v8 Chapter 264: Safety in Apulia

The voice of Sedrum was not lost. Felicius interjected: "The ninth legion is still stationed in the Apulia region. The Ministry of Military Affairs specifically left the Ninth Army to stay in Uday, because of the warning from His Majesty. With Alexis expedition to the Samoun Mountains, just to prevent such things from happening, I believe that the head of the Tigers will be able to easily defeat the incoming enemies."

"I believe that our legions can easily defeat those who are in the rabble, but I am worried that these former Mesapi, Puchetti, and Danny's escaped chiefs will return to Apulia and cause turmoil in this area, just like The same was true of Brudy during the Southern Italian War.” Sedore said that the past was a bit complicated: the chaos in the Brudy area gave him the opportunity to show his talents, and laid the foundation for him to become the rotating chairman of the Senate. However, the turmoil and riots also caused the entire Broughty region to fall into war, and the population was greatly reduced. Many tribes disappeared.

"Please rest assured that the Puchiti area has been in the kingdom for almost 10 years. The people there are free and rich, and they are proud of the Diaonian citizens. It is impossible to be incited by the dogs that have long been forgotten by them. Launching the riots and returning to the period of poverty that was ruled and ruled by the kings and princes. Instead, they would cooperate with the army of the kingdom to drive away these violent mobs who attempted to take away their happiness!"

The person who spoke was the leader of the Sylvia tribe in the central town of Puceti, the future father-in-law of Prince Adoris, Torres, who was not only led by him, but also in Pucci. The people of Titian also had a lot of prestige, so his words made the veterans present a lot of peace of mind.

Then, another elder in the Mesapee, Epirus (he was also the father-in-law of the court clerk Henipolis), stood up at the moment and said loudly: "We Mesapi is incorporated into Dionys. Asia has a longer time, and I can assure you here that the Mesapi people will only regard these former Mesapi people who landed in Apulia as outsiders, as if they are thugs who want to destroy their peaceful life. Full support for the kingdom army to defeat them!"

The speeches of Pucciti and the Mesapi veterans made the eyes of other veterans unconsciously focus on another veteran - Lugo Senblon.

The identity of the veteran from Danny is different. He is a former king of the king. In the war of Dionya conquering Dani four years ago, he surrendered in the city of Lucernia early, making Alexei Sis successfully conquered the Dani area. In order to appease the people of Dani and stabilize the hearts of the people, Lugo Senblon received the warm reception of Daves and was hosted. It was not long before he became the veteran of Diony. He became the youngest veteran of the Senate. (I was only 27 years old, but now I am only 31 years old).

The former Danny, who is weak and unable to convince the public, has always been self-sufficient after joining Dionya. He is not very keen on politics. It is always a routine to attend the regular meeting of the Senate, rarely speaking and arguing, but Putting all his energy into the sport of football, not only did he practice regularly, but he also spent money to form a team to participate in the football match in the Turai region, so he was dubbed "the football veteran" by the Turifs.

He was so hard to receive such attention in the Senate. It was inevitable that he was a little nervous. He said: "You...you don't have to worry about Danny, because...because there weren't many Dani people who fled."

Lugo Senblon is telling the truth, the time spent conquering Duni in the Apulia region is the shortest, only playing a battle of the Avento River, plus a siege of West Pentum. After the war, all the tribes in the towns and cities of Duniy surrendered one after another. Of course, the surrender of Lugo Sempon has played a very important role.

After his reminder, the veterans were ashamed, and they felt more stable in their hearts.

"Once these mobs landed in Apulia, I suggest that the three adults of Torrés, Apirosia, and Luggen Bron will travel to Pucciti, Mesapi and Duni to assist the chief executive of the area. Reassure the people and organize the defense..." Sedore said his opinion aloud.

Most of the veterans have agreed to this proposal, and Torres and Antipyrosia have no objections. Only Lugo Senblon is very reluctant, but in such an atmosphere, he dare not refute, only Accepted silently.

"Since the entire Apulian region is going to prepare for war, will this rugby finals not have to inform the towns of Apulia to participate?" Lucias asked.

"Never!" Torrek immediately expressed his opposition. He reminded him seriously: "Those remnants who have fled outside will not cause panic in the Puchetti area, but if they are not allowed to participate, The football finals, I am afraid it will really cause turmoil in the entire region!"

