v8 Chapter 216: Carthage welcomes Margo

"Father... Pro, is it because the battle in the south has changed?" Patroclus hurriedly asked.

Davers is satisfied with his keen war intuition. A good senior team officer should be like this. His eyes should not only focus on one battle, but should overlook the whole situation. He looked at the other two. He also loved the eyes of Adoris and Crotokatax. They had been fighting in Latin, and they barely got access to the outside information. Daves felt that there was It is necessary to let them know about other battlefields.

"Since Alexis defeated the Samonai coalition twice in Ascurum and Venosa, the Samonets did not attack the territory of the kingdom again, but instead attacked the Campania League and attacked Pang. Bay, Herculaneum, Tesala and other city-states, the last siege of Naples"

"Is there a danger of destruction in the Campania League? Do we have to send troops to rescue?" Klotok Katex exclaimed.

Daves smiled and said: "After the attack on the Campania League, one more thing happened. The captain of Kautini smothered the Naconian leader Quinnduk, who had remained neutral, and captured Naco. In the Nigerian territory, his practice apparently spurred the Abernirum’s Gellney. He not only decided to make Abeniyarum a free city in Dionia, but also assisted us in attacking Samona. The tribal alliance. The Ministry of Military Affairs has therefore developed a new operational plan, allowing Alexis to lead the army from the east to attack the Samoun Mountains."

"Father, I remember that you have repeatedly reminded the Ministry of Military Affairs not to let the army attack the mountainous area of ​​Samonet!" Klotok Katex exclaimed, he was worried about the military department of Hiros, Felicius Adults who are good at making claims will be reprimanded by their fathers.

"Yes, I have made such an order." Daphus looked calm and calm, he said: "But now the situation has changed, the military department secretly ordered Potentia to summon the soldiers, quietly with Abeniyarum. The army meets, they are familiar with the mountains of Samona, and they are good at mountain combat. The Samonets wanted to induce us to attack the mountains. Instead, we set up an ambush in Aguironia, completely defeating them hidden in the mountains. A main force!

Now, Alexis led nearly 20,000 coalition forces to attack Benetintum directly, and the Samonai coalition siege of Naples must withdraw from the defense. In this way, we have mastered the dominance of fighting with the Samonet, both in the Benevenum and the Samonai coalition, or in the Campania Allied forces, attacking the eastern plains of Samo. Nai Town, or in the Dawnee area, our remaining army is tempted by the enemy's main force to continue to attack other towns in the mountains of Samone..."

"So, the war with the Samonets does not need our help." Adoris's tone was a bit disappointing, and he immediately asked: "Father, what about Sicily?"

Davers looked awkwardly and said slowly: "Since Plesous defeated the Carthage army in Minoa, our Sicilian and Carthage fleets soon took a battle near the sea in Serinus. The war, the result... A big storm at sea destroyed almost all the ships on both sides, and Fralios died. There is no news from Sekleli, and more than 10,000 sailors have died."

"What?!" The three men showed a shocking expression. They never thought that they were still fighting in the north, and the southern seas had such a terrible loss!

Daves continued: "The fourth fleet has been transferred to Sicily, and we still have the advantage of the sea. Alexis led the team to capture Serinus, and the remaining units of the Carthaginians clung to several important The town did not dare to attack, so Alexis sent troops to rob and destroy the ruled area of ​​the Carthage in Sicily in order to achieve the purpose of active defense.

However, the fiasco of the Carthaginian army led to the Governor of Iberian, Carthage, becoming the new commander of the Carthaginian army. Now the entire Afrika coast and Iberia are convening soldiers, forming an army, ready to land in Sicily. The new war is about to begin! We must solve the Romans and the Samonai as soon as possible and rush to the south to fight with our greatest enemy, Carthage! ”

Davers’s words made the three young people feel the urgency of the situation and made them feel excited.


On the day of the banquet, the competition, and the soldiers in the city of Rome, Davers ushered in the huge fleet of Iberian troops in the port of Utica.

Utica, the town of Africa on the mainland is second only to the Phoenician city state of Carthage, it is located on the seashore about 110 miles west of Carthage.

The ship of Marco was first docked, and he was put on the dock in a pretending manner. The veterans headed by Preta Kuba immediately greeted him: "Ma Ge, welcome you back!"

