v7 Chapter 65: Princess Wedding (3)

According to Greek customs, the relatives and friends of the man should wait in the living room to prepare for the bride. However, in order to ensure the safety of King Daves’s family, the team of the new team was prevented from being too many and too mixed. Therefore, the consultation was done in advance, and the team was waiting outside the house.

Therefore, Cynthia came from the living room to the gate. All the encounters were slaves and employees at home. They held torches and stood by the roadside to illuminate the road for the couple and offer sincere blessings.

Out of the gate, Cynthia’s ear immediately sounded a huge cheer.

Through the sly wedding dress, Cynthia saw that there were people around, and they clamored for the good words of "the bride is beautiful, the groom is handsome", and the candlelight in the open space in front of the mansion is bright.

In the praise, Patroclus took Cynthia on a four-marathon cart.

Into the carriage, Cynthia opened the wedding dress.

Patroclus looked at her pretty face, and she couldn't help but admire: "Cynthia, you are so beautiful! More beautiful than Aphrodite!-"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!" Cynthia reminded him quickly, knowing that the goddess was not open-minded.

But to put it this way, Cynthia’s heart is beautiful, and Patroclus’s hand is tightly grasped...

The team that came to the welcoming family followed the carriage and automatically arranged the team. In the scream of “Getting on the road!” “On the road” and “With the torch!”, the carriage and the people following it began to slow down. Going forward.

At this time, the musicians in the team began to play the double pipe flute and the lyre, and everyone sang a wedding hymn.

Among these singing people, there are two special characters. They are Klystoa and Ai Genis as the two mothers of Cynthia, who are going to accompany their daughter to the last part of the wedding. But as the two kings of the kingdom, the safety of both of them must be guaranteed. So they are at the forefront of the team, surrounded by court guards.

They also hold torches in their hands, and the source of these two torches is not simple, because it is from the fireside at home, symbolically protecting the peaceful transfer of daughter from one family and one identity to another, and converting In another identity. Although the stove **** Hestia is not one of the twelve main gods, it has a very important position in the family life of the people.

The home of Patroclus is on the outskirts of the city of Turi, so the team that sends the pro-has must go east from the king's house in the inner city of the inner city, cross the Victory Square to the east, then turn south, cross the Cladi Dashi Bridge, and exit the South City. You can walk along the river for a while. This is not a close distance, and Christopher and Agnes have never traveled so far in the past few years. This time for Cynthia, they also fulfilled their mother's responsibility.

Such a long, long light is walking through the city, which is naturally very eye-catching. There was a constant public hearing of the news, and after blessing the newcomers in the carriage and saluting the two kings, they followed the team. When the stone bridge was on the side, this sent-off team almost became a parade in the night of the whole city. This also shows that the Duffus royal family is deeply loved by the people.

On this night, the family of the king and the people of the Dayonian were intimate and intimate.

After receiving the guard’s notice, he was about to go to the home of Patroclus. Clithista and Ai Ge Nisi looked at each other and were relieved. They used the left hand to beat some sallow doubles. leg.

The carriage stopped, but the couple could not get off.

The two kings walked forward.

The house of Patroclus has long been decorated with garlands made of pomegranate, olive and laurel leaves, as well as flowers of various colors. A pile of bonfires lit up in front of the house, which was also brightly lit.

Patroclus’s mother and other relatives and friends waited at the door and saw the mighty team of the pro-send, and they were all shocked (Patlock Ross’s father had been invited to the palace to feast). Then they hurried forward to meet the two kings.

Clithista and Ai Genis returned to Patroclus’s mother and smiled and comforted the relative who was very nervous because of her low birth: “We are a family in the future!...”

Patroclus’s mother only said that she was slightly shaking and lifting the torch.

Clithista and Ai Ge Nisi ignited the dignified hands with a torch in their hands, which completes the final handover.

The transfer process of the entire torch in the traditional Greek wedding is indispensable. Therefore, there is an old saying in Greece that the illegal marriage is described as "a wedding without a torch." However, in Dionia, the newlyweds receive the blessings of Hera and register with the City Hall, which is a legal couple, and this wedding is only a respect for tradition.

Patroclus wearing a corolla took Cynthia and walked down the carriage.

In the cheers, although with a wedding dress, Cynthia can still see the two mothers standing on the roadside from the gap in the fabric.

