v8 Chapter 254: Gera Battle (4)

Therefore, after the arrival of the two brigades, Assimis took out the already considered combat plan, and after consulting and perfecting with the two captains, they began to implement.

The light armored squadron rushed to the forefront, the light infantry squadron and the distance they left, followed by the cavalry, while the cavalry stayed in place, waiting for the two brigades to entangle the enemy, they then circled the side of the enemy , carry out a joint attack.

The soldiers of the Eighth Army Light Armor Brigade slanted the leather shield over the top of the head, guarding against the attack of the other flying stone, and quickly rushing toward the opposite enemy with a wide front.

Most of them are fast-moving brigades composed of the West Kyle who have become citizens of the Dionysian. The Balearic casters have just thrown the large lead pellets into two rounds, and the light casualty brigades have been slightly injured. Rushed to the front.

Most Lusitania javelinmen did not seize this opportunity to take out the javelin in their hands, because the hooked javelin was not easy to manufacture, and each of them carried three, as early as the previous light infantry battle. Already consumed almost, and there is only one left in the hand, they want to use it as a weapon to cope with the next battle.

The Lusitania Javeliner did not move, but the Celtic warriors had already been unable to hold back. They roared, holding the wooden shield on the left, holding the big sword in the right hand, and rushing up.

The Diaonian light armor saw a group of big men with unkempt hair, murderous faces and naked upper body. They ran like horses, screaming like thunder, and the high swords were shining cold, and they couldn’t help but feel a little worried. In accordance with the tactics of the light armor in the usual training, they should take the initiative to meet the enemy, close to the enemy, and play the power of the short sword. However, many light armored soldiers were photographed by the other party's momentum, and they did not dare to be close to each other under hesitation.

Just between the electric and the flint, the Celtic warrior rushed to the front, and the big sword screamed with a scream.

The light armor lifted the leather shield to resist.

"Swelling!" Just like a large stone squatting on the shield, the entire left arm immediately felt the pain, and the instant numbness made them unable to lift the strength, and then resisted with the leather shield, only back.

Some of the Celtic warriors' swords even slashed into the leather shield, almost hurting the arm of the light armor.

The horror of the light armored soldiers can be imagined, they involuntarily withdraw.

The Celtic warriors licked their legs and legs, like the bones of the bones. The swords in their hands continued to chase, and some of the light armor's leather shields were chopped. Some of the light armor were chopped because of the Celtic warriors. The great sword is so powerful that the wounds are extremely terrible. The wounded soldiers are lying on the ground and mourning, which affects the morale of the light armor. If it is not the strictness of the Daonian military law, some soldiers may have already fled.

The light armored captain was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and complained about the mistake of the detective in his heart. "Where is the light infantry, the weight of the infantry is terrible!" While trying to figure out the countermeasures: "Distract! Run! Entice the enemy!..."

The role of the Diaonian light armor has never been a battle, but the use of the footsteps of the light, the enemy's weakness, chasing the soldiers, so speed training is the focus in military training, armed long-distance running is a very common project one.

The team officers just began to relay orders, and the light armor who barely supported the Celtic warriors' offensive pressure immediately turned and ran.

But what they didn't expect was that the Celtics were five big and three thick, and the big sword and wooden shield in their hands were heavier than theirs, but their running ability was not weaker than them, even if they were running under full force, they could not open each other. distance.

The light-armed soldiers who are always in shock will certainly not know that these Celtic warriors live in the mountains of northern Liberia, mainly relying on hunting and looting, and long-term chasing prey between the mountains, so that they have good foot and endurance. .

But the aggressive and irritable Celtic warriors apparently had no sense of the overall situation, and most of the fighters rushed to chase the Diaonian light armor and forgot the tasks that should have been performed.

The Balearic casters lost their protection, and the Eighth Corps Light Infantry Brigade has been forced to the front, and the battle between the Stonemen and the Light Infantry has been staged again, but this time the distance between the two sides is much closer, and even some Dionia marks. The gunman saw the Balearic caster with only a dagger, and simply holding a javelin, braving the stone rain, he rushed up and wanted to kill himself.

Fortunately, there are nearly 300 Lusitania javelinmen who are mixed in the ranks of the Balearic Stonemen. They rushed out in time, and they all used the javelin as a spear. The Lusitanias were obviously much stronger. They are strong and strong, and they have an advantage in killing.

