v8 Chapter 198: 4 sides

Suddenly, the adjutant hurried into the big account: "The dictator, Labicum sent a messenger, saying that thousands of Wolsey people broke into their territory, hoping that we can send reinforcements to drive them away. !"

"How could the Wolsey people appear there?!" Quintus and Lucius screamed almost in unison.

It’s no wonder that they are puzzled. Rabbicom is located not far from the east of Thurst, and the Wolsey are far southwest of the Latin region, with many Latin city-states interspersed. How could they suddenly appear? it's here? !

In the Latino area, for decades, Camillaus, who has completely printed the topography and landform of this land, is also thinking about it. He is somewhat uncertain: "Prinister? Is it a general? Rinested?!..."

When he heard Camillaus, Lucius still had some unwillingness to believe: "Father, this is unlikely!"

"Even our colonial city can betray us, why it is impossible!" Quintus shouted angrily: "Before Prinister joined forces with the Helsinki and the Worthy to launch a rebellion, we were executed." Many Prinisters who participated in the rebellion, the original Senate also had proposed that 'after the conquest of the Wolsey, Prinister will be completely our colony'. And this time, Prinister did not send out. Reinforcement to join us!"

"That is because there are fewer people in Prinist, we still need it to have enough troops to guard the Helsinkis in the Valley of the Tullerus!" Lucius then retorted.

"Don't quarrel! Now the situation is urgent! Quintus, you immediately led the army returning from 希egonia, rushed to Gabi, assisted Titus, and blocked the Wolsey from Rabicom! At the moment when the two men quarreled, Camillaus’s face changed. He shouted: “Make sure our army can smoothly retreat!... cough and cough...”

At the sight of Quintus, he immediately replied: "Yes, the dictator!"

At the moment when he heard the news, he went to see how the Wolsey people might appear there. He even forgot that the reason why the Wolsey people appeared there was probably to go to Titus’s army. The Dionys want to encircle the Roman coalition that went to rescue Gabi! ...Thinking of this, Quintus looked anxiously out of the big account.

Lucius saw Chamilus lying on the wooden chair with a worse face and his hands not shaking. He was busy holding his body and comforted him: "Father, Titus is so smart, he will definitely Withdrew the troops smoothly!"

"...this is a conspiracy that Dionia has long designed! The Walsi people did not retreat to Setia... They crossed the Lepini Mountains east... hiding in the Tullerus Valley... Waiting for today!... We are paying attention to the city of Rome, and we are too convinced of the ally... I have neglected the defense against the south... This is my fault!"

Camillaus’s self-blame made Luchius feel awkward. He didn’t know how to comfort his old father. He just clung to his arm and expressed his support and encouragement.

"Lucius... I hope that Jupiter is blessed, let us return to Satnikum!..." Camilles had an anticipation in his old voice, but there was a little more in his eyes. Worried: "...I hope that the elders and the people in Rome can keep the Capitoline Mountain as they did in the past!..."


Titus was shocked by the news that six or seven thousand Wolsey and the Helsinki fighters came from the south.

He didn't have time to think like Camillaus why the enemy would appear there, but immediately gave an order: "Mayus, you immediately withdraw the army that attacked the enemy camp!"

"To spread the soldiers, immediately to tell our allied forces, there are more than 20,000 Dionysian troops have come out of Rome, from the north to us! There are more than 7,000 Worthy and Helmiki warriors Attacked us from the south! We must retreat to the west immediately, or they will be surrounded by them!"


"Commander, the enemy is retreating across the line!" The adjutant standing on the whistle and observing the war said loudly.

"It must have been the army led by His Majesty, and the Wolsey Hellnik reinforcements attacked the enemy." Printos nodded and said: "Blow the army and let the soldiers attack the retreating enemy." !"

"Yes!" The adjutant excitedly shouted at the downstairs: "Fighting off the attack! Offensive!"


At the same time as the military number blew, the Dionian soldiers, who could not help but rushed out of the camp under the command of the team officers.

Sextus also commanded the Roman reserve soldiers to pursue.

Although Printos had opened the camp in the west of the camp in advance, it took time for the troops to rush out of the camp, and the early preparations for the Roman coalition retreated quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the attack with Dionia. The soldiers opened a distance of more than 100 meters.