Marco gave Preta Kuba a warm hug and said emotionally: "It's hard, Preta Kuba! I have lost you in the years that I am not here! Thanks to you!..."

Preta Kuba patted his thick shoulder and said excitedly: "If you come back, we will have hope!"

Then Ma Ge warmly greeted the other Margoides party veterans.

"Ma Ge, welcome you! You finally came to the army!" An old man who was all white was welcome.

"Respected Aesaraba!" Faced with the head of the neutrals, the predecessor of the Senate is second only to Hanno's Ess Aruba, and Ma Ge is still a ceremonial, solemnly said: "Carthage Being in distress, as a descendant of the founder of the city, how can I sit and watch it no matter what!"

"I am very glad that you can think like this and do it this way. This is exactly what all Carthaginian citizens expect of you!" said Aesaraba.

“All?!” Marge showed a sneer, greeted his veterans with his fingers and said, “This sentence is not right, at least some people who have not come here don’t think so.”

"These veterans who have not come here have gathered more than 60,000 soldiers for you, and are still raising a large number of foods for you to supply this army. They are also urging shipyards and other allies to speed up the construction of warships... so don't Excessive suspicion of their compatriots, they are also making their own efforts for the future of Carthage!" Aesaruba said with a heart.

This made Margot want to stop talking. He thought about it and his tone became gentler: "It is different from the indigenous peoples of Syracuse, Numibia and Iberia. The Dionyns are our real Strong enemies, we need to do our best to defeat it! Therefore, I will try my best to maintain the unity of Carthage, and I hope that Essaroba can play a greater role in this regard!"

"You can rest assured that the previous defeat has taught us lessons. Both Hanno and me, including other veterans, hope that you will win, because if it fails, it will mean the disaster of Carthage! We will do our best to support you. Until the Devians were driven out of Sicily, forcing their king to choose a humiliating peace talk!" Esiyaroba made a promise.

Margo expressed his gratitude for this, and then he turned to look at the port, waiting for the generals to gather the soldiers on the shore, and led them to leave Utica.

Among the more than 20,000 soldiers led by Ma Ge, there are not many Carthage and Phoenicians. Like the army led by Hassruuba, most of them are mercenaries. They are with the Carthaginians. The different appearances and different costumes of the Phoenicians not only attracted the curious onlookers of the Utica, but also let the veterans who came here greet this.

At this time, several ships were docked. From the boat were a group of brawny men wearing striped trousers and upper body. They were all sturdy, muscular, thick, embroidered with quirky tattoos and unkempt The short hair, the matted beard, and the fierce face, when the shore came, attracted the people of the port to make a series of exclamations.

Instead, they made them feel like they were irritated. They used their long-handed swords to slap the long-handed shield of their right hand, and they screamed in their mouths. They looked even more awkward and scared most of the onlookers of the Utica. Turning around and fleeing, the scene was a bit confusing. Fortunately, their leader stopped them in time, but it did not guarantee that they would be able to secure a good team at the port.

"A terrible barbarian! They are also from Iberia?" Aesaraba also asked with amazement.

"The Celts in the northern mountains of Iberia They are not afraid of death when they fight, and other Iberian natives are afraid of them. It is precisely during this time that there is a flash flood in their area. Livestock and food have been washed away, facing famine, I have exchanged thousands of cattle and sheep for their help, I believe that with them, our war against Dionia will be even smoother!" Marco said confidently. .

"I hope so. However, this is why the Senate did not allow your army to land in the port of Carthage. I hope that you can manage your army, don't make any trouble here, let the people treat you. Produce a bad impression." Esiyaroa solemnly reminded.

Margo once again expressed his gratitude for the goodwill reminder of Es Yaruuba.

After all the soldiers had landed, Marquis’s men gathered them, took them away from Utica, and began camping outside the city, while Marco went to Carthage with the elders.

In the past ten years, although Marco has lived in southern Iberia for a long time, he has repeatedly returned to Carthage City, but he did not expect to encounter the situation today: almost all the people in the city ran out. Crowded on both sides of the road. When he first entered the city, there was a thunderous cheering around him. The people shouted his name and threw the petals to him.