v8 Chapter 356: Carthage Naval Battle (2)

The Magonides are opposed to continuing the peace talks. They believe that the conditions of the peace proposed by the King of Dionia show the greed and ambition of the Dionians, who want to occupy the land controlled by Carthage. And wealth, destroying Carthage's hegemony and reducing Carthage to an ordinary city-state, which is unacceptable to all Carthage citizens! The elders must abandon the illusion of peace, renew their determination, exhaust all their strengths, support the army of Carthage in Sicily, and fight against Dionia to the end, maybe the war will turn for the better over time!

The neutrals, led by Isaruba, said that the negotiations can continue, but they should not be too anxious. They can drag on and increase their military support for Marco and Morbar, hoping to use one or two victories. To change the arrogant attitude of the Dionians and make negotiations easier.

The Senate has been arguing for several days because of the peace talks, and it has not been able to reach a final resolution, but the situation has become more and more powerful for the Magonids, because the news of the peace talks was leaked out and the public understood In the harsh conditions put forward by Dionia, I have forgotten the threat of Dionia to Africa, and urged the Senate to continue to fight Dionia to the end.

It can be said that the city of Carthage is very lively these days. There are people all over the place attacking Dionysian greed and shame. Therefore, when the Dionysian fleet comes today, there will be many Carthaginians. The base merchant ship owners gathered and took the initiative to express a strong desire to fight to Morbar. Although the Carthage fleet won in the previous naval battle, the loss of the Carthage merchant ship was heavy. More than half of the ship owners and The crew failed to return to the port.

"Well, if this naval battle is won, then what peace talks are needed! Our fleet can continue to fight, and then continue to win the second, third victory, and finally regain control of the western waters of Sicily, then Margo The grown-up's army will no longer have to worry about food transportation. It can let go of a full-scale battle with the Dionysian army, and the whole battle will become in our favor! "Pretakuba said aloud.

Origin wanted to refute, but Hanno said loudly, "We all hope so! I hope Bar Harmon bless Carthage!" After that, he actually closed his eyes and began to pray.

Seeing this, the elders around you rushed to pray, and the atmosphere in the whole city became solemn and solemn.

But their prayers didn't seem to play much of the role. The Carthage merchant ships disrupted the formation of the Dionysian fleet, giving the Carthage fleet an advantage in the initial attack, but this advantage was not too great because Dior Niah ’s usual star formation has always ranked the crow warships at the forefront of the attack. Today is no exception. Although the chaos of the formation has affected the forward speed of all warships, the speed is used to crash into Ben. It is not the characteristics of the crow warship. What it excels at is the 12-meter-long, flexible swinging bridge. Even if the warship stagnates, swinging the bow in place will pose a threat to the warships approaching it. .

Of course, the chaos of the formation will cause the warships in the rear to not reinforce the crow warships in the front line in time, especially when the suspension bridge of the crow warship catches the enemy ship. And Carthage ’s dual column formation is exactly the use of speed, cut into the enemy line, non-stop to cause the enemy ship to fight more and less, of course, this requires the crew to have superb ship manipulation skills, and the Carthage people are best at this .

Therefore, such a scene appeared many times on the battlefield at first. The suspension bridge of the Raven battleship just nailed a Carthage three-layer paddle warship. It didn't take long for the fleet infantry to storm the enemy's deck. Due to the failure of the Friendship to reinforce in time, they were slowly sunk by the severe collision of the next Carthage warship, and the Carthage paddlers were previously motivated by the heroic behavior of the merchant ship and their families at the shore. They earnestly hope that they will no longer be afraid of the 40 fleet infantry who rushed into the basement, and took out the daggers that were equipped not long ago (because only the hanging daggers will not affect their paddles, and the price is relatively low and convenient (Equipped with) and wood pulp for stubborn resistance.

Even though the Dionysian infantry has been trained for a long time and is fully armed, in order to defeat the nearly 200 morale-savvy Carthage sailors and completely occupy the ship, it will take no time, no certain casualties, Is impossible.

The Dionya Third Fleet was disadvantaged at the beginning of the battle, but after years of hard training and the hardening of the Sardinian naval battle, the crew believed that even if the situation was difficult, the final victory would still belong to them. So their fighting is equally tenacious and they are trying to correct their mistakes.