However, the Wolsey coalition that rushed straight from the southwest was faster. In the vast majority of these soldiers, who were counted as light armor, they rushed to the ground. Although there were still more than four miles from the Roman army, they were already It turned into the west in the southwest of the Roman army and is likely to block the return of the Roman army.

"I will immediately inform Li Si Nius, let him lead the Allied forces, block me from the Wolsey, and protect the Roman army from retreating!" Titus was anxious, but fortunately he was in the lineup when he attacked the ally. The army was arranged on the right wing. It was originally conceived that when the Dionysian army in Rome came out, the entire coalition was able to retreat southward (the Latin city states were all in the south), but now they can use them to block the enemy. As for whether or not He will make the Allied forces suffer heavy losses, and he will not care.

He screamed in a hoarse voice: "Command the entire army to speed up the retreat!"


Li Si Nius led a group of about 10,000 Latin allied soldiers, leaving the big forces and marching rapidly southwest.

Li Si Nieus began to line up when he learned from the detective that "there is still more than a mile from the enemy."

He ranked the heavy infantry of the Allies at the forefront of the battle, and the light infantry was listed at the rear. Titus hopes that he can block the incoming enemy, and he hopes to quickly defeat the enemy in front of him and open the way for the whole army to retreat to the south.

However, he did not have time to wait for the generals of the various allies to command the soldiers to be listed in the phalanx. At this time, the Wolsheer Heilki coalition fighters were less than 500 meters apart, and they adopted a very loose formation. Therefore, it is possible to expand the formation smoothly while moving forward.

The Li Si Nius sent the soldiers to repeatedly urged the Latin allies to rush to piece together the formation.

With the resentment against the Romans, the Wach coalition fighters have already rushed to the front, and immediately smashed the array of Latin allies.

Li Si Nius hurriedly ordered to continue to blow the offensive number, hoping to encourage the Allied soldiers to block the enemy's charge and then wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

The two sides of the shield spears intersected, killing the sound, and stirring up the dust and sand.

Under the fierce attack of Wolsey and the Helsinki warriors, the under-prepared coalition soldiers are slowly retreating.

Lisignius is not in a hurry. He knows that the impact of the enemies who have been attacked by long-distance cannot be sustained. When the front is stabilized, the heavy infants can exert their power.

However, in the sound of killing, he heard the panic shouting from the right wing of the array: "We are defeated, flee!"

"Run fast, we are surrounded by!!!"


"What happened?!" Li Xini Uston was nervous and immediately sent guards to the right wing to view.

At this time, the Roman general who was in charge of the right wing had been sent to the commander. He panicked and shouted: "General Li Si Nius, more than 400 Bonnets suddenly collapsed after receiving the enemy, and also deliberately shouted and wavered. The military heart, now the entire right wing is in chaos, has lost control!"

"What?! Damn blogger!" Li Si Nius heard this terrible bad news and suddenly stupid.

It turned out that after Daves had listened carefully to Pubulius's detailed introduction to the Latin city-states, he had a rough plan in mind. He sent Pebrius to quietly to make both of them think that it was the easiest. The result of the persuasion of Prinister, the result is that Prinister first reached a secret alliance with Dionia.

Then Publius turned the goal of persuasion to Bo.

This small Latin town, located in the west of Prinist, is not in the middle of the original Prinistre rebellion, Wolsey, Helsinki, and Equé, and has been attacked by the city. Luce led the army to save before he survived. It is reasonable to say that it should be grateful to Rome and be faithful.

But Publius thinks that this is not the case. Since the city was broken and looted, the Bonnetians seem to be full of fears for the races of Herniki and Worthy in the south, whether it is Roman attacking Wolsey. Or attacking Helsinki, it is very positive to support, and provides a lot of supplies and personnel. Now, the city of Rome has fallen, the Romans have retreated to the west of the Latin region, their power has greatly declined, and the Helsnikis are resurgent...

Therefore, in the case of Pubulius suggesting that the Bonneti "Prinister has surrendered" and made a guarantee that "Diaonia will completely guarantee the security of the territory of Bene", Bene became the second one. The Latino city of Dionia's alliance.

When the city of Gabi refused the persuasion of Dionia, the plan that Daves had been brewing in advance had already taken shape, and the Wohe coalition was quietly stationed between the two cities of Prinist and Bonnet.