v8 Chapter 370: Authentic Turui Bathing Way

Latest website: Kingdom Hotel is a hotel funded by the Kingdom of Dionia. As the name suggests, it is used to receive guests from the Kingdom, such as ambassadors or VIPs from other countries.

However, at this time, the Kingdom Hotel was mainly used to receive town councillors and warders who participated in the Kingdom Assembly. This is a huge number. It was impossible to accommodate so many people only by relying on the building originally built, so earlier At that time, the Senate also specifically advised on the announcements sent to the towns: those who participated in the meeting had relatives and friends in Turui City, and they should try to borrow in their homes.

In recent years, the Ministry of Construction has successively built three or four similar buildings and several separate villas on the south side of the Kingdom Hotel, which are collectively referred to as the Kingdom Hotel. This has basically met the needs.

It stands to reason that it is almost time for the opening of the conference. The hotel should be overcrowded. Even if there are remaining rooms, the conditions will not be too good. However, based on the replies from the town halls, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs prepared the accommodation list in advance and sent it to the person in charge of the hotel. Of course, Publius and Tibrus have specially reserved rooms with good accommodation conditions, especially Publius, who is both a valuable veteran and a Roman who has just joined the kingdom. It is the best room in the entire hotel-a single villa.

This villa has three floors, the first floor is mainly the living room and kitchen, and the second and third floors are bedrooms. The reason why these villas were built is that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers that it is necessary to receive some VIPs who are visiting with their families for a long time.

The hotel attendant led Publius into the villa. After simply understanding the condition of the villa, Publius immediately invited Tibulus to accompany him here.

Tibulus readily agreed, and soon returned the original house.

January is still winter. Even though Turui is near the ocean, the weather is still cold, but Pubulius even barefooted on the smooth marble floor of the living room, with a novel look, because the floor turned out to be hot.

Tibrus didn't immediately answer his question, but pointed to the door and said, "Sir, have you seen the big house that's been steaming next to you? It's a bathroom."

"It's the place you mentioned to me on the road, where people can take a bath." Pubulius was curious.

Although Tibulus had not been to the Kingdom Hotel before, he knew that a large bath was built in the center of the Kingdom Hotel, so he explained based on common sense: "The reason why the floor is hot is that they must have drawn the heat from the bathroom. Under the floor, the floor is heated. "

"Bring the heat down here?" Pubulius stepped on the floor, even more surprised.

"The ground is not completely solid. When building this house, the craftsmen created a lot of voids under the floor, which is conducive to the flow of heat ..." Now, the construction of the bathroom has become common sense in Turui Tibulus explained very fluently.

"After dinner, let's go to the bath!" After listening to Tibrus's introduction, Pbulius said eagerly.

"Two adults, you don't need to go to the bathhouse, there is a bathroom in this room." The waiter who had just delivered dinner heard the words of the two and immediately introduced them.

Therefore, after dinner, the two entered the bathroom connected to the villa. Although this bathroom is not large, it should have all the facilities that a general bath should have. In advance, the waiter has greeted the central bath, hot water and hot air channels to this small bathroom have been opened, and when the two take off their clothes in the locker room and change the wooden slippers, the bathroom is ready appropriate.

The two passed through the locker room and entered the first small room. The room was relatively cool. Here, the people who came to take a bath first relaxed and slowly transitioned into the bathing state.

But Publius was obviously more anxious. Instead of staying here, he pushed open the wooden door and entered the next small room.

The temperature in this room was a little hot, and it was even hotter in the next room ... After passing through three small rooms one by one, the temperature was higher than one, and Publius began to sweat.

Pushing open the next wooden door, he saw a circular pool inside, stepped on the stone steps, walked to the pool, stretched his feet to try, warm water, and jumped in immediately.

Publius invaded the whole person in the water, and covered the whole body with warm, warm water, driving away the cold invasion suffered during the two days of trekking in the mountains.

After a while, he raised his head above the water and shouted "Ha!", Feeling full of energy.

Then he saw Tibulus soaking in the bath, leaning against the wall, arms around the edge of the pool, looking cozy.

Tibrus rubbed his hands and said, "This bath is really good, but it's not too special, it's bigger than the usual bathtub in the house."

