v8 Chapter 75: After the first battle

After listening to Antonios, Pleagulus went on a military ceremony and replied in a loud voice: "When the Fourth Cavalry Corps arrived in Ascurom, the Samonais were attacking the city, so they were defeated. It's easier, thanks to the commander Alexis, who decisively let us march to Ascurom and have such a fighter!"

"Oh, this is your good man." Antonios turned back and smiled at Alexis.

Capps also paid tribute to Pleguulus, as an important member of the military department, of course he knew Pleagulus.

Pleguulus hurriedly respected the ceremony.

"This one will not need me to introduce it." Alexis pointed to Melishanda and said.

"Melly Sanda, I don't want to see you." Antonios put on a painful expression, and the words were amazing. Then the words turned: "As soon as I saw you, I realized that the kingdom is now young. The world, we are all old!"

"Uncle Antonios, you can't be old, Antodors needs you to raise and grow up!" Melishanda immediately returned.

Antonios glanced at him: "I am just old, I am not dead!"

The people laughed and the shadow of the war made by the Samonet seemed to be washed away in their laughter.

The soldiers of the 10th Army and the 4th Cavalry Corps went directly to the Dani military camp, while Alexis, Antonios, Capus, Pleguules, and Melishanda went directly to Lucerne. The Asian City Political Department holds a military conference.

"Now, what is the situation of the 11th Army?" When everyone sat down, Alexis asked directly at the door.

Capps did not care, and answered seriously: "Because the invasion of the Samonai was very sudden, the military camp was carrying out training in rotation. There were only more than 2,000 soldiers... These days, there were always soldiers from the army to report, there are already 6000 Many people, due to the encirclement of Ascurom and Vibinum, Gruum was occupied, some soldiers could not come, I have replaced the soldiers in the city of Lucerne.

Now the 11th Army has six heavy infantry brigades, one light infantry brigade, and one light armor brigade, a total of 8,000 people, and its main combat troops are already full. As for whether to recruit the reserve soldiers in the Dani area, you need this commander to make the decision. ”

Alexis nodded and understood, and he asked: "How many troops are there in the invading Samonai?"

"Before the detective ride roughly scouted the three Samonai troops besieging Ascurom, Vibinum and Gruum, they all had more than 10,000 people, and counted some scattered tribal fighters. I guess I am afraid there are more than 30,000 people. But so far, we have not found Kautini's soldiers..." Antonios said.

"It seems that the victory of the Third Army in Campania has caused the Kautini tribe to lose a lot..." Alexis expressed a gratifying expression, and then he asked with concern: "Gruou What is the situation in M ​​City?"

"According to the return of the detective ride, the Samonets there have already withdrawn from the mountains yesterday, but... the people in the city have been taken away by them!" Antonios said with some anger and some sadness, now these The town belongs to his jurisdiction, and of course he has the responsibility to protect the lives of the Dani people.

"Retreat?" Alexis was a little surprised, he fell into thought...

At this time, Antonios said with dignity: "Yesterday, when the Samonais evacuated, they also sent a messenger to use the thousands of Danny captives they had captured, and exchanged all the previously captured captives. Tenny!"

"The Samomen are dreaming! We must not promise their arrogant demands, let those Kautini go back, command the strength of the Samonai army, continue to plunder and kill our people!" Indignantly interjected.

Antonios frowned.

"Melly Shanda, does it agree with the request of the Samonna messenger, this is not something you can decide." Alexis looked at him and said seriously: "This matter is related to the lives and freedoms of thousands of Dani people. Only the sire can make a final decision!"

"Yes! Sorry!" Melishanda bowed his head and admits it. He just paused for a moment. After Alexis reminded him, he realized that he only considered the impact on the war and did not consider the safety of the captured people. The Governor of the State of Dony sat in front of himself.

Antonios nodded to him, forgive him for a moment, and then said: "I have sent a messenger to rush to Turui and report it to His Majesty. I believe I will get a reply in two days."

Alexis nodded. It wasn't something he could worry about. He looked at the map of the Dawny area on the central wooden table in the conference room and said slowly: "Our reinforcements have just arrived, and the Samonets begin. After the withdrawal, it seems that they are afraid of us, but I don’t think they will end the attack on Dionia..."