For the Balearic Stonemen, their advantage is not only a long-range coverage attack, but also a close-range precision throw is their housekeeping skill. On the battlefield where the two sides smashed together, they dispersed and each looked for the target of the attack. They used the large lead pellets to throw the Diaonian archers and the javeliners, only three or forty meters away, and their lethality increased. Several times.

Therefore, in the distance, the 4th Cavalry Corps leader, Asitmis, saw that the light armor was being chased by the alien warriors, the light infantry was in the downwind, and there were constant soldiers falling to the ground. He was very anxious, and he immediately urged the cavalry to accelerate. Advancing, as the attention of the Balearic Stonemen was attracted by the Light Infantry Brigade, they wrap around their sides and defeat them.


"Carthage also kept a hundred-person alien warriors behind the battlefield to protect their Balearic casters. Our light armored brigade was actually defeated!..." Auxiliary Mukhlu from the detective ride When I heard the news in the mouth, I was shocked and hurriedly looked at Leo Tizides: "The commander, the Carthaginians actually learned to use the reserve team! Now the Kamanina people obviously have some support. Live, what should we do?!"

Leo Tizids did not seem to hear it, sitting in a sculpture like a sculpture, but his gaze was still gazing at his right front: there was the eighth army he had high hopes for, but the raging black wave was encountered. The reef, which is causing the current advancement speed, is likely to be related to the injury and death of the Eighth Army after the war with Minoa, adding a lot of reserve troops and causing a decline in combat effectiveness. Of course, it is also known that it is against the enemy. The Phoenician-Numibia mixed infantry is not a weak army... It is the weak performance of the Carthage army in the battle of Minoa, which led him to subconsciously fight the power of this Carthage army. Judge the mistake...

In such a critical mind, Leo Tizedes was involuntarily looking for various reasons that led to his judgment. Since he entered the battle since his adulthood (including the battles he participated in Sparta), he has not experienced failures so far, so it is inevitable that he will be out of order.

He clasped his reins with his hands and suddenly turned back and shouted: "Give me a long shield and a stab gun!"

The guard behind him immediately handed his hand to him.

He reached out and took the horse down, waved a few times, then raised the lancet and shouted: "Soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy!"

According to the "Dianian Military Law": the head of the army has a guard of 50 people, and the regional commander is a guard of 100 people.

As a commander, Leo Tizides is supposed to have a hundred guards, but he actually has only one leg. In order to let the soldiers put into the battle as much as possible, he did not increase his own team. The guard immediately responded to the call of Leo Tizides.

He took the shield and took the gun and took the lead to start striding forward. Every step of the way, his body became more familiar with the shield gun: yes, he is not just a general, he is also an excellent Warrior, he is the only person in the Spartan royal family who has participated in the cruel Agoge training since he was a child. He also stunned the then Dior in the Dionysian boot camp with excellent skills. Niagara senior team officer!

Just as he began to be bloody, a horse rushed out of the spurs and blocked him in front of him. Mukrlu shouted at the moment: "Master Prosuos, you are the commander, please stay with you. Command the whole army in the post, don't leave without permission!"

Leo Tizides looked at him coldly: "I can't command the whole army. The only thing I can do now is to join the battle to give us a chance to win a victory! Don't delay my time, let it happen. open!"

"Prossous!" Mukru did not move, his tone was firm: "The "Diaonia Military Law" on the front page is very clear, 'the leader, can not be proud of victory, can not be discouraged by failure, Don't be stunned by anger, don't be weakened by sorrow, fight against all the outside interference like a god, calmly analyze the situation, this is the quality that a great general must have!'

Master Prossous, you are the Sicilian commander of the kingdom. Your responsibility is to guard the security of the entire Sicilian territory, and should not care too much about the defeat of one or two battles! You gave up your duties, and if the battle really failed, who will command our soldiers to safely retreat? ! Who will let the soldiers' casualties be minimized? ! If the Eighth Army lost a lot, do we still have the power to guard Sicily? ! ......"

Mukhlu’s words were like a morning bell, and Leo Tiddides was on the spot, his face was cloudy...

After a moment, he silently returned the shield and the gun to the guard, then turned the horse and shook the reins.

Under his control, the horse began to trotting to the right front.

"Adult, you are going to--" Mukher was shocked and thought his advice didn't work.

"I want to go to the right wing to supervise the battle, not to the last moment, who wins and who is still uncertain." Leo Tizides said with a cold face, driving the horse to gallop north.

Mukru was slightly relaxed and urged the horse to catch up.

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