Over time, the initial decline was slowly pulled back by the Third Fleet. The most important reason was that the warships on both sides had fully contacted, and they had entered the full-scale melee from the initial tactical battle. Among them, this kind of battle situation is more conducive to the year-round non-stop training of the Dionysian fleet. The crow warship and the fast three-tier paddle warship are good at jumping and fighting, and flexible and fast assault. Began to show its power.

There is only one type of three-tiered paddle warship in the Carthage fleet. (Since the Carthage Senate considered to build more warships as soon as possible to form a new fleet, the four-story paddle warship and the twin-headed dragon Due to the time-consuming manufacturing of these types of warships, they have not been included in the construction plan for the time being. Their tactics are relatively monotonous. The crew must worry about not being approached by the head of the crow warship. Its suspension bridge is pinned, and it is necessary to be alert to the sudden attack of the fast-moving warship, which often appears to be wrong.

At the time of the naval battle, most of the Carthage merchant ships had sunk, and the remaining part did not dare to be on the battlefield at all, because the warships were so dense that both the enemy and us were paying full attention. Manipulating warships continues to charge, hover, turn, hit, and fight against their opponents. They will never dodge because of the existence of a merchant ship. A slight collision can make it overturn, even the most arrogant Barry. Kos also drove the merchant ship back to the coast.

After I went ashore, the people of Carthage bent over to salute him, expressed their respect, and then shouted his name and applauded, this was the etiquette to the hero.

里 Barricos is arrogant in his heart. Facing the crowds, he brazenly brags about his adventure in driving a merchant ship to tease a Dionysian warship.

At a time when some port people were attracted by Barricos's narrative and exclaimed from time to time, suddenly the people on the beach rioted, and people kept exclaiming: "Our fleet seems to be retreating!"

"It's impossible!" Barricos loudly wanted to refute these nasty voices. He didn't want to see the opportunities created by the adventures and sacrifice of himself and his companions be wasted.

But on the distant sea, all the ships of Carthage were indeed retreating.

The two sides have been fighting until now, and even Midolades's flagship has been put into the battle. The only one who has not joined the battle is the Carthage flagship where Morbal is located. It has been stationed not far from the battlefield, on the main mast. The watcher has been describing to Barricos on the deck the scene of the battle he saw. Morbar used this to judge the development of the battle. When he realized that the Carthage fleet had lost the original advantage, and Dior After the Niah Fleet entered into a stalemate, he understood that the situation was starting to be detrimental to the Carthage Fleet.

Suddenly, he decisively let a dozen buglers sound the sound of retreat.

Captain Carthage, who had been solemnly instructed by Morbar before boarding the ship, heard the sound, and immediately turned the bow to retreat with little hesitation.

Naval warfare is different from land warfare. Although the two sides are engaged in melee, the warship needs sufficient space to fight, so the space between the ship is still large. Once you choose to retreat, it is difficult to be surrounded. .

Moreover, the Dionysian fleet has a not too big weakness ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The main crow warship is not as fast as an ordinary three-tier paddle warship. If the other party escapes with all its strength, it will be difficult The fast warships that catch up, and the speed and flexibility that are known, are relatively small, and the protection is weaker than the ordinary three-tier paddle warships. Counterattack. So after paying some price, the Carthage fleet began to leave the battlefield and retreat eastward.

After learning about the sudden changes in the battle situation, Midolades would certainly not allow the Carthage fleet that had been tempted to escape into the port smoothly without suffering too much loss, so he ordered that the fleet be basically maintained. In the case of formation, chase with all your strength!

The Carthage fleet was retreating, and the third fleet was chasing after the tail, and there was no time to stay. The original battlefield was full of crew members floating on the sea, broken floorboards, paddlers killed by the fleet infantry, or the hull was obvious. Damaged and unable to move warship ...

Barricos saw this situation by the sea. Although he was worried that the fleet would fail again, he was more worried about his fellow citizens soaking in the sea, so he shouted, "Follow me, to rescue our brave soldiers!"

After speaking, he took his crew, pushed the cargo ship docked on the beach back into the sea, and headed for the battlefield ahead, and other remaining merchant ships soon followed.

Many people in the port were called by them, and they also drove their own fishing boats and rushed to the battlefield to help their fellow citizens.