v8 Chapter 280: Hanno’s counterattack

After listening to Preta Kuba, he remained silent for a while. As a veteran of the Senate and a newly re-elected Sofitel, he certainly couldn’t squint and make others laugh.

He still hasn't thought about what to say, but El Akra continues to say loudly: "As the adults of Asyaruba said, nearly one-third of our treasury revenue comes from Sardinia and Xijia, now during the war, there is an urgent need for money everywhere. As a member of Carthage’s Sofitel Preta Kuba, you should consider more comprehensively the carnival that Carthage is involved in. The war must first consider how to preserve the source of our treasury revenues to ensure that we can build more warships, buy more food, and continue the war, instead of patronizing the requirements of Makoto! ”

El Akra’s words were straightforward, and Preta Kuba’s face changed a bit.

At this time, another new veteran of the Magonid, Sifakba, said with angrily: "Don't you understand? The key to this war is in Sicily! Just in the case of Maggiore and Dionia The eastern part of the fierce battle! The consumption of this war is indeed huge, so we must concentrate all our strength and fully support the army in Sicily, so that the Ma Ge adults can defeat the Sionian people in Sicily as soon as possible, and then they can free their hands. Go to support other battlefields.

Otherwise, even if we saved Sardinia, the Sicilian army was defeated because the military grain transportation line was not guaranteed, and the original dominant situation changed, resulting in the Sicily battle not ending soon, that is not worth the candle! ”

Compared with El Accra, Sifakba’s words were even more radical, and immediately aroused the resentment of some veterans in the venue. One of the neutral elders even said yin and yang: "Ma Ge’s leader led the 100,000 army for half a month. Time, can not attack a small village and town in Dionia, then the attacking population and the more defensive Katanay City, Naxos City, it will not take months, or even more than half a year, Such an offensive ability, I still want to end the Sicilian war as soon as possible?!"

"Yeah, yeah, the reason why we have to save Sardinia first is to consider that the war in Sicily will continue to prolong, first to provide the protection of the Sicilian army with gold and silver!" Another veteran is half-hearted and half-played. Said.

"Is it because the Ma Ge adults are worried that they will not be able to drive the Diaonians out of Sicily within a year!" I am afraid that you want to help Ma Ge adults realize his commitments in the Senate as soon as possible, so I will not help the overall situation, I want to help him. "An old veteran said dissatisfied.

Sifakba was so angry that they argued loudly with them, but Preta Kuba found that more and more veterans expressed dissatisfaction, not only those with Hannos, but also many neutral veterans, and the whole meeting became noisy. .

Preta Kuba realized that he had made a mistake: Sardinia and Corsica have been the possessions of Carthage for a hundred years, and the nobles of Carthage have close interests with Sardinia. Correlation, such as El Aklat, who had just fully supported the reinforcement of Sardinia, his family owned a silver mine in the mountains outside Saros, Sardinia, and his family sent silver from Sardinia three days ago. The cargo ship back to Carthage was captured by the Dionian warship...

He has always emphasized giving priority to the war in Sicily, but inadvertently pushed the Magonid faction to the opposite of other veterans, so that the neutralists who had been supporting them since the beginning of the war almost sang the opposite, even including themselves. There seems to be some disagreement in the camp. For example, several Magoniides veterans such as Santipur have been silent since the beginning of the debate.

Preta Kuba suddenly realized that O'Reilly had thrown this issue at the beginning of today's meeting. I am afraid it was premeditated! During this time, the Magonid was not only prestigious among the people of Carthage, but also supported in the Senate. Many proposals were passed.... Some fluttering, I forgot the horror of that person.

Just as Preta Kuba suddenly woke up and anxiously tried to solve the dilemma, Hanno, who was sitting in front of the venue and has been screaming for a while, stood up.

The entire venue quickly settled down.

"For the new fleet, is it first to support Sardinia, or Sicily?" Hanno looked around at the venue and said slowly: "Whether it is the short-term effect it produces, or the long-term interests of Carthage, reinforcements Sardin Nia should be the primary choice. The difficulty encountered by Sardinia is because the entire sea area is controlled by the Dionyrians, so the defense will be so passive, we only need to send the navy to defeat the Diaonians. The warship, Sardinia will resume order, and the trade route of Carthage-Sardinia will be restored.

