v8 Chapter 111: Landing in the first battle

"When Pantius arrives, if the strength of the opposite Dionyrians does not change much, maybe we can fight..." Paulus said uncertainly.

Not long after, the troops of Willetley arrived.

After listening to Paulus's brief introduction to the war, the former military officer, Pantius, who was older than Paulus, seemed a little impatient: "What are you waiting for?! Waiting for Dionia All the troops landed on the shore, destroying the surrounding towns and attacking Rome?! Now is our only chance to defeat the Dionyns, definitely not to miss it! Attack! We must attack immediately!!"

Both Paulus and Mejis did not raise objections, because if they did not want to bear huge guilt, this is indeed the only chance!

Although more than 25,000 people have been on the coast in the distance, more than 25,000 people, including 7,500 Antiguas, 8,000 people from Saturnik, and 10,000 people from Villitre, the same strength of the Roman army. More than 25,000 people can fight with one.

Don't let the Diaonians increase their troops any more, and they must hurry to fight! After the three reached a consensus, they immediately began to act: the troops of Antiuum and Satnikum had already been completed, and the troops of Willitre quickly arranged the formation on the right side of the Saturnik army... ... Soon, the huge Roman army began to move forward.


The Romans are finally here! Standing in front of the military array, Amintas saw the dust in the distance, and finally smiled. He said jokingly: "I knew that the Romans should come so late, and the second army should not be allowed to appear in the array. Among them."

"Do you think the Romans are stupid, we have all landed for so long, and there are only less than 20,000 troops in the array here?! Anyone knows that there must be ambushes!" Matones immediately retorted.

"I can finally formally fight the Romans!" Lizzar’s eyes sparkled with excitement. He had heard that the Ministry of Military Affairs had always attached importance to the Latin city state in central Italy. The last time he led a sneak attack from the coast, and I didn’t feel anything special, but during the two days of conversation with Amintas, he learned that the Romans’ combat power is indeed not weak, and that his tactics are similar to those of the Dionyrian Legion, so he is very much looking forward to Rome. People's hands.

"We should go back and prepare to fight!" Ledes looked at the long red line that loomed in the distant dust, reminding him.

Amintas immediately gave a military salute to several other people, solemnly saying: "Hades is blessed, victory belongs to the kingdom!"

"Victory belongs to Dionia!"

"We must win!"

The Second Army leader Matonis, the third army leader Lizaru, the first cavalry commander Leddes, and the second cavalry commander Kuqius also responded in succession, and then each went to the battlefield to inform the men. The team officers reorganized the queue and prepared to fight.

The first leg of the Dionya is located in the middle road. The left and right sides are the Second Legion and the Third Legion. The first and second cavalry regiments are located on the side of the two wings respectively. The total strength is about 27,000, and the entire army is four miles long. This is one of the most common arrays, showing the confidence of the officers who participated in the war against their own soldiers, because they believe that their own side, no matter the number, morale, or combat power, exceeds each other, and there is no need to make any surprises to reduce the gap.

Armintas is out of the rear of his army and is watching the soldiers prepare for the final battle. The commander rushed to the rush: "The head of the army, kneel down!"

Amintas hurriedly turned the horse's head, and saw that there were more than two hundred rides in the rear. The first Davers was wearing gold armor, wearing a black coat, and the black feathers on the golden helmet fluttered.

The two extremely strong riders on either side of him were holding a big flag.

One of them is a silver-white double-stranded fork wrapped around a black ribbon, and the double-fork that is slanted at the top is tightly hooped by a gold-cast poplar branch crown, which is the scepter of King Davers.

The other shot is much bigger. At the top is the gold statue of Hades, and below it there is a crossbar, which is inlaid with gold figurines such as the death of Tanatos, the three prisoners, the Nemesis, the Hells and the Kath. They are all under the possession of Hades, and they are also symbols of the legion. For example, the statue of the top of the flag held by the Legion Brigade is the **** of death. The statue at the top of the flag is the goddess of vengeance... and the flagpole is further down. Longer crossbars, no more statues on it, but pendants with some golden little round cards, all of which have avatars, all of which are dedicated to the death of the heroic temple in the main temple of Tiriyah Hadis. The heroes of the Kingdom of Dionia, such as Dracos, Zipert, Soberkos... This is the flag that represents the army of the Kingdom of Dionia. It is like a small tree of gold casting, shaking in the process of advancement. The gold discs collided with each other and made a pleasant sound, as if the spirit was whispering...

