v8 Chapter 342: Battle Tower Gate

"Hurry up and send someone to check!" Immisere's anxiety was even worse, he commanded loudly: "Send another 300 light infantry, and immediately rush to the opposite city."

"Yes, sir!"


While Taruntus brought ten mountain reconnaissance team members to the lighthouse, the other team members rushed to the small military camp not far from the temple, just hitting the Carthaginian officer who checked out the situation.

利 Since Lili was built more than 10 years ago, the alarm bell at night has never sounded. The awakened Carthage team official even thought it was a tower keeper's hand mistake, so he was stabbed without any precaution.

When more and more mountain reconnaissance team members rushed into the barracks, some of the Carthage soldiers were wearing armor, some just got up, some were even asleep ... so this became a massacre.

After the puppets easily solved these Carthage soldiers, they immediately ran to the lighthouse.

The original number of the mountain reconnaissance team left by Davers in Katanay was 500. During the surprise attack on Syracuse, more than 100 people were killed and injured, so 360 people participated in the operation, of which 160 people The port area is being disrupted, and the remaining 200 people are climbing up the embankment one by one, and eventually they will all enter the lighthouse.

Seeing more and more comrades gathered around him in the tower, Terentus couldn't help but be arrogant: he led the mountain reconnaissance group through the Taibo River, sneaked into the sewer, and made an important contribution to the final capture of Rome; During the sneak attack on Keslera, the Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade took the lead, and he captured the city first; in the siege battle of Syracuse, he led his team to capture the Yuryalus fortress in order to seize it. The whole city opened the door to victory; now that he occupied the port lighthouse and opened the water gate, he had completed the task, but he was a little dissatisfied.

"Brothers, follow me to grab the sentry card on the front wall and win even greater achievements!" Terentus shouted, and the team members responded in unison.

留下 He left 10 members to guard the lighthouse, and led more than one hundred members through the lighthouse into the walled walkway.

A group of people ran forward along the aisle, hitting the oncoming Carthage light infantry on the way.

In the dark night, these Carthage soldiers heard the chaotic footsteps from the front and thought that the soldiers in the small barracks had already gone up to the city, and they were not prepared until they ran into each other and found out that they were the enemy.

But these Carthage light infantry had no weapons except bows, javelins and daggers. How could they be opponents of the mountain reconnaissance team with leather shields and daggers, they were quickly defeated.

On their way back, they shouted in horror: "The enemy has killed the city !!! The Dionysians have come in! ..."

As these soldiers ran closer to the tower door, their shouts clearly passed into Imisere's ears, and now he was a little panicked because it meant that the Dionysians occupied the natural breakwater and occupied A lighthouse, they can control the water gate, and then let Dionia's warship enter the port! Let the Dionian Army land in the port!

Imisere had no time to think about the lighthouse occupied by the Dionias at the moment. He thought that Dionya's fleet and army would probably strike at once, without panic, he would inevitably panic. There is only one thought in my heart: Do not let the Dionysians enter the city!

So he shouted very nervously: "Hurry to close the gate of the tower to prevent Dionysians from coming in! The gate of the port cannot be opened without my order! Hurry to close ..."

When the Carthaginians built the Liliyu port, they thought about it. In this place where the natural breakwater was connected to the land, they were blocked by a wall, only the city walls passed through, and towers were built on both sides of the city wall. If you want to enter the natural breakwater, you can only enter through the city's walkway, and these two towers are the tallest of all the towers in Lili, it is four meters higher than the city wall. In addition, the Carthages also used a walkway as the base and the towers on both sides as the door frame. A gate was built here to control the entry and exit of the natural breakwater, just in case.

In fact, at this time, Carthage soldiers had already stationed in these two towers. After hearing the sound of killing from the opposite wall, and then the screams kept ringing, the cautious team officer quickly ordered the soldiers to temporarily close. Tower door, wait until you understand the situation.

Yimisere heard that the door of the tower was closed, and his mind was a little firm. He quickly gave another order: "Go and notify General Sarkardo of the Southeastern Military Camp, and let him dispatch 2,000 soldiers to come here!"

"Send someone to urge Ragnaca and let him hurry up with his troops!"

After giving these orders, he was still disturbed. After thinking about it, he sank to his most trusted man and said, "You immediately hurried to the horse and met Master, and said that Lili Port was subject to Dioni. Yaren's landing attack, I hope he immediately sent troops to rescue! "

The Carthaginians closed the door of the tower, and let the soldiers desperately call the door unfit. Instead, they lit a number of torches on the tower, and then let the light infantry occupy the tower. People conduct long-range attacks.