"I agree with you. The Samonais have been with us for so many years. They should be very clear. They broke the alliance and waged war against us. Even if they want to stop fighting us at the moment, they will never be light. They! However, from the current situation, the Samonais do not seem to want to make a positive decisive battle with us.” Capps also expressed his opinion.

"Now the Dani area is concentrated in the Tenth Army, the Eleventh Army, and the Fourth Cavalry Corps. After a day or two, the Ninth Army will also arrive. By then, we have a strong military force of more than 30,000 people, even the Samonet. Counting Kautini's tribe may have more than 40,000 people, we can completely defeat them in the frontal battle, so there is no need to recruit soldiers for the time being. However, the Samonna army is mostly light infantry, they move quickly, very May avoid us and attack the eastern part of the Dani area, so - Antonios." Alexis indulged for a while and said: "I am going to bring the reserve soldiers of the towns in the Dani area together and return to the city. The Chief Executive’s temporary command to strengthen the town’s defenses. Once attacked by the Samonet, it will be able to stay until our rescue arrives, so this may affect the spring broadcast of the Dawnee area!”

"Don't worry about the spring broadcast, I will make the appropriate arrangements." Antonios waved his hand and made a promise with confidence.

"Plegoules, send your cavalry out, closely monitor the borders of the Duni area, discover the enemy's movements, and immediately return."

"Yes, the commander is an adult."

"Now let us wait for the arrival of the Ninth Legion, while observing the movements of the Samonets and judging what they will do next..."

Alexis just finished, and Melishanda recounted: "Commander adults, I think the reserve soldiers in the towns of Pucciti should also gather together to strengthen the defense of the towns because... because of Samona People are likely to be worried about the heavy encirclement of our troops in the Duni area, and instead attack the Petchi area where the squad is empty..." Melishanda said that he had his own selfishness because of his tenth army camp. In Puchetti, most of the soldiers also came from there. Of course he did not want Puchetti to be attacked and affect the morale of his Legionnaires.

Melishanda woke up Alexis. He just had to answer, but he heard that the young army chief who had been in the Puceti area for many years and was very familiar with the terrain continued to say: "...especially Rosa’s territory requires a focused defense because it is adjacent to the Samoun Mountains and has a history of being captured by the Samonet...”

Alexis quickly approached the map, staring at the northwest corner of the Puceti area, and plunging into the area in the mountains.


Two days later, the Ninth Army led by Tag Tilos arrived in the city of Lucerne and joined the army.

At the same time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ansitanos, who brought the wishes of King Davers, quickly met with the Samonna messenger who remained in the city of Lucerne.

Anthanos said solemnly to the Samonna messenger: "Dr. Daphus is very concerned about the captured Dani people. He once said, 'Every life of the people of Diaonia is invaluable. It is unmatched by other Mediterranean city-states and countries, so he did not hesitate to agree to use all Kautini prisoners to exchange all the Dani people who were looted by your Samonais. Mtlnovel.com~ If the Samonais believe in the promise of His Majesty Dave, please release all the looted Danny people immediately, and Diaonia will release all Kautini prisoners in Campania!"

The reputation of Dionya Daves to keep his promise is to be famous throughout the South, to get his promise, and how the Samonna messenger would disagree.

However, Ansitanos, who received a clear response from the messenger, looked at him again and said with a serious look: "Since the agreement has been reached, Dionia will guarantee that all released Kautini prisoners are in good health and hope that the Samonais The same promise was made to ensure that the captured Danny’s people did not suffer any major harm!”

The Samonna messenger hesitated, and he knew very well that these warriors, like wolves and tigers, couldn’t stop fighting for prisoners, and they would not suppress their exuberant energy for women...

Therefore, he reluctantly said: "We will ... do our best to ensure the safety of prisoners..."

Anthanos looked at him and stared at him. He said sharply: "Before you came, His Majesty Daves once said, 'The life of the people of Dionia is more expensive than the Monet! If you hurt a person, In the future, we will capture the capture of Samona, and we must have a life to pay back! If you die, you must have three lives to pay back!'