v8 Chapter 336: Authentic warfare

Amintas listened. He heard this good idea just now, and he was excited and forgot that the Carthaginians also had guns.

Calcidis apparently considered this problem. He said without hesitation: "The Carthage guns really deserve our attention, but in fact their guns are not very accurate, and we can still find a way. Overcome, for example... a tight fishing net on the outside of the wooden wall, or fill enough dirt between the wooden shelves...

In addition, since the walls are made of wood, can we let the engineering camp make the frame in the city as we can build the whistle building that we can build in the camp, when the construction of the Carthu-based Tushan is completed, we Then the frame of the wooden wall was moved to the wall and quickly built, and then the condescending to suppress the Carthaginians, suddenly killing the Carthage light infantry on the mountain, let the Carthage spent so much time building the mountain. If they want to regain their initiative, they have to rebuild a larger foundation to build a higher soil, which will take more time..."

"Good idea! This is really a good idea!" Amintas hahaha laughed: "I can't wait to see the Carthaginians arrogant, but suddenly turned into a depressed face. Aris Tonos, you immediately called the engineers in the engineering camp, let them survey the wall, and then, according to the advice of Calcidis, created a wooden wall for me to resist the Carthaginians. attack!"

"Yes, the commander is an adult." Aristonos immediately turned to the city.

Not long after, the stone squadrons of the Light Infantry Brigade rushed to the city. They followed the instructions of Amintas and began to attack the Carthage heavy infantry under the city. The egg-sized heavy lead pellets lingered in a short distance. On the helmet, the impact force can make people dizzy, and it is painful to hit on the breastplate...

Soon, the orderly long dragons that the Carthaginians lined up became chaotic. The soldiers ignored the team members’ obstacles, threw down the wooden baskets, and jumped and evaded the lead pellets that were constantly flying. Go back.

The attack by the stone soldiers has taken effect.

But not long after, the city's Deonian soldiers suddenly panicked and shouted: "Be careful! Flying Stone!..."

Amintas saw a lot of tiny black spots flying on the inner wall of the Carthage camp 100 meters away.

The Diaonian soldiers who were in the next round of the city were nervous. They hurriedly slanted the long shield and wanted to form a shield wall to provide shelter for themselves and for the stonemen.

In a painful snoring, Aminus gnashed his teeth: "It must be the stone thrower of Balearic!"

After the main army landed in Sicily, Leo Tizides once mentioned to Daphus and other senior Dionian generals that Carthage had thousands of Balearic stone squadrons, and the only Aminta with stone squadrons. At that time, he was also concerned about how the other party’s combat effectiveness, and did not expect to experience it in Serinus.

Of course, the first legion squadrons will not be willing to fight back. Countless lead pills are constantly staggered in this air. Other soldiers in the city can support the long shields, but the stone throwers are unable to They provide protection, so people are constantly injured.

After all, the Diaonian stone soldiers were few people, and gradually they could not support them. In order to save their strength, Amintas had to replace them with the city, so he soon saw the Carthage heavy infantry platoon growing dragon. Carrying a wooden frame and starting to accumulate the mountain.

Just then, he heard someone shouting: "General Calcidis! General Calcidis!..."

He squinted at the man who was yelling, and vaguely remembered that he seemed to be the captain of a reserve team. He immediately snorted without a good breath: "What shouts! What is it?!"

The captain hurriedly went to the city. Before he had time to report to Calcides, he was reprimanded by Amintas. When he saw Amintas’s anger, he immediately remembered the rumors about him and suddenly felt panic.

"The commander of Amintas asks you, what can you say?" Calcidis hurryed to wake him up.

"Oh...refers to...the commander is an adult...so, we found anomalies when we dug the trench, and the Carthaginians might be digging in the tunnel!"

Amminta and the people around him were taken aback.

"Where did you find it?! Take me there!" Amintas said eagerly.

It turned out that after Amintas served as the commander of the city of Celinus, he began to build the inner wall in the city according to the advice of Calcidis. In order to ensure that he could repair a few more, he will be in the first lane. The construction of the wall is set at a distance of less than 50 meters from the outer wall.

Often the walls and trenches are built together to ensure that the excavated soil can directly become the bauxite for the construction of the wall. Amintas also put forward strict requirements: the depth of the trench must be 4 meters and the width is at least four meters. The task of excavating the trench is mainly undertaken by the original Serinus defender (for this, some reserve soldiers have some complaints, but Calcidis comforted them very well).