Amintas immediately drove forward and respectfully marched the military ceremony: "Your Majesty!"

Davers also said with a military ceremony, and then said in a calm tone: "We are coming to the audience and do not interfere with your command."

Amintas thought that he had got it wrong, but seeing Daves's serious expression, he said with great joy: "Thank you for your trust!" Before the battle, several military leaders went through deliberation and unanimously elected qualifications. The deepest Amintas served as the chief commander of this battle. This is the first time that Arminus was a soldier who had been independently commanded by more than 30 years. He was both excited and nervous, and he was afraid that Daves would not Let him direct.

Daves smiled slightly. He had already listened to Printoles’ report on the way. When the number of soldiers was more than the other and the cavalry was far more than the other, he did not think that even if he had the influence of past history. The Romans will win.

When Daves and his entourage came to the rear of the array, Matonis, Lizaru, Ledes and Kuchius heard the news and the Daves encouraged them.

The surrounding soldiers were very excited when they learned that King Davers had arrived. They were in military law. They could not leave the place, so they turned and cheered him.

Soon, this cheer spread throughout the military array: "Davers Kings Victory!!!"

"Your Majesty!"


In the tide of cheers, the first legion's captain Patroclus frequently looked back, and he was a long-time war, he even gave birth to an impulse, hate not to start fighting immediately, so that the back position is prominent and honorable. The father-in-law can see his ability with his own eyes.

For Adoris in the Second Army Corps, he was always eager to hear the arrival of his adoptive father, and suddenly felt nervous.

Inside and outside, Paulus, Meyers, and Pantius, who were commanding the Roman soldiers, suddenly heard the thunderous cheers erupting in the military line across Dionia, and could not help but rise for the enemy. Morale and face.

As the distance draws closer, the Roman aristocrats who have been educated in Greece since childhood, such as Paulus, Meyers, and Pantius, have been able to listen to the content of cheers: "Daves smashed victorious..."

Everyone does not change for the same thing: the king of Dionia is coming? ! ! The invincible Deonian magical king? ! !

During this period of time, due to the war between Rome and Dionia, the Romans began to seriously understand the information of the Kingdom of Dionia. Of course, this is more about the rumors of the King of Dionia, the mercenary-born king since After coming to the Great Greece more than ten years ago, he repeatedly won the battle with weak enemies, and won more than 1,000 mercenaries. In just over a decade, he created the powerful Kingdom of Dionia. This is a miracle! Now that the person who created this miracle may be in front, how can we not let these Roman generals feel nervous!

In particular, Mejus, who is in front of the middle of the military line, can clearly see that the two golden flags that are behind the enemy line are extremely dazzling in the sunshine, and even make him feel a little soft.

But the army has begun, the soldiers are moving forward, and how can they retreat at this critical moment! Not to mention that the previous victory of Dionia was not from Rome. The three Roman generals who had not yet dealt with the Dionyrian army believed in the heroic Roman soldiers and the city-states and races that had lost to the Dionyrian army. Warriors are different, and they must be so convinced at this moment.

As a result, the sound of the military number was blown again.

Gao Song’s military sound not only excites the soldiers, but also drives away the anxiety in the hearts of the generals. www.novelhall.com~Davers stood quietly behind the military array, looking at the Roman army in front, but in his heart Wei Wei: Although it is different from the Roman army seen in TV and movies in the past, this is the first time he saw the Roman army in this life. These Roman soldiers who conquered the whole Mediterranean in the past have long Shields, stab guns, the entire army is like a burning fire, and is rapidly swept toward the Dionysian army; while the Dionyrian army is still in place, silent as a mountain, armor shield The color is like a cold night, it makes people shudder. This red and black, the color is so distinct, will be a **** and powerful spark on this land.

Daves subconsciously touched his chin with his hand.

As the Romans approached, the shouts were thundering, and the ground was trembled. Even Davis and his accompanying warriors began to feel uneasy. They swayed their limbs and kept ringing their noses.


Klotok Katex, who is about to witness the first large-scale battle in life, clenched his fists and looked nervous, but he was still trying to open his eyes and motionlessly facing the Roman army that gave him great psychological pressure. .