“The same is true for the Mesapi area.” Apirosia also said: “The people have already regarded the football finals as a major holiday. They will never allow their town’s team to be absent. I see the enemy’s choice. Attacking Apulia at this time is a wrong idea, and the public will be more angry against these mobs who destroy their appreciation of the game."

"I have heard that the people of Apulia are obsessed with football games. It seems that it is not a rumor!" Lucias sighed and retracted what she said before.

The Mesapi and Puceti are relatively fierce races. After being conquered by Dionya, the people were still unwilling, and the football finals became the best place for them to express their unyielding and resistance, so initially In a few years, their players' rugby skills are still not very skillful, and their tactics are simpler. However, relying on the tenacious spirit of not admitting defeat, they have repeatedly played a reversal in the finals to defeat the big Greek strong team. After the winning team returns to the city, the players It will be sought after by the public, which promotes the development of football in the local area. Although in recent years the Apulian people have fully integrated into Dionia, this opposition has ceased to exist, but rugby has become the most popular sport in the region, and its popularity is even higher than that of Turi. Iraq.

Just as some cubs who don’t know much about the Apulian area are curious to listen to the elders who served as the chief executives of the towns in this area, when they talked about the reasons why the Apulian people like football, they listened to Sedore. Hilos asked: "Is there any Spartan support for these remnants of Apulia to attack us? If so, have the Spartans also sent troops to participate?"

Many veterans are in a tight heart.

Hilos said with a smile: "The rebel forces headed by Vadalka can convene the army in the Peloponnese area, and certainly have the consent of the Spartans. But there is no information showing Sparta or other The army of the city of Roppenite joined, I think the most important reason, everyone should know that the Spartans are now busy fighting against the new alliance formed by Athens and Thebes."

After listening to this, Weisba sighed and said: "This is good, this is good!"

There are veterans in the venue: "Wesba, you are relieved, but Bagul is not satisfied, I am afraid he still wants to catch a few Spartans in Udine!"

Just after the laughter in the venue, Anta Orris stood up and said with a hate: "Sparta is in a difficult position, and we still don't forget to add chaos to us. It seems that the attitude of the hostile kingdom has not changed. Wait until we solve it. Carthage, we must let the Spartans know that we are powerful."

This statement was unanimously recognized by the veterans.

At the end of the regular meeting of the Senate, Weisba did not accept the invitation of Hermon - to go to the city's Clithista restaurant to have a few drinks and talk, but went straight back to his house.

When I first entered the backyard, I met my daughter, Andreia.

"Father, you are back!" Andreia greeted him and asked with concern: "Today's meeting of the Senate seems to end much later than usual, you are tired!"

Weisba looked at her and said naturally: "There are many issues today, and everyone's debates are fierce. One of the topics has a lot to do with BagulWhat is it? ?!" Andrea asked immediately.

"When the kingdom conquered the Apulian region, Mesapi, Puchetti, and the Dani Dali who fled to the Greek mainland had assembled an army..." Vesba would have been hesitant without hesitation. The matter was told to Andrea.

Even though the Kingdom of Dionia is more tolerant of women, it rarely seldom engages women in politics. The tradition of Lucania is even more so. Andrea is also an interracial wife. Wesbach’s initial request for her is The more demanding, now the earth-shaking change, on the one hand, his superiority as the leader of Lucagna no longer exists, Diaonia is getting stronger and stronger, and newcomers in the Senate are coming forth, so that he can continue to produce A sense of crisis. On the other hand, Andrea is a good assistant to Queen Christopher. She has been greatly trained in these years. Bagur has been working outside the country for many years. In many cases, Weisba relies on her daughter-in-law to analyze the situation. Listen to her suggestions.

After listening to Andrea, she did not express her concern as Weisba first heard. Instead, she comforted: "Don't worry about your father. Since the Ministry of Military Affairs is fully prepared, your Senate has done a good job. The layout, Apulia will not be a mess, Bagul will be safe, and I think this is a good thing, the kingdom can take the opportunity to wipe out these fugitives and completely stabilize the Apulian region. ”

Weisba looked at her daughter's confident face and took a moment to mutter: "Yeah, yeah, you are right..."

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