v8 Chapter 108: Capture Selinus and march to Latin

Will the Carthaginians agree? Before, you resolutely refused their request to redeem the captured Carthaginian Corps soldiers! Mukhlu only dared to say this doubt buried in his heart, did not speak.

"It's still necessary to attack Serinus as soon as possible!" Leo Tiddides whispered, whether from the strategic point of attacking the western Sicily, or from the perspective of facilitating the transportation of food... even if it is safer. The place to hold so many prisoners, the capture of Serinus is a matter of urgency.

Mukhlu was busy reminding: "The head of the army, the soldiers were busy all night last night, they were quite exhausted, and today they have no physical strength to attack the city. And the Carthaginians also sent thousands of soldiers into Selin yesterday. Nus, their defenses have been enhanced. And --"

"And we lost the Sicilian fleet and could no longer block the port. The Carthaginians can reinforce from the sea at any time!" Leo Tizides took the message and said with a dignified look, this is his biggest concern: wearing The disappearance of the advantage of the Onyrian army in Sicily will add a lot of difficulties to the offensive on the land, because the more the army moves westward, the closer it is to Carthage, and the stronger the reinforcements from the sea will be, and the fleet will be lost. The Dionysian army could not stop them. Only after the news that the "Sicilian fleet was destroyed" was sent back to Turui, the Majesty could send the Third Fleet or the Fourth Fleet to regain the advantage of Sicily.

Just as Leo Tizides was struggling, the guards came in and reported: "The captain of the patrol at the beach, Diocassis, asked to see that there was an urgent military report."


"You mean the port of Sellinus, and our 42 three-layer paddle warships!!" Rao is the consistent expression of Leo Tizides, and the news can not help but be moved.

"Yes, the commander is an adult." Diocassis said with excitement: "When the storm came, the second fleet of the First Fleet was attacking the ship of Carthage outside the port of Sellinus. The team, the sub-fleet commander, Stifkas, urgently led the surrounding ships into the port of Sellinus and landed smoothly, occupying the southwest corner of the port. They were prepared to dispatch the Clippers last night after the storm subsided. I came to inform us, but the wreckage caused by the storm blocked the port and caused the boat to become dangerous at night. So it was only this morning that I ventured out of the port to open a passage and sent the Clippers to report."

In fact, the harbor of Sellinus, like other Greek city-state harbours, has water gates that prevent waves and entrances, can be blocked with chains, and towers are built on the breakwater to attack enemy ships. However, when the Carthage fleet entered the port yesterday, the water gate was blocked by panic, which made the Serenus unable to close the port. Coupled with the storm, the port personnel only wanted to go home and avoid it, resulting in a lax port defense. Let the Dionya warship, easily break into the port, and go ashore smoothly.

Leo Tizides quickly calmed the fluctuations of his emotions and calmly asked: "How many people do they have now? Can they resist the enemy's attack?"

"It is believed that the division's commander, Stifkas, is very confident, because 30 of the 42 ships entering the port are crow warships, so they have about 1,200 fully armed fleet infantry, and Nearly 7,000 sailors, who smashed a lot of Carthage transport ships, robbed Carthage’s grain handlers after landing, and even took down the armor and weapons of many Carthage soldiers. More than 400 sets of heavy infantry equipment and more than 30 bows and arrows, they also let some sailors sharpen the tip of the wooden paddle, as an extended wooden gun, their warship also controls the sea in the port... from the messenger, When he left the port, the Carthaginians did not attack them..."

"After several of our sieges, the number of Serenus defenders is probably less than 2,000. Even if there are reinforcements this time, there will be no more than 5,000. If the Carthaginians attack fully, they will give it to the port. The Navy caused a lot of trouble, but it seems that the Garthaki garrison generals have no strength, worrying that we are attacking the city and not taking immediate action..." After listening to the story of Diocassius, Leo Tiddides analyzed He said that he had realized that this was a great opportunity, and asked Moklu with a slightly excited tone: "What time is it now?"

"About 8 am."

"Mukru, you immediately went to inform the Eighth Army and the reserve team soldiers to rest in the tent. I only gave them four hours of sleep recovery time. I had to wake up at noon. After lunch, I started siege!" Ottisids decisively issued an order.

"Yes, the head of the army, I will communicate immediately."