Her eyes suddenly began to turn red again.

Clithista hugged her up and said softly in her ear: "Remember what I said."

Cynthia nodded hard, she didn't dare to open her mouth, afraid to cry when she spoke.

Aunt Grace also hugged her and wished her heartfelt blessing: "Children, live together with Patroclus! Hera will bless you!"

Cynthia is still nodding.

Patroclus also went on a big gift.

The two kings were frankly accepted.

Clithista also said with a little seriousness: "Cynthia will give it to you, and treat her well!"

Patroclus even claimed to be, and then took Cynthia to the house, surrounded by family and friends, into the stove in the house, which is a symbolic center of the family.

The guests will throw the prepared nuts to the couple.

At the same time, the mother of Patroclus handed a red date and a cake made with sesame and honey according to tradition to Cynthia, both of which symbolize multi-generation.

Cynthia's wedding dress, eating them, means that Cynthia has become a member of this family.

In the blessing of the guests, Patroclus took Cynthia into the wedding room and couldn't wait to pull her to the bed, trying to help her take off her wedding dress.

"Outside... outside... there are people..." Cynthia said shyly.

Don't worry, Stewart is guarding outside, no one dares to come in. ”

"Stifros? Is he going to marry with Gitiya soon?" Cynthia asked curiously.

"Today is our wedding, care about them." In Cynthia's scream, Patroclus took her to bed...

Outside the door, friends and family sang the praises of the wedding with the loudest voices, and worked together to scare away the evil spirits.

Soon, a large team of parents outside the home also joined in.

The magnificent song resounded the night of Turui...


While the people of the whole city were giving marriage to Princess Dionia, Cynthia, the veterans of the Senate gathered at the Royal Palace of Dionia to attend the banquet hosted by King Davis in the name of the wedding, except for a few who were in the field. The sergeant, because the elders who can't get away from the event are not present, the rest are all there.

Davers spent his own money, set up nearly a hundred tables, filled the entire palace hall, and let his son Croto Catax as the head of the banquet, commanding his men and slaves to serve the elders.

For the first time in more than a decade, Davers banqueted all the veterans. This is the first time that he expressed his gratitude to the Senate for their efforts in the Kingdom over the years. It was also the first time that his eldest son, Croto Katex, had made his debut in front of the top officials of the kingdom in such an informal occasion.

Under the deliberate arrangement of Dafoss, under the dedication of the veterans, the banquet atmosphere was very warm and continued until late at night.

Many veterans are drunk, especially Patro Clos's father, Parian Dolos, as one of the protagonists of this banquet, the only non-elderly VIP, he is coming to each toast to congratulate The veterans, of course, can't refuse, a glass of wine is kept drinking, and soon they drunk and vomited.

With the authority of Daves, there is another veteran who dares to force him to drink, so at the end of the banquet, he remains awake. As for Croto Katex, he is still a grown-up, and the elders are embarrassed to let him drink, so he doesn't drink alcohol.

After sending away the guests, Davers took Croto Katax and went home on foot under the guard of the Palace Guard.

The palace and the palace, one at the foot of the mountain and one at the top of the mountain, are only 80 meters apart and have a spacious and flat avenue connection.

This night, the moon star is thin the climate is cool. The drunkard Daves walked on the gently sloping avenue, surrounded by silence and quiet, and the river was very pleasant.

He turned his head and glanced at his son: "How are you still angry?"

"Father, those veterans from Danny, who are mad at you by wine, are you not prepared to discipline them further?" Croto Katax said eagerly.

"What do you say? What about the whipping of them, or is it a prison?" Dafos smiled and said: "They are drunk, drunk and drunk, can be forgiven."

Croto Kataks said with anxiety: "But I can see that they are dissatisfied with you, I am worried that they are against you..."

"I have the protection of the court guards, the monitoring of Aristiras, the entire city of Turui is under my control, what can some of the Danny leaders who have just returned to do?" Daves sprinkled A smile, his son's concern, he was moved in his heart, kindly patted on his still young shoulders, and said with a strong heart: "Why, we just occupied the land of others and took away their people, is it not allowed? People are angry and deflated? Children, you must learn to control yourself, don't be angry easily, anger will make you lose your senses, and others will catch your weaknesses..."