This time, the mountain reconnaissance team members did not even wear leather helmets or leather armor for the convenience of hiding on the cargo ship and for climbing, except for a leather shield, there was no extra protection on their bodies, and they gathered on the narrow aisle and became remote. The best target for the attack, after several rounds of bows and arrows, the mountain reconnaissance team rushing in front had more injuries and injuries, and even Terentus was shot in the left arm.

The pain relieved Terentus' enthusiasm, and he hurriedly ordered the soldiers to retreat and hold the lighthouse.

The Dionysians retreated, but Carthage soldiers did not dare to open the tower door, for fear of an accident, and it was not until the heavy infantry under the city arrived that Immisere ordered to open the tower door.

The walls on the natural breakwater are more than 5 meters high. Only through the lighthouse can they descend to the embankment. If Carthage soldiers want to recapture the lighthouse, they can only pass through the wall walkway. This cannot take advantage of their many soldiers. The connection between the lighthouse and the wall Although there is no door, the lighthouse is more than twice as high as the city wall. Therefore, Terentus asked some members to block the entrance and exit of the city wall, and another part went to the small barracks to get the javelins and bows stored by the enemy, and then went to the stone window on the upper level of the tower. Now, attack the attacking Carthage infantry below, thereby reducing the impact of Carthage heavy infantry on the entrance to the lighthouse.

Terentus now regrets: The Lithuanian Carthages are not like Keslera and Syracuse. They respond quickly to the night raids. Knowing this, he should not worry about conquering the tower. Doors, but you should seize the time to use door panels or other things to block the entrance to the walls and lighthouses.

Today, the two sides have formed a bullish trend, which is very detrimental to the mountain reconnaissance team. In the space where there is almost no evasion, the heavy infantry and light armored soldiers fight head-on. Naturally, the mountain reconnaissance team has suffered a lot of casualties, but even if the casualties continue to increase, the mountain reconnaissance team steps You ca n’t retreat, or else the Carthaginians rushed into the lighthouse. The consequences were unthinkable. Therefore, at the entrance of the lighthouse and the city wall, the mountain reconnaissance team could only fall down, and then top it one by one.

Imisere was also very anxious, because the soldiers rushing to the artificial breakwater tower quickly sent people to report back: they found that many warships were approaching the port!

The main forces of Dionysians are coming! Imisere was extremely anxious, and he knew very well that once these warships entered the port, it would pose a great threat to Lili.

So he issued a death order to Ragnaca who had already reached the city: he must recapture the lighthouse and close the water gate as soon as possible!

Despite the shouts and chaos in the port area, both sides actually focused the battle on the battle for the lighthouse.

Ragnaca received the order, but did not immediately throw the 5,000 soldiers he led into the attack on the lighthouse, because the Carthage soldiers who had previously attacked had already formed a long line on the natural breakwater wall walkway. Even if the soldiers in the back do n’t threaten the enemies in the lighthouse even if he invests more, he quickly orders his hand to find the rope so as to hang down from the wall so that the soldiers can descend to the embankment and then attack the lighthouse from below. Second, you can prevent Dionysians from continuing to land on the embankment.


Since the Sicilian fleet cruises in the western waters every day, each warship is familiar with the sea conditions near Liliquan. Under the guidance of the lighthouse, their speed has increased to the highest level until it approaches the water gate ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Only slightly slowed down, one by one, next to the side of the lighthouse, entered one after another.

At this time, the Carthage archers in the tower connected to the opposite water gate kept firing rockets at the Dionian warship that entered the water gate, and the stars were shining brightly at night under the sea.

But the people on the Dionysian ship were nervous.The soldiers on the deck erected long shields to shield the rockets, and at the same time they had to be cleaned into the sea to prevent the warship from being ignited, and the sailors in the cabin were once again Speed ​​up the paddles to allow the ship to escape from the range of the bow and arrow.

Originally, according to the plan, the first warship entering the port should go in as far as possible, and the warships should be placed against the starting end of the natural breakwater, and then lined up in order, so that the soldiers of the regiment could land on the embankment together, and the fleet led Stefan Cass's ship is on a pilot's role.

But when he saw the Carthages fighting on the wall in front of the lighthouse, the watchman reminded him: he saw the Carthages hanging down the rope on the front wall.

He immediately realized the urgency of time. When the ship was approaching the embankment, turning the bow bridge of the bow, the 12-meter wooden bridge was easily placed on the embankment, just like the Third Fleet passed the Tiber River a few months ago. Like the attack on the west bank of the Roman city, the 50 Second Army soldiers on the warship quickly climbed over the suspension bridge, rushed to the embankment, and intercepted the Carthage soldiers who were coming down the wall.

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