v8 Chapter 360: Final Battle of Serinus (1)

In fact, just as Okridon was worried, the atmosphere of harmony that existed when the two met last time no longer exists. In this meeting, not only did he reject the request to "stop offense", but he also rebuked loudly: In the midst of this country's hardships, the Hanoi did not unite to defeat powerful enemies, but instead tried to stir up civil strife and betray the interests of the city-state. This was simply treason!

After a quarrel between the two, Okridon left angrily.

My brother vented his anger, but was not happy: the original siege leader Numibia suffered too many casualties because of this time, coupled with the suspicions and censorship of them by the generals and team officials these days, even now the generals No matter how intimidating and tempting they are, they are basically unable to work.

Time is very important to Marco, and he is too anxious to get angry and decides to let the Iberian army he trusts be the main force in the siege.

Although the Dionysian army has been stepping up the construction of the defensive facilities in the city of Celinus during this time, the time has not been able to compare with the completely stone outer wall. Two days after the fierce battle, noon on the third day The good news came from the front: It is reported to Lord Marco that General Hasdruba has led the army to capture the inner city of the west!

In fact, there is no need to send a commander to report. Marco, who is standing at the outer wall of the city and watching the battle, can clearly see that the Iberian soldiers are constantly ascending to the head of the city. Excited, he immediately ordered: "Tell Haas Drogba, don't stop at the city, continue to attack, capture the port as soon as possible, and capture the entire city! "

"Also remind General Hasdruba to watch out for the Onionian counterattack!" Pomirka interjected.

Brother Ma glanced at him, and waved at the commander: That's it! To Hasdrumba, go now! "

"Master, after the capture of Serinus ... you will not launch a new attack, will you?" Pomirka asked softly.

The excitement quickly disappeared on his brother's face, and he snorted coldly, sarcasticly: "The Senate has already threatened me and will stop sending us military supplies. Where can I still have the ability to launch a new battle!"

Sergeant Pomirka sighed and said with a worried expression: "Our reserve of rations can only be supplied for less than 10 days. If Carthage stopped sending us rations, then we can ..."

Marco said calmly: "Our navy has been completely defeated. I heard that the ships of Dionysian have even cruised in the waters of Carthage every day. It is impossible for Carthage to transport military food here. What useful is the Senate threatening us!

Besides, even if during the negotiations, the Dionysian fleet lifted the blockade, would the Senate really dare to provide us with food? You need to know that there are not only Numibia and Iberian natives in this army, but also citizens from the allies of Carthage and Phoenicia. If they starve to death, they are not afraid to cause the anger of the Carthage people! "

My brother holding military power is playing rogue, and the nursing home does not take him for a while ... Pomerka is speechless, and he sighs: "Master, you will anger many elders when you return to Cartha. Ji, I'm afraid it will be interrogated by the Senate ... "

"I'm not afraid of their interrogation!" There was a rage on Marco's face, and he said in a deep voice: "I'm worried that some people will put the name of the culprit who caused Carthage to be forced into peace talks" on me On the head, tarnishing the honor of the great Magonid family! I will never allow this to happen!

If you think about it, since we landed in Sicily, we have conquered Minoa, Agrigento, Ekonum, and Gela, won the battle of Gela, and entered the territory of Dionia in Sicily. , Even deterred the main army under the command of King Dionia dare not fight with us! In contrast, Monte Ardino's army suffered a fiasco during the Battle of Minoa, and Anobas's navy repeatedly failed ... Who recommended them?

Now, we have defeated the city of Sellinus, which is guarded by heavy soldiers. If the Senate had to charge you and me, the people would understand that the true sinner will never win the victory for Carthage. We, but some incompetent and shameless veterans! "

Having said that, he took a breath and looked at the soldiers cheering victory on the front of the city. He hesitated and said again: "Since Okridon said that the Dionysians are very willing to have peace talks, we have won Serinus will even strengthen their willingness to negotiate and allow Okridon to have more chips and pay less in the negotiations ... "

One of the biggest fears in Uma's mind was not to say: If the Dionysians stop peace talks and continue fighting, his army will collapse due to lack of food.

此时 But at this time for him, who has fallen into the dual predicament of politics and military, he has no choice in order to defend the honor of himself and his family.

It's obvious that Pomirka also thought about this, so he was not completely moved by Mago's words. He said quietly, "I hope things develop as you say ..."

The two quickly fell into silence, each holding the battlements, and staring at each other in silence.

I do n’t know how long before, the soldiers rushed forward: "Report to Lord Margo, the Dionysians built a solid city wall in front of the port, dug trenches, and arranged Luzhai, and the number of enemies in the city increased. Our attack Obstructed, General Hasdruba asks for instructions. "

Immediately in the heart, she asked, "What is Drastuba's own opinion?"