"Dio Cassis, you are going to call in the messenger. I have to ask the details again." Leo Tiddides said that, cautiously, he must first confirm the authenticity of the news, and then want to go further. Learn more about the enemy and the enemy in the city.

At noon, Leo Tizides led the army to attack the city.

Already have made contact, the Sicilian fleet remnants of the port also responded immediately, launching an attack from the port to the city.

The Carthage defenders faced two sides and were in a difficult situation.

Fighting until the afternoon, Millefio led a small number of cavalry to escape from the south gate, and the Serenus defender opened the door and surrendered.


The southwestern part of Latin America in March is really rainy. The mist in the morning and the drizzle in the morning are the most annoying weather for the Sentinel. It is impossible to make people sleep more and more, and it is a bit cold. The temperature caused the sentinel who had just eaten breakfast to feel hungry soon. The serious character and strict military laws of the Romans made them afraid to leave the post easily. They only slowly patrolled the city of Antibes while praying. Time flies, let the next comrades hurry to rotate.

"What do you hear about this?" a sentinel suddenly asked nervously.

Another sentinel immediately listened.

"Oh! Hey! Hey!..." The slight and continuous sound is different from the tide on the beach, and there is a metallic texture.

The sentinel's face changed: there were troops outside the city, and the number was quite large.

Is it an enemy? ! The sentinel looked up, and the empty city was drizzling outside, and there was no one.

Antigua’s keeper is Paulus Valerius Portitos, not long ago he was the Roman military officer, but after Camilles was appointed as the dictator, six of Rome The military and political officials naturally retired. Because Paulus has always been cautious and steady, the Senate appointed him to serve as the newly occupied town of Antioch, who hopes that he can hold the border and coast of the southwest of Rome and the Latin allies to ensure that Rome is against Helsinki. The complete conquest of man.

The sentinel's report quickly caught his attention, and he immediately sent a team to investigate and explore the city.

Soon, the team fled back to the wolf, because they had been attacked by many black helmets and black cavalry not long after they left the city, almost all of them were wiped out.

It is a Diaonian! Paulus is nervous: are they ready to attack Anthem? !

He immediately summoned the troops in the city and began to arrange defenses, ready to defend against the attacks of the Dionyrians.

The Roman soldiers stood full of the city and watched the city nervously.

This station was more than an hour. The mist was scattered, the drizzle stopped, and the sky was bright, but I did not see the Daonian army appearing outside the city. Even the sound of "squeaky, slap" disappeared.

Paulus was puzzled and decided to send a detective again to find out the enemy's movements.

As a result, the detective sent out was once again intercepted. According to the detective who escaped, the Dainian cavalry cruises were in all directions from the city of Antibes. They could not break through their interception. The movement of the Ming-Denian forces.

Paulus was both confused and nervous. Before he understood the movement of the Dionyrian army, he did not dare to send troops out of the city. After all, the Roman army was still attacking the Helsinki in the east, and the Latin region was empty. The task is to keep Antrim and to guard the attack of the enemy in the south with the guards of Villitre and Satnikum.

When Paulus was inactive, the Saturnic defenders in the north encountered the same situation, and they also took the same response. www.novelhall.com~The Roman Senate to ensure the territory and the Latin League The safety of the two newly occupied towns was to send cautious and heavy-handed generals, so that they did not dare to send troops in the first time, and initiated a tentative attack, which may detect the movement of the Dionyrian army.

In fact, the large army of nearly 20,000 people consisting of the First Army of the Dionynia, the Third Army, the First Cavalry Corps and some of the Second Cavalry Corps, lined up with eight columns, the two wings of the cavalry corps guarding the marching column, no heavy team follow. Starting from the military camp in Setia in the early morning, marching north, the border between Latin and Wolsey has arrived in the morning.

Amintas allowed the two cavalry regiments to block the outbound passages of Antiuum and Satnikum, and robbed the detective to ensure that their main force was in the middle of Antioch and Satnikum. Pass through quickly and secretly, then move on to the northwest.

Adrea, not far from the north of Antiuum, is an old Latin city-state and one of the few seaside towns in the Latin city. It is closely related to Rome. Twenty years ago, Camilos was dissatisfied with the judgment of the Roman Senate, which was in Sedi. More than a decade ago, the Celts captured Rome and looted in the Latin region. Camillaus first raised the banner of resistance with the support of Adi citizens, and eventually recovered Rome. Later, Rome and Adi also established A stronger alliance.