v8 Chapter 154: Valks' persuasion

"And... um... um..." Faced with the hopes of the Roman civilians, Valks suddenly remembered what he had to say next, and suddenly became nervous.

At this time, the assistant Adrius, who was next to him, immediately gathered around him and whispered: "Become a citizen, land-"

Waltz waking up by him, suddenly remembered, and then cast a grateful look on him.

Adrians scorned the stupidity of Walx in his heart, but also envied his good fortune, secretly complaining about himself: Although he had a Latin origin, why was it not a Roman?

However, he firmly believes that this time, His Majesty the King allowed himself to assist Walx, which is a great opportunity for himself. As long as he performs well, he believes that he will be promoted soon.

At this point, Valks was afraid to forget the hurry and said: "His Majesty King Daphus also issued an order, 'Do not recognize the land owned by the original Roman citizen, redistribute it, any application to become Dionia The Romans of the citizens will first obtain five acres of land. The sooner the applicants apply, the better the land will be allocated, the more fertile the land will be, and the more you will participate in the Dionian army, gain military exploits, or make other ... contribution, will also receive a reward for the land.

Also... the Romans who became citizens of the Dionysian, can apply to the public office in the future, and they can take office after the assessment. And... well, the Romans who became Dionian citizens can also get only 5% of low-interest loans to the banks of Dionia. Also, your children can go to the Diaonia School to study, and the excellent teachers will educate them, and only need to pay a turkma tuition every year..."

Waltz was afraid to forget it again, and when he thought about the memory in his head, he kept talking, but he did not notice that the civilians in the square were shaking again.

The civilians without land have an excited expression. The civilians who originally owned the land are angry because of the reduction of their land, but they are moved by the conditions behind them. The slaves are able to get rid of their low-lying status and become citizens. Face ecstasy.

Of course, the very few Roman aristocrats hidden in the crowd are dull, but they dare not speak out, for fear that they will be beaten like before.

The arguments on the court were getting louder and louder, and some people shouted: "Can we also become veterans?!"

Then some people echoed and said: "Yes! Can someone who is born in Dionia like us be a veteran?!!"

The noise on the square suddenly calmed down, and everyone was eagerly awaiting the answer from Walx.

But this sudden problem made Waltz stunned because he didn't know it.

At this time, after listening to the interpreter's translation, Daves stepped forward and said loudly: "Of course! You can not only become the Dionia veteran, but also serve as the governor of the kingdom in the future, managing four or five. It is a big town like Rome! It can also be a theater commander, commanding several legions and tens of thousands of soldiers to fight with the enemy!

You may not know that in the Dionysian Senate, more than half of the elders were born low-lying, some of them served as mercenaries, and some even used to be slaves. Moreover, many of the Dionysian elders are not Greeks, but Brutus, Lucanias, Mesapis... Like you, they are all races that live on this land.

Therefore, whether we can become a veteran in the Kingdom of Dionia is not to look at your origin, nor to see your race, but to see if you have made enough contributions to this kingdom, and whether you have the ability to take on this important task! Whether you are a poor or a rich, a civilian, a noble, a Greek, or another race, Diaonia puts equal opportunities in front of every citizen, whether he can become a veteran or a senior official of the kingdom, only Get on your own efforts! ......"

When the voices spread the words throughout the square, the Romans were even more instigated, and some even shouted "Good!", apparently Davers’s words, "No matter the origin, only the ability," For the Roman civilians who have been oppressed for decades and have been working to break the monopoly power of the nobility, it is simply a matter of enthusiasm.

The discussion on the square was even louder, and Valks was reminded by Adrias that he hurriedly shouted on the stage: "Quiet! Quiet! Please listen to me, there is a big good thing!... ..."

After a while, the square was a little quieter.

Walx had to use all his strength to say: "His Majesty King Davers... well... very kind, seeing that the house you live in is too small and simple, he made a decision, any Roman who applied to become a citizen of Dionia, They will all be allocated new homes in the city of Rome, and these new homes are owned by the Roman aristocrats, and you will definitely live very comfortably!"

Looking at the resounding voice of the audience, Duffus found a sneer in his face.