However, the main problem of the Sicilian warfare is not only the problem of losing the advantage of the sea. What is important is that our army is blocked on the land for a long time. Even if the fleet is dispatched, they will not be able to fight on the shore. The problem will not be solved immediately. You said right? ”

“Yes, Hanno’s adult is right!”

"Or Hannook is very thorough!"

"No more arguments, we chose to support the new fleet to travel to Sardinia!"


The venue suddenly became loud.

Preta Kuba eagerly said: "Hanol, you can't say it right! The key to our war with Dionia is in Sicily. As long as Sicily wins, other problems will be solved, so support Sicily. ——"

"Preta Kuba!" Hanno shouted, like a lion who was sleeping on the grassland suddenly screamed, and the entire venue became quiet. He looked straight at the head of the Magoniide family in the Senate. In a face of true color, "In order to let Carthage win this war, I will try my best to cooperate with you during this time, but your performance has made me a little disappointed. For the benefit of your Margond family, I even neglect it. The entire interest of Carthage clearly reflects this in the issue of 'sending a new fleet to support Sicily'.

The last time Margo’s so-called reorganization of our Carthaginian army also reflected this point. Why is such a huge army unable to attack a village in Dionia for a long time? Was it not because Ma Ge removed the Carthage generals in the army and replaced them with the Numidians who followed him in Iberia as the generals? Can these Numisians be loyal to Carthage! They can command their compatriots to fight for life and fight with the Dionyans!

Is it not the main reason for this situation that Ma Ge led the army from the beginning of the attack to the current stalemate and the removal of the generals of the Carthage army without authorization? ! So what puzzles me is that the war has only just begun. Why is the Ma Ge adults so eager to remove the Carthage general who is loyal to Carthage, and insist on changing to follow him, but there is no such thing as Carthage. The emotional Numidians come to lead the army that is also composed of Nubians. ! ”

In the repeated questioning of Hanno, Preta Kuba was speechless for a while, but he was cold and sweaty.

Sifakba rushed to refute: "That is because the generals of Carthage are not fighting well. Only by carrying out the exchange can they improve the combat effectiveness of the army! So our army can successfully capture the Greek city-states on the south coast."

When the words came out, there was a big noise in the venue.

The veterans have revolted: "After the removal of the Carthage generals, why did the 100,000 army not attack a small village in Dionia?! This is also called the promotion of combat power!"

"I propose that the Carthage army, which was built with a large income from the Treasury, must be the generals of Carthage citizens, otherwise the security of the city state is guaranteed!"

"Now the Ma Ge Master has commanded an army that is mostly composed of aliens as team officers and by aliens. Is this still the army of Carthage? It is necessary to reinstate the formerly removed Carthage generals. Otherwise we will no longer provide any support to this army!"


Faced with the raging veterans, Preta Kuba’s face changed completely.

I also watched this scene and also looked at the fascinating neutral leader Es Yaruba, but Hanno sneered in his heart: he has been swearing for so long, just for today. Before Marco replaced the Carthage general, he made a big mistake, because most of these generals were Carthage nobles, but at that time he did not let the elders who were close to him impeach, and the result was today, now the manic horse The Gonied faction made mistakes in the use of the new fleet. He decisively attacked and forced the neutral veterans to see the true face of the Magoniide. As they weakened their support, the Senate’s The dominance will surely return to his hands again.

Thinking of this, Hanno said loudly again: "Let you, listen to me."

The hustle and bustle of the venue quickly returned to silence, but made Preta Kuba feel scared.

"The meeting has been discussed until now, and the results have been relatively clear. The new fleet first reinforces Sardinia and seeks to recapture Alenia, not only to protect the national treasury income, but also to enable us to continue fighting with Dionia. It is also our duty to fulfill all the Phoenician city-state lords of the Western Mediterranean. Now not only all Phoenician people are paying attention to this war, but also forget that the people of the mother state are also listening to the news in the city of Hadrumum. (refers to the remnant fleet sent by the Eastern Phoenician region). If we don’t do this, we will certainly lose our prestige. Can we order other Phoenician alliances in the future?!”

Hano’s political considerations have led many veterans to nod.