"The general believes that the soldiers are already very tired after fierce fighting, and they do not understand the enemy's defense situation. They hope that the soldiers can retreat and rest until they are fully prepared tomorrow before attacking."

"Damn Dionysians, how many walls have they built!" Anxiously looking forward to Victor's swearing curse.

"This should be the last line of defense for Dionysians in Sellinus," Pomirka comforted.

Time ... time ... Mother was thinking in his heart, he thought to end the battle as soon as possible, then stop the war against Dionysian, let the truce negotiations continue, win the front line of life for the army, but things did not develop as he expected As smooth as that.

"Let Hasdruba take his troops back for a while ..." Mago said swiftly, and patted it on the battlements.

At this moment, Yu Guang in the corner of his eye suddenly noticed that there seemed to be black smoke in the distance behind the right side. He immediately turned around and looked around, and saw that not only the northwest of Carthage camp outside the city of Celinus flashed fire. Motion, black smoke billowing, and listening carefully, and the sound of killing came.

"What happened there ?!" Pomirka's exclaimed beside him: "Hurry up and send someone to check!"

At this moment, the instinct refined in the Iberian battlefield for ten years made Marco feel that the situation was not good, and he decisively issued an order to the lieutenant: immediately send someone to inform Stikamo General, responsible for staying in the camp), the Northwest camp has changed, let him lead the army to peace! ............ Send someone to inform Kisgo (Kisso is currently leading more than 6,000 Phoenician soldiers as a siege reserve and is on standby in Celinus), and let him lead the army immediately Return to the camp and assist Sticamo! "

"Yes, sir!" The lieutenant immediately arranged for a commander.

"Is there a rebellion in the Numibian cavalry?" Pomirka said wistfully, pointing at the rising smoke. In order to capture the city of Sellinus, the Carthage army built the walls on both the north and south sides of the camp. At this time, they blocked Mago's sight and prevented them from seeing the situation inside the camp, but the orientation was mainly The camp of the Numbian cavalry was located, so Pomirka would have this guess.

"... It's hard to say." Brother Moan groaned and didn't dare to make a rash decision, because in that position there were not only Numibian soldiers, but also Lusitanian cavalry, and a small number of Numibian infantry. And because of the success of the Dionian army ’s successive assaults on Palermos and Liliyu, leaving a shadow on Mago ’s heart, he suddenly came up with a more terrifying guess: whether it ’s Dionian The army sneaked into the camp? !!

He couldn't help hitting several chills and shouted again to the lieutenant: "Just rush to inform Hasdrubba, let him leave 10,000 people to defend the inner city just captured, and lead the other troops back to the camp immediately. ! "

As soon as Magma had given her order, she saw several scouts rushing from the camp to the city wall and shouting, "Master Brother! Master Brother!"

"What's the matter ?!" Ma hurriedly poked his head out of the battlements.

"Master Brother, Numibia ’s soldiers who patrolled in the morning attacked the soldiers at the west gate ~ www.novelhall.com ~ when they returned to the camp and occupied the gate. Their camp also occurred at the same time. After the rebellion, the Numbian cavalry gathered and not only burned their own camp, but also launched an attack on the nearby Carthage cavalry camp ... After General Sticamo was informed, he was gathering the army to level up the chaos. Before arriving at the camp to the west, it was re-informed that there was instability in the Numbia camp in the east. Some Numbia soldiers were attacking their team officers and plotting to launch a rebellion. General Stikamo believed that the troops were insufficient, The turmoil in the entire camp cannot be calmed in time. I hope you can send in reinforcements. "

"There must be Dionysians in it, we have not cleaned up the spies in the Numibian army! And the rebellious Numibian cavalry, they must also have been the Dionians. Instigated! "Pomirka said soberly at this time, with regret in her expression.

During the previous reorganization of the entire Carthage army, some Numbian spies released by the Dionians have been found. If it was not for Marco who was anxious to attack Serinus, Pomirka thought that there would be A few days of rectification can completely guarantee the stability of the Numibian army. However, they were negligent about the Numbian Cavalry, and their previous rectification and censorship were not strict, because the Numbian Cavalry Camp was calm when the rumours of the Numbian Army broke out, plus The East and West Numbiaians are relatively independent and have little contact with each other. Therefore, both Margo and Pomirka have an illusion: Numbia cavalry is trustworthy.

After hearing the plea of ​​the cavalry under the city, Ms. Ma was relieved: the movement in the camp was not caused by a raid by the Dionysian army!