v8 Chapter 109: Decision of the Samona Tribal Union

"Leskouk, this is what you call the **** enemies! 5000... 5000 heroic Samonna warriors are gone! And my best friend Usibic... Usibic !......"

Segovani roared, but his eyes suddenly became red: Uxbike was similar to his age, and the two tribal territories were adjacent to each other. They played together and established a deep friendship, so on Kautini. After the death of a great leader, Uzzibeke gave up the position of the leader of the competition and fully supported him, which enabled him to defeat Quinduuk and become the new leader of Kautini; and after he was captured, It was the pressure of Uzbekistan and other leaders to withstand Quinduuk’s request for re-election of the great leader, and actively cooperated with other tribal leaders and eventually rescued him...

Segowani is anxious and irritated, and it is hard to get close. There are very few friends. Only with Uzbek has been a friend for decades. He heard his death at this moment and suddenly lost his control.

"Lesguk, don't blame Segovani for you. You have been guilty of a bad boy with Gailney for more than a decade. He did not raise his vigilance and did not find signs of the bereavement of Abenimum in time. For this failure, You really have to bear a lot of responsibility!" Puntini's great leader Badani also blamed, thinking that he was worried about fighting with Dionya, but he was persuaded by Les Gucci, and the result was now The coalition forces lost successively, and the Pentneys suffered heavy losses. His dissatisfaction with LeSkouk was also increasing.

"Well, since things have happened, now it’s useful to blame each other! The **** traitor once faced the grand priest’s solemn oath, but still betrayed our entire Samona Alliance, which is still in our race history. Once, who can think of it! Although the plan to lure the enemy was proposed by Les Guk, but we decided to discuss it together, no one would warn at that time, be careful of Abe Niroom and Botti Asians, we are all neglected...” Kalasheni’s head, Contruck, lamented. As the middle-aged man of the four great leaders, although he has a hot temper, he knows at this moment that he needs more assurance in times of crisis. The unity of the entire tribal alliance.

"Now the Deonian coalition has entered the mountainous area, and it is a huge army. Our homeland is being seriously threatened. Then we must take immediate action to prevent further invasion of the enemy and protect our territory and Clan!" Contruk reminded him with great solemnity.

"In this way, we must stop the siege of Naples, which is a pity." But Puntini's great leader, Badani, said that he did not have a pity on his face. In these days, the Samonna coalition collapsed. Most of the city-states of the Campaliya League, but Napoli, who had a high wall and a thick wall, had no choice but to attack several times and lost some soldiers, but could not see any hope of breaking through the wall defense.

The siege of the Samoan tribes is not good enough. If it was not because of the earlier plans to lure the enemy, the army had already withdrawn, and now the plan to lure the enemy has been shattered, so the other three have no objection.

"But, where do we want to evacuate the army to meet the enemy? You know that one day ago, the Dionyns were still near Aguironia, and there is no news about their renewal. From here to Aguironia Only 200 miles, when we led the army to Aquilonia, the Dionyns did not know where they would go." Badani raised an important question.

"Leskouk, what advice do you have?" Contruk asked, after all, the Dionyrian coalition was operating in the territory of Hilpini, and Leskog should be more familiar with the situation there.

When he heard the news that "the army left in the mountains was defeated", Leskuk was shocked, then shy, then fear... So when Segowani and Badani blamed him, he still Thinking hard about how to deal with this crisis, although he was a little angry, he did not show it. As Contruk said, he needed the entire tribal alliance to work together to drive away the raging wear in the hills of Hilpini. The Onyar coalition army, he glanced at Segovani, still in grief, thinking: I did not find the abnormality of Abenimum, but you occupied a closer relationship with Abenilum. Nakonya, who placed a lot of confidant partisans in his territory, did not find the change of the Abenimum army.

Of course, he will not say these words.

"We should retreat to the Benevenventum! It is not that I have selfishness, but because Abeniyarum, who is very close to Beneventom, has betrayed Samona, so that Dior The coalition forces organized by the Nigerians can successfully pass through Abenirum and attack Benevenvent! Once they are occupied by Benevenvent, then Kautim will also be greatly threatened-"

Having said that, LeSkouk looked at Segovani, and he firmly believed that the great leader of Kautini should understand that the loss of Beneventoum would cause Cautim even if he mourned the death of his friends. How much threat, after all, the two towns are adjacent, but more than ten miles apart, and Kautini is located on a small plain in the mountains, the terrain is not dangerous, so he believes that Segovani will eventually support himself.