Davers knew that it was not enough to rely on tens of thousands of troops and rely on a raid to conquer Rome with its own complete polity and civilization, large population and toughness. Dionya faced Carthage’s attack in Sicily. The Samonais attacked on the north side of the border, and the impact of the drought. The country could neither pull a large army to completely crush Rome, nor could it take time to assimilate.

Therefore, after the occupation of Rome, the advantage was quickly expanded, and the resistance of the Romans could not be shaken. After several thoughts by Daves, the method adopted was to foster a group of people to defeat another person because Rome has been built since the city was built. There has always been a contradiction between the nobility and the civilians, and as time goes by, it has accumulated more and more.

In the long-term study of Rome, Davers found that the Roman aristocracy is actually a clan commune, just like the ancient Chinese patriarchal society, through a group of blood and interests firmly linked together, in the group Everyone is contributing to this clan, and also enjoying the help the clan gives him. The land and wealth owned by the clan members will only belong to the clan after death, and will not Lost to the outside, this is a closed circle, naturally rejecting outsiders, running by their own traditional customs and systems, and the loose tribal system of ethnic groups such as Bruty and Lucania that Dionia once conquered. Differently, to dismantle it and assimilate it, Davis needs a lot of time and energy. In the current situation, Davers obviously does not have this patience, so he hit his mind to the Roman civilians.

These Roman civilians, who have been excluded from the Roman clan and have long been suppressed by the nobility, are easily absorbed and assimilated by Dionia, allowing civilians to occupy aristocratic land and let the poor live in aristocratic homes (because the war is still going on, The distribution of land can only be written on the contract, but the distribution of housing can indeed be implemented immediately.... When Roman civilians possess these things, it is impossible to hand them over easily, and they will inevitably fight the Roman aristocracy for them. This has achieved the purpose of Daves weakening the power of Rome.

When Davers was in the midst of imagination, Valks shouted again: "Now, you can go there to line up and apply to become a Dionysian citizen!"

Walx pointed to the bottom of the platform, where a few wooden tables were placed side by side, and a dozen young staffmen led by Tolmide took the pen and sat next to them.

The crowd in the square suddenly quieted down. Everyone, you see me, I see you, no one has taken the initiative to go forward.

This quiet scene lasted for a while, and Klotok Katex, who had been quietly watching on the high platform, was in a hurry. He even looked at his father not far away.

Davers sensed his gaze and waved his hand, indicating that he should not worry.

At this time, Wals pointed to one person at the stage and said: "Dyce, my former neighbor, you didn't always tell me, 'You want to kill those nobles and recapture the land you should enjoy. Also occupy their house and enjoy their beautiful female slaves! 'Now a great opportunity is in front of you, what are you still hesitating! Are you just a coward who can talk big!"

The middle-aged man in a whitewashed linen dress and thin body was immediately stunned: "Walkers, don't think that you are lucky to be a city official, you can tell me what to do, wait for me to be Veteran, see how I deal with you!... Damn! Anyway, I am alone, nothing, no terrible! Ok, I will apply to become a Dionysian citizen!"

He said as he walked to the registry.

"What about you, Lukes?? What are you still hesitating?!" Walsh pointed to another neighbor he had once, and shouted.

Lukeus looked at Daiquimes, who was kneeling on the wooden table, and he was hesitant to take a step at the urging of Walx.

One, two, three... With the leaders, those who have some heartbeat will no longer hesitate and begin to follow them.

Klotok Katex saw the long queue gradually standing in front of the registration office and found it a bit difficult to understand: "These Romans have easily abandoned their mother country and become a mother. Our citizens?!"

"His Royal Crowto, Rome is a city of immigrants. Their citizens are not only Latin, Etruscans, Sabins, but also a few Masais, Equisians... After the retreat of the Celts, the Roman Senate also passed a bill to absorb the Latin people and other ethnic groups around Rome who were homeless because of the war, to enrich the population of Rome, most of them became civilians in Rome. I am afraid now Many of these people in the square joined Rome in this decade. Since they can join Rome, why can't they join Dionia?! And the rights and benefits that Dionia can give them are much better than Rome. "Hernepolis, who read some Roman information in advance, explained it."

At this time, Davers also interjected: "The reason why these Roman people hesitated just now is probably because they don't know about the strange Dionia, they are afraid of being fooled, and they are worried that we will give up at any time. They became victims of the angry Roman aristocracy, but Walx played a very important role, at least some of their concerns were resolved..."()

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