After these days of hard work, the trench was basically excavated, and the soldiers were still buried in the trench. When they were doing the work today, a soldier had just dug a sharp pit. To bury the wooden pile, but found that the sediment constantly infiltrated into the pit, and fell into the pit, he was shocked, and thought that he was provoked something strange, hurriedly jumped out of the ditch, kneeling on the ground, to Hades Pious prayer.

Soon, the news was rumbling.

After all, the reserve team captain who heard the news had more military experience. When he saw this strange phenomenon, he immediately felt uneasy. He immediately kept the soldiers quiet, then carefully jumped into the ditch and kept the ear close to the soil. The place, listened carefully, and heard the excavation from below.

He immediately rushed to report.

The location of the accident was not far from the North Gate. After the pedestrians of Amintas rushed to the scene, he personally climbed down the trench and confirmed the situation reported by the reserve team captain. Then the face was gloomy and the guards were pulled up. He snorted: "The sly Carthage!"

He did not think that the Carthaginians built the inner walls and piled up the earthen hills, posing a posture to attack the city of Sellinus on the ground, but secretly excavating the tunnel, wanting to attack the Serinus. city!

Amintas was completely buried in the drums. Of course, one of the reasons was that after the Carthage people repaired the inner walls, they cut off the observation of the Campania camp on the head of the city. The movement of the Carthage in the camp.

"The head of the army, the Carthage people may have more than just this tunnel!" Calcidis came forward and whispered.

Amintas nodded and immediately ordered: Let all the soldiers stop digging trenches, and the Mountain Reconnaissance Squad led the light armored brigade to use the trenches built in the inner city to carefully explore whether there were other tunnels.

After a while, the mountain squad leader came to report: they also found the Carthaginians excavating the tunnel under the east and west walls.

Although Amintas and others have been psychologically prepared, they are still surprised to hear the news. Apostle Aristonos even speculated: "It seems that the land where the Carthaginians built the three earthen mountains came from Excavating the authentic soil, it’s really awkward!”

At the moment, Amintas was already stunned and ordered: "Hurry up and call the engineers, let them carefully survey the scene, estimate the direction and depth of the tunnels excavated by the Carthaginians, and then design a piece we want to dig. The tunnel can quickly access the authenticity of the Carthaginians, and then "Amintas waved a powerful hand: "Destroy the Carthaginians in the tunnel!"

The order was immediately executed, the engineer determined the route, and the soldiers were prepared to dig, and the three detachments of the First Corps were responsible for killing the enemy.

Thousands of soldiers dig all the way, and soon the tunnel was connected, and the ready-made Legionnaires immediately rushed into the tunnel.

The Carthage soldiers were caught off guard. In order to dig, they did not wear armor and carry weapons at all. As a result, they were killed, and the Carthaginians who were responsible for the transportation of the land later fled in panic.

The Legionnaires did not continue to pursue, but retreated to the rear, allowing the reserve soldiers to come in and plug the tunnel.

At the beginning of the meeting, the fully armed Carthage soldiers rushed in along the tunnel.

The Legionnaires quickly rushed forward to meet the enemy.

As a result, Carthage and Dionia were still on the ground with a long-term mutual attack, but under the ground, they were carrying a **** frontal kill.

This kind of slaughter lasted throughout the day Both sides constantly sent soldiers into the tunnel.

In a small tunnel, the superior strength can not be unfolded, and more depends on the individual ability of the soldier. In this respect, the superb sniper technique of the First Army of the Denia is obviously stronger than the opponent, plus the narrow tunnel. More suitable for short weapons, so the Diaonia soldiers clearly occupy an advantage in the fight.

Based on this, Amintas did not hesitate to send the various units of the First Legion in turn.

The soldiers of the Carthaginian army are not without the soldiers who make the short swords. The Luitania and the northern Iberian Celtic warriors are the masters of this, only when Ma Ge asked them to participate in this battle, these mountain races The leader firmly stated his refusal. They claimed that their warriors were accustomed to standing on solid ground, fighting fiercely with the enemy in the hot sun, and disgusted with the mouse to the dark and damp underground.

When the Carthage soldiers and the Phoenician soldiers and the southern Iberian soldiers that Mako relied on were routed out of the tunnel again and again, he finally realized that except for the indigenous people of Iberia, the main force he relied on might be It is not weaker than the opponent in frontal combat, but it is obviously weaker than the other in the slack of a space that is more dependent on personal ability.