver coins.” Melsisi pointed to it, and finally spit out the number.

He said that the Hades silver coin, since the establishment of the kingdom, the pattern of silver coins has been transformed into one side is the head of Hades Hades, and the other is the head of King Duffus. The people of Dionia also call this silver coin "Dave Silver coins." In addition, the kingdom is also cast with copper coins. The two sides are designed by Persephone and the Senate House or the Hercules and the Senate's Great Hall. The exchange rate between copper and silver coins is 6: 1, this is similar to the exchange ratio of Opal and silver coins, so in Dionia, copper coins have replaced the original status of Opal. These two currencies have become the only currency of the Kingdom of Dionia with its high purity and beautiful patterns, and have become one of the main currencies used by other countries in the Western Mediterranean.

"40 silver coins... about the price of a half cow." Daphus did not feel any surprise at this number. He had already had a detailed understanding beforehand. This is just the mouth of Mercy and let everyone present. Everyone knows it. In fact, this salary is not low. When a citizen with five acres of land is good at the year, the money earned from harvesting grain is three times that amount. This is just the intermediate level of the Kingdom of Dionia. Officials pay a month. It is precisely because the cattle and horses in the kingdom are rich in resources, so the price is low, generally floating between 25 and 30 silver coins. If it is in Greece, a cow needs at least 50 silver coins.

Daves finger tapped on the table and said slowly: "I suggest that the salary for the veterans is set to one hundred Hades silver coins. If the veteran has a position, he will increase his salary according to his position. For example, a city chief executive His total salary should be the pension of 100 silver coins plus the salary of the Chief Executive... Well, since the deputy chief executive’s salary is about 40 silver coins, then the Chief Executive should be about 50 silver coins. Down, his monthly salary should be 150 silver coins.

Also, for example, Seta, you are a veteran and the highest prosecutor. His position is a senior official with the city's chief executive. His salary should be around 150 silver coins. There is also a rotating chairman like Cornelus. The rotating chairman is different from the ordinary veteran. He also needs to take some extra work and should have extra salary..."

Everyone carefully digested Daves's proposal and everyone stretched out. No one will deny too much money, not to mention that this salary can reflect the preeminent status of the veteran in the kingdom. In this way, even if the bill prohibiting gifts is promulgated, I believe that the veterans will not complain much.

Only Mercy's dissatisfaction shouted: "Too much! Too much! More than a hundred old people in the Senate, even if they are paid according to the salary of a hundred yuan of a veteran every month, the national treasury I have to pay two more Tarant, I don’t have that much money there!"

Daves did not speak, and Cornelus asked in confusion: "I remember that the Finance Department earned hundreds of Tarantnes from the lottery of various ball games every year. In addition, now the country Trade and prosperity, the city's port merchants and ships, the monthly business tax is also a hundred Taranto. Not to mention the current kingdom population of 1.8 million, the land tax is also a big number, as well as the annual redemption of slaves The fee, the postal fee of the post office, the **** fee of the fleet... is not a small sum of money, how can the national treasury have no money?!"

"Corneros is an adult." Melsis sneered: "You see the treasury and collect the money. You don't see the treasury squandering a lot of money. You have to know that the current middle-level officials of the kingdom." There are more than a thousand people, and the monthly treasury has to pay them more than a dozen Tarant, not to mention the jailers, patrols, sentinels, etc. that you mentioned before. Personnel, these are counted, there are tens of thousands of people, a total of 50 Taranto pays a month!

In addition, the cost of building new roads, bridges, ports, temples, libraries and other public buildings, as well as the maintenance of old roads, walls, temples and other public buildings, the military departments convene soldiers and warships each time. The cost of military training, the cost of building and maintaining military equipment, and warships... These not only require money, but also a lot of money.