v8 Chapter 381: It is better to chase the leftovers to the poor

Insurgent indigenous fighters occupy Mazara city, while plundering the entire city, while sending people to negotiate with Dionia, proposing that as long as Dionia sends them back to Iberia, they will no longer be with Dionia Enemy, and offer the city of Mazara.

Davers' answer was quite tough: they were not qualified to talk to him about the conditions. Unless they surrendered immediately and unconditionally, their bodies should not even want to return to their land even after death.

The response of Daphs made the Iberian indigenous soldiers angry but frightened. They wanted to eliminate the fear in their hearts through killing. Therefore, the original plunder in the city of Mazara became a slaughter. The people of Mazara rose up and resisted, but how could it be The opponents of these wolf-like indigenous warriors will all become ghosts under the sword.

Who knew that a team of Lusitanians and Celts clashed because they robbed of food. The conflict quickly turned into a slaughter, and then the slaughter quickly evolved into a melee. The Celtics, the Lusitans, Iberian and Phoenician infantry, they were not under the control of His Majesty, and their treatment was different. There were some contradictions in the past. Now, in order to get more food, let their people have more opportunities for survival. At the expense of other races ...

All the races in the city are involved in this scuffle and cannot be stopped at all. Throughout the day, the screams and killings in the city continued to linger for ten miles.

Dionysian Scout reported the news of the civil strife in Mazara City to Davers. Davers rejected the offer of his generals to ask for "intervention", but only allowed the Scout to continue monitoring.

At nightfall, blood was flowing into the city of Mazara, and corpses lay across the ground. Because of the darkness, the various forces had to stop fighting, entangled in a corner of the city and guarded each other.

The weaker Phanu infantry naturally gathered with the remaining Mazara people, occupied the port, and began plotting to surrender to Dionia.

At dawn on the second day, the Iberian natives awakened from their sleep, and were shocked to find that thousands of soldiers with black helmets and black armors appeared in the city. They were shocked. They suspected that each other secretly opened the city gate and released Dionysius. The Asian army entered.

But in fact, the Mazara took a ferry in the port and rushed to Celinus, crying for help from Davos, and willing to let Mazara join the kingdom of Dionia.

Davers then made the Sicilian fleet urgently transport the soldiers of the two legions, and at night, landed in the port of Mazara.

Yesterday's melee has caused a lot of death and injury to the Iberian indigenous people. Today, the Dionysian army has already appeared in the city, and the screams outside the city are screaming and billowing.

Even if the Iberian natives were fierce again, they were in desperation and eventually had to choose to surrender one by one.

Segstad and Mazara surrendered successively, and Carthage's 100,000 troops were all destroyed. Davis immediately asked Segstad and Mazara to send envoys to Urex to persuade.

Erics-The Phoenician had no choice in the religious center of Sicily, and soon opened the door to Dionia.


After the surrender of Erix, Davers led the main troops into Liliqiu, a military fortress built by Carthage. At the main residence of the city, he held a military meeting again, except for the ninth place in Sardinia. In addition to the absence of Legionnaire Tegtinos, all senior Dionysian generals participating in the war participated in the meeting, even Zante Antiparis, the 7th Legionnaire stationed in the remote Palermoth. Hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, congratulations on your victory in the Sicilian war! You led the army to conquer the entire island and drove out the Carthaginians completely, creating a brilliant record that previous people could not create!" The meeting just started, Tolmead led the senior generals to congratulate Davers in unison.

This was clearly beyond Davis's surprise. His eyes slowly swept across the generals' faces, and he saw Tormead, Matonis, Oliver, Lizaru, Trotilas, Zante The excitement on Paris's face saw the smiles on the faces of Alexis, Printos, Epiphanes, the regrets revealed by Amintas, and the face of Leotizides On the calm ...

In the end his eyes fell on Hernepolis, the court clerk who seemed to be laughing and covering his mouth because of Davis' surprise.

After a moment, Davers said with a somber expression, saying passionately: "This victory belongs not only to me alone, but also to your outstanding generals, to our heroic soldiers, and to contributing our own power for this war. All the people of Dionia! Without your excellent command, without the soldiers' strenuous killing, and without the people's full dedication, there will be no glorious victory today! Here, I also want to congratulate you, and at the same time I want to congratulate you Expressing gratitude! "Then, he gave a solemn military salute to the generals present.

When the generals saw this scene, they first looked at each other, and then they all responded to the ceremony.

Davers saw that all of them seemed to be touched by his words, and he waved his hands again and again, and eased his tone, saying, "Sit down, stand so old and be seen by others, I'm afraid we don't think we are celebrating. Victory, but met a strong enemy, ready for a decisive battle. "

Everyone laughed.

Even Hippopolis joked: "Your Majesty, now in the Western Mediterranean, there is no other city-state or race that dares to wage war with us in Dionia."

This made a proud smile on the faces of all present.

Davers smiled slightly and did not respond.

After everyone sat down, he said positively: "You made a small mistake just now. We haven't completely conquered Sicily, and Ortigia is still harboring the rebels of Syracuse. Of course, they It is no longer worth our attention. But this war with Carthage is far from over. On the land of Africa opposite the sea, the wealthy Carthage may be desperately consuming the treasury gold and silver and want to hire More soldiers, build more warships, and continue this war, so it is not time to celebrate the victory, we must not give the Carthaginians any respite, we must hurry up and land in Afrika, Defeat Carthage completely! At that time, we can completely relax and cheer for victory! "

After listening to Daphs, the generals' eyes became eager, and their expressions became even more exhilarating: fighting across the sea and conquering Carthage would be a great glory!

Looking at these war-seeking generals, Dafus took a serious look, and Shen Sheng said, "Since the outbreak of the war, in order to provide our army with a large number of military supplies with sufficient supplies, so that soldiers can fight without any worries. The kingdom ran out of the state treasury, the financial constraints of various departments, and the people were eating and drinking. Even after the autumn