"In case the Diaonians do not attack Beneventor, but after attacking Aguironia, continue to attack north?" Badani immediately raised his concerns because he was worried about heavy Defending Berevantum, leading to the defensive emptiness in the eastern part of the mountains, the Daonian army would go all the way north, threatening the territory of Pentini and Karačeni.

Therefore, Contruk also expressed concern.

LeSkouk shook his head and said: "The Dionysian coalition will not do this because our troops are not only stationed in Beneventum, but also can attack Abenimum. The occupation of Abeniyarum not only protects the card. The security of the Utini territory can also continue to threaten Potentia through it, I am afraid this is what the Diaonians are worried about."

"Leskouk is right, I agree to withdraw to Benevenvent!" Segovani expressed his support loudly, completely without the grief of the previous grief.

The two most powerful tribal leaders in the league reached an agreement. Contruk and Badani did not have more choices, let alone they thought that Lesguk made sense.

Just as the four men discussed the retreat, Badani couldn’t help but say: "In fact, we can consider a truce with Diony..."

The three listened, and the heart was shocked: Since the war with Dionya, the Samoun tribal alliance has suffered successive defeats, and the losses have been heavy. Many tribe leaders have complained, and even their own confidence in the war is shaking.

However, Leskok first spoke out: "We have tore up the Covenant, declared war on Dionia, invaded the Tony area, and looted the Campania League. This is a serious violation of Diaonia. The taboo of the people, the tough King of Dionia could not possibly talk to us. He hated that we could not completely clean us who constantly caused trouble for us, so we can only continue to fight until there is a turn."

Leo Guk understands that if the Samona League really surrenders to Dionia, he will be the first victim, because Gailney, who has already turned to Dionia, will never spare him, so his attitude Very determined.

"Transfer? What turn?" Badani looked a little gloomy and asked.

"Dick the Deonians in the next battle! Or wait for Deonia to be defeated in other battlefields!" Segovani took the call, and he was equally clear: if the Samona League really wants to wear Dior When Nigeria stopped the war, he would never have a good fruit to eat, because he was the murderer of this war, and he also lured the Quinduuk, which was supported by Dionya, killing and arresting so many. Believe in the Nazonia people of Hades.

But he won't say this, but find a more reasonable reason: "Badani, don't be stupid! Think about a Tarantum that tore up the Covenant and fight against Dionia! South After the Italian War, they surrendered to Dionia and became the free city. As a result, their territory was greatly divided, and they could not have their own army. The citizens of the entire city state were captive like cows and sheep. Do you I hope that our Samonai Alliance will become the second Tarantum?! Even if we want to talk, we must create more trouble for Dionia, and force him to take the initiative to talk and let us get more in the negotiations. Equal status and formulating a peace treaty that is more conducive to us!"

"And peace talks!! 哼 We are the descendants of Savoni, we must not succumb to any forces! As long as we can not guarantee the independence of the alliance, we must fight to the end, even if it is dead!" Contruk age The biggest, fighting spirit is the most vigorous, but also shouted to Badani in the tone of his elders: "Take your courage, your father's soul in the Temple of Savonne is still waiting for you to wash his shame!"

In the face of the strong opposition of the three great leaders, Badani spoke haha ​​and said: "You are right, the alliance can only fight against Diaonia, and there will be a way to live..."

Late at night, the messenger from Benevenvent rushed to the camp of Samona, bringing news of “the presence of a large army in the territory of Abeniyarum”, which added four big leaders to immediately withdraw the army to the shell. Nevintum’s urgency.


At the same time, a Clippers from Enona draped in the night, guided by the light of the lighthouse, into the port of Naples.

Not long after, the candles in the hall of the Naples Chamber of Deputies were lighted, and the high-level leaders of Naples, the high-level ambassadors of the refuge, and the reinforcements of the gangs came one after another.