Tibulus smiled and said, "Master Pubulius, you have only halfway through the bath. Don't jump to conclusions."

"Anything else behind?" Pubulius was a little surprised.

Tibrus didn't speak, pointing his finger to a wooden door on the side.

Publius got up and walked out of the bath. He opened the wooden door doubtfully, and immediately felt a heat wave rushing into the room. The room was covered with white mist, and it was indistinguishable.

Publius was still hesitant to go in. Tibrus walked in first and sat on the wooden bench in the house. Then he said, "This room is called the fumigation room. It is the most important place in the bath and it is also the distance from boiling water. Near the stove, they also sprinkled hot water on the ground, and the heat turned into mist, making it the hottest room.

However, according to Dr. Turui, moderately increasing the body's heat will exercise various organs in our body, speed up blood flow, and eliminate waste in the body, which is very beneficial to protecting our health. I heard that most of the older elders like fumigation like this— "

Before Tiberus had finished speaking, Pbulius stepped in immediately and sat on the wooden bench.

He soon felt that the room was hot and humid, and even breathing became a little difficult. Soon he began to sweat a lot, mixed with water mist, and adhered tightly to the skin, making the body extra heavy.

Publius wanted to get up and walk out of the room at once, but when he saw Tibulus's figure still sitting opposite, remembering what he said, "The longer you stay, the better your body will be." So he put up again and leaned back. Keep your back more comfortable.

In such a quiet room, the surrounding water is so thick that even the face of Tibulus on the opposite side does not look real, the heat is suffocating, and it feels like being drunk, making people want to talk. impulse.

"Tuliui is really a huge city, more prosperous than I thought! It is much stronger than Rome!" Pubulius sighed, "According to the requirements of the Senate, I will move to this year. It ’s in the city, but I see so many residents in Turui. It ’s not easy to own a house. ”

"It's true. The population of Turui has increased sharply over the years. I remember last year that the entire city plus the entire Subari Plain, excluding several other towns in the Turui region, had a population of 49. There are about 2,000 households with 238,000 people. This does not include those free people, slaves and other migrants ... There are so many people, so residential land is very tight. As you saw when we entered the city, the size of the outer city is The result of the continuous expansion of the urban area over the years.

A lot of arable land is now covered with houses. The rents for people renting houses in Turui are several times the income from their farming. Our Ministry of Agriculture has reflected upwards several times, but His Majesty said, 'As long as the strength of the kingdom is increasing, Strong, the city of Turui will inevitably develop sharply, so that it is in line with its status as the center of the kingdom. The Turui people have paid a lot for the kingdom and can make money by renting houses. It is also a benefit that the kingdom gives back to them. As long as they pay taxes normally, there is no need to forcibly stop them. As for the food issue, there is a whole kingdom to feed Turui, and the people are not short of money, so we do n’t have to worry about them not getting bread ... ’

Your Majesty is right! The kingdom is vast, with the plains of Catania, the plains of Eufemia, the region of Apulia, the region of Crotone, and the newly acquired eastern plains of Campania, the fertile land of southern Sardinia ,and also--"

Tiberus paused: "Latinum Plain ... Besides ~ www.novelhall.com ~ we can also get a lot of cheap food from the ally Egypt, and we don't really have to worry too much about the food problem. The people of Turui have indeed paid for these years. Many, every major war, they are the main force of combat, so the casualties are also the largest. Just as this war has not ended, the total number of civilian soldiers in the entire Turui region has exceeded 10,000 ... they really deserve More."

Tibulus spent many years with the Ministry of Agriculture in Turui, and he couldn't stop talking about the city's land and housing problems: "Because Turui doesn't allow land to be bought or sold, he can stay here. Owning land is really like holding a golden chicken that can continuously produce golden eggs. You do n’t have to worry about eating and dressing in the future. However, the entire Subari Plain ... No, the entire Turui region dates back to 10 years ago. Already the land has been allocated, it is almost impossible for a new citizen to acquire Turui's land, unless he marries a dead Turi widow with no children, like this war, I believe There will be many widows ... 产生 —— "

Pubulius interrupted him suddenly: "I have a question. Turui's citizen died in battle and has no children. Can't this land be inherited by his family or other loved ones?"

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