v8 Chapter 320: Raid of the city of St. Ibania

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Davers watched the well-being Seclerian. After a moment, he smiled: "This is the Seclairian I know, I am looking forward to the victory message that you will bring to me!"

After Seckley went away, Davers ponded for a moment, then sent someone to call Tormid and Printols.

"Take the third fleet to Sicily, how do you feel?" Davers asked directly.

Tormide knew that Daves had called Séklyan before, although he didn't know what Daves had talked to him, but he heard people say that Seckley was in a good mood, so he asked carefully. "Why, why do you think you want to transfer to the Third Fleet?"

Davers looked at him and said: "Our strategy is to cut off the maritime transport line of the Carthage army and let the Carthage army fall into the predicament of lack of food, and eventually we will be defeated. But from the Sicilian fleet suffered yesterday. Frustration, although our navy has an advantage, it is not an absolute advantage. The Carthage Navy still has a lot of strength, it can still pose a great threat to our fleet, and the coastline of the western sea is complicated. Let the fleet that we have the advantage are busy cruising the long seas every day, very passive, and also suppress the Sicilian fleet to play their own advantages, but if they let them take the initiative to attack, they can not block the sea, so that the Carthaginians can continue to Sicily provides assistance..."

"The main reason is that the navy in Sicily is not strong enough to balance attack and blockade at the same time." Printos said.

"Yes." Daves nodded. "The original mission of the Third Fleet was to disturb Sardinia and block the route between Carthage and it. But if we transfer the Third Fleet to Sicily, we can There are enough warships to cut off the outer route of Carthage, but the effect is better, because our ultimate goal is to defeat Carthage, as long as we concentrate on destroying the Carthage army on Sicily, everything. The problem has been solved..."

After listening to the analysis of Daves, Tolmide was convinced, but he reminded: "Your Majesty, after the third fleet was transferred to Sicily, who is responsible for the command of the entire navy?"

Davers understood what he meant: If it was before, Seklelyn would be the commander of the entire navy, but in this war, Midolades stood out and won successively, becoming another star in the navy. The heart is naturally much higher than before.

Daves indulged for a while and said: "Midorades used to be Seclair's subordinates, so it is more secure to let Seklelyan be the commander, but Midorades is more stable and should... They let the Third Fleet be mainly responsible for cruising the Sicilian waters, while the Sicilian Fleet is mainly responsible for the offensive... Of course, this is only a suggestion, how to implement it, and it needs Seckley to come over and discuss the decision."

"Your Majesty, it is better to let the Third Fleet station on the North Coast." Printos suggested: "This time the Carthaginians were able to successfully transport the Sicily to Sicily, on the one hand, the Sicilian fleet was on the table. On the other hand, the coast north of Erlux is farther from the Serinus where the Sicilian fleet is stationed. From the port of Sellinus, when the fleet arrives in Erics, it takes more than three hours. It takes more than five hours to reach Palermo, and the Carthage may continue to use the middle of the time to target the coast north of Erics and transport the rations for the Sicilian army. The three-fleet stationed on the north coast will be able to better monitor the nearby seas of Palermo and Solus, and this attempt by the Carthaginians will not be realized.

"Bon Seydim, a friendly city on the north coast, is closest to Soros and Palerus, but it is a small town. I am afraid there is no good military port to accommodate our third fleet. The other north coast friendly city states are similar. The town that can accommodate the Third Fleet on the North Coast is probably only Messina, but it is too far from the West, and it is not as good as Serinus." Tormid made his own objection.

Printols’s proposal made Daves a big move. Even with the reminder of Tolmide, he said: “There is no military port on the north coast. You can build it first. We don’t do this here. ."

Tormide saw that Daves agreed with this proposal. He did not raise any objections. Instead, he mentioned another thing: "Your Majesty, you have let the Ninth Army assist the Third Fleet in attacking Sardinia. I am afraid they have already Start the operation. If you transfer back to the 3rd Fleet at this time, will you let the Ninth Army return to Apulia?"

"The Ninth Army..." Daves thought and said: "Then let the Ninth Army move with the Third Fleet... The Carthaginian army is now concentrated on the South Coast and the West Kan, the North Coast. Defensive emptiness, the Ninth Legion can completely attack Sorus and even Palermos. Once successful, not only will the Third Fleet have a better port, but also shorten the distance of the fleet cruise, which is more conducive to the blockade of the western waters. Even if it is unsuccessful, it can disperse the power of the Carthaginians... Henipolis, immediately write letters to Midorades and Tagignos in my name, let them lead the army to Seydi as soon as possible. Umm."

"Okay, sire." Henipolis acted a piece of papyrus and then started writing.

At this time, Martius walked into the big account: "Your Majesty, the report from Syracuse."

Davers took the paper roll tied with the black rope. After reading it quickly, the other people in the account, smiling and shouting excitedly, "Good! Prosous is doing well! Everybody, tell Good news for you, the main city of Syracuse has been captured by us!"


Just as Seccleian went to Minoia to accept the criticism of Daves, in the middle of the west coast of Sardinia, the day was just dawning, and five Carthage cargo ships came outside the port of St. Ibania. This situation is very common during this period of time, because the harassment of the Dania fleet in Sardinia forced many Carthage merchant ships to be shipped to the Sardinia. During the cruise in the sea, they rushed to the various Phoenician town ports on the island to transport the goods that were backlogged in the port.

As the drivers of the cargo ships were all Phoenician crew members, coupled with time constraints, the patrol boats were not carefully checked and they were allowed to enter the port.

In the early hours of the morning, in the north-central part of the west coast of Sardinia, the third fleet that had been south along the coast suddenly approached the sea.

The coastal reefs are densely populated, and there are many cliffs on the shore. There is no suitable boat docking place, but there is a mannu from here to the sea. On both sides of the estuary there is a relatively large tidal flat, at low tide. It is especially obvious that the tidal flat is covered with a smooth, soft black silt. People step on it and it is easy to fall into it. It is very difficult to pass.

However, the Third Fleet was fully prepared. The crow warships drove into the estuary and turned to the tidal flat on the north bank. The fleet infantry armed with a bundle of wheat straw prepared in advance, carefully laid off the boat and placed it on the tidal flat. Then lay the planks on top and quickly set up a boardwalk leading to the river bank.

At the forefront is the ninth legion's mountain reconnaissance squad soldiers, who swayed on the planks and finally reached the river bank. Using the climbing gear that they carried, they easily flipped over the less steep river bank and then hanged ten A few rope ladders that had already been prepared, followed by the fleet infantry quickly climbed up.

More than half an hour later, 4,000 fleet infantry boarded the north bank of the Mano River and then quickly moved inland, preparing to raid the sant-imbenia not far from the coast.

The city of St. Ibania is a metallurgical center of the Phoenician island in Sardinia. It was originally a town of the Sardinian indigenous Nurajis hundreds of years ago, due to the presence of the nearby mountains. Rich in iron ore and silver mines, they used these precious metals to trade with Etruscans on the Italian peninsula that crossed the Tyrrhenian Sea in central Italy.

After the colonialism of the island, www.novelhall.com~ through the means of trade, marriage, assimilation, war, etc., a hundred years later, the original indigenous Nuraji of Sardinia basically retreated into the mountains of the north. The south has completely become the territory of the Phoenicians. In addition to the northeastern city of Olbia, San Ibini is the northernmost town of the Phoenicians, and the Phoenicians developed it into an important metalworking on the island of Sardinia. center.

St. Ibania is situated in a low hill not far from the coast, and is bordered by a river called temo in the north. Due to the relatively flat terrain around it, the Phoenicians built mines in the north. The output and the Nuraji people are more likely to pull the ore dug in the mountains to trade here. The San Iberians then processed and smelted the ore into metal ingots and shipped them through the port of the Temo River to Carthage or elsewhere. St. Ibania’s annual precious metal production accounts for almost half of the entire Sardinian metal production. Because of this, St. Ibini is quite important to the Phoenicians of Sardinia and to Carthage.

When the Carthaginian navy dominated the Western Mediterranean, Sardinia was safe. The Phoenicians on the island could safely fish, farm and develop metal processing without fear of invasion by foreign enemies. But since the war between Carthage and Dionia, the navy has always been at a disadvantage, and the security of Sardinia has also been threatened. Fortunately, the geographical location of San Ibania is not conducive to the Dionyrians. Landing at sea, before the Dionyrian harassment of Sardinia has never happened near San Ibania.