v8 Chapter 50: Out of Egypt (1)

"Can't let this situation continue in Lijim!" Alcidadas suddenly increased the volume and said: "I discussed with some people, decided to join the people of Lijim, urgently convene a citizen assembly, vote together to decide Let Lijim fully integrate into the Kingdom of Dionia!"

Hearing this, Daves could no longer conceal the surprise on his face. He leaned over to Alcidadas and asked, "Is this your father's support?"

He understands the big scorpion of Alcibidas. He is very talented in business, but he is not too interested in politics. He decides the important events of Li Jim's future, if there is no prestigious and capable politician. Strongly promoted, it is difficult to be implemented.

"My father is not very interested in Li Jim's political affairs now, and he has no energy to do these things..." Alci Bidas glanced at Davis and said: "This incident was made by Filipino. The general proposed it, and he will promote it!"

"Philippines..." Daphus touched his chin, and he has always been concerned about this.

The general who led the Lijim army made a great contribution in the South Italian war that defeated the Syracuse army. After the war, he was also respected by the Lijim people and was elected for several years. For Lijim’s general, he was also the chief general for one year. However, he was resolutely determined on the battlefield. He was frequently frustrated in the political arena. His motions often failed to pass the council, and his ability to govern was also criticized by many people. He also exposed his relatives to use his power to accept. A scandal of bribery and gaining profits. Philippine resigned and voluntarily announced that he would no longer serve any public office of Lijim. According to some insider information spies by the intelligence department of Aristilas: Among the things that the Lijim council attacked Pittand, there was the secret push of Attilus.

The father-in-law of Daves, who has a strong desire for power, obviously does not want to see the prestige of Fischer’s control of Lijim’s political arena.

Alcibidas did not speak to Daves, and thought that the king was skeptical: whether Filipino alone can make this thing successful.

So he emphasized: "Not only is there a Philippine pier, but some businessmen have clearly expressed their support..." Then, Alcidadas said several names.

Daves was amazed: these are the same big names as Alsidi Das, who are famous in Lijim. They don’t worry that Lijim will lose the previous experience after it is fully integrated into the Kingdom of Dionia. Some rights? !

Alcibidas saw the doubts of Davers. He explained: "Your Majesty, Lijim is too small for us. We hope to be a true Dionysian businessman and have greater in the entire Western Mediterranean. Business convenience! We firmly believe that after the war between Deonia and Carthage, the Diaonia merchants will have an unprecedented precious opportunity to go to the trade field that they have never been involved before!..."Alsieby Das’s look was a little excited.

That's it! It’s not that they care about civilians, but because they are profit-driven. It’s naturally impossible for a businessman in the free city to get the same rights as a businessman in the Kingdom of Dionia... Daves smiled and said with a sigh: “It seems that you are going to The war between the beginning kingdom and Carthage is more confident than me. Sure enough, the merchant is the most adventurous! Have you ever touched Sostatus?"

Alcidadas nodded and felt a nervousness in his heart. He knew that the key moment had arrived.

Daves said in a deep voice: "Then you must understand the dilemma that the kingdom will face once it has carried out this war and the efforts that Sostatus will make in order to win the war in Dionya."

Alcibidas said without hesitation: "The financial strength of our Lijim merchants is stronger than that of the Turui merchants. The Turui merchants can do it. We can do it too! The Turui merchants can't do it. We can't do it. The same can be done!"

Daves did not say anything easily, but said Shen Sheng: "Very good, I hope that Li Jim merchants can prove it to me!"

"Your Majesty, you will see it soon!" Alcidadas answered with confidence.


Just as Alciidas talked to the children about the anecdotes of ancient Egypt, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Dionia, Ansitanos, has come to Egypt, the oldest kingdom of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Egypt established a unified kingdom more than 2000 years ago. The economy is prosperous and its national strength is strong. It has created a splendid culture and was once the most powerful country in the entire Mediterranean. However, as time went on, the national power began to decline, and other ethnic groups in the Mediterranean began to rise, so the Egyptian doom came.

The Hyksos, the Libyan, the Assyrians, the Persians... successively invaded and eventually ruled the most precious land on the continent of Afrika.

The Persian king appointed a loyal man to serve as the Egyptian governor, crushing the Persians, searching their wealth to meet the extravagant life of the Persian nobles and providing a material basis for the further expansion of Persia. The Egyptians were not willing to be ruled and oppressed by aliens. They repeatedly launched riots and rebelled in a hundred years.

In the meantime, in 460 BC, this was the most powerful period in Athens. The Navy of Athens pressed Persian to the east, forcing it to shrink its defense line, facing the Peloponnesian army southward, and winning two battles in Egina and McGary, and the Athenians even Year is called the year of glory.

At this time, Libyans in Lower Egypt launched an uprising in an attempt to overthrow the Persian rule and requested assistance from the mighty Athens.

At the end of the day, Athens sent a navy composed of two hundred warships to Egypt. At the beginning, it won some victories. It even captured the city of Memphis. In the end, it suffered a fiasco. Many Athens citizens and allies died in Egypt. On the land.

Until 404 BC, the Persian ruler Darius II died, and Little Cyrus and his brother Artaxerxes competed for the throne. The civil strife in Persia gave the Egyptians a chance. This time it was still an uprising led by Libyans in the Nile Delta. Its leader was Amir Tanius. Eventually he succeeded, drove the Persians and became Egyptian Pharaohs.

But only for four years, he was elected by his minister, Nifa Rudd, and then Nifarud passed to Harcourt.

During the tenure of Harcourt, Sparta first attacked Persia, and later the Corinthian war broke out in Greece. After the "King of the King", the Persian king Artaxerxes finally eased his hand in the Kingdom of Dionia for eight years. In 386 BC, an army led by Fanabazos was dispatched in an attempt to recapture Egypt.

Fana Bazos even hired the Greeks to participate in the war. The leader of the army was the General of Athens, Efikrates, but the contradiction between the Persians and the Greeks did not work well. After three years of fighting, Harcourt drove the Persian army out of Egypt.

Egypt was temporarily safe, but in the past year, Facal was seriously ill and unable to preside over the political situation, which led to political instability in the country. At the beginning of this year, his son Neferitis was in a hurry, but soon there was turmoil in the country. Finally, the representative of the city of Bhuttis, Nektanib, from the northwestern part of the Nile Delta, seized the throne and became a new one. Egyptian Pharaoh.


Ansitanos recalls what he learned about the major events in Egypt over the years, especially this year is a turbulent year for the Egyptians: Nektanib became the Egyptian Pharaoh only four months, it is reasonable to say that The political situation is still unstable. As a messenger of Dionia, he came to Egypt at this time and hoped to establish friendly exchanges. This is not the best time, but the situation is forced by...

At this time, the Danone passenger ship he took, after the inventory of the Knobic River whistle card, went smoothly along the Kanobic River, a tributary on the west side of the lower Nile River.

It is already at the end of October, and it has already passed the flood season in Egypt. Therefore, the river is so calm that it can hardly see the flow, and the ship does not need to be pulled by the river on the river bank.

The rich Egypt benefits from the Nile, which regularly rises and falls every year. Every summer when the rainy season comes, the blue Nile water flowing through the Ethiopian highlands in the south of Egypt has skyrocketed, taking away a lot of sediment in the valley, and when the flood peak reaches the Nile Valley, the floods overflow the riverbed, flooding the land on both sides, carrying The sediment and the organic matter contained in the river water penetrate into the soil, making the land in the narrow strips on both sides of the Nile River always dark and fertile. This is especially true in the lower Nile Delta, which can even turn the vast Nile River into a vast ocean. Now the Nile River has begun to recede, and the river bank is full of water. And the muddy ground, but the Egyptian farmers have begun to take care of their fields, they are naked, bare feet, just wrapped in a linen cloth. Some farmers have set up mud dams on the shore, try to keep the remaining river water in their own fields; some clean up the water and grass in the fields, and pick up a few fish in the leeches for additional harvest; Some have already rushed to farm cattle and began to plow their own fields... There are many papyrus boats running around the river, bringing the tools, food and wheat to the farmer’s work on the shore. .

Ansitanos also noticed that some people dressed neatly and holding paper and pens were often seen on the edge of the farmland. They should be the books of Pharaoh. They are estimating how much the harvest will be caused next year. At the same time, it is also supervising the work of farmers.

Agriculture is the pillar of Egypt. Pharaoh's emphasis on agriculture is far less than that of other Mediterranean countries, but it can be seen that the new Pharaoh has begun to exercise his powers, which has given Ansitas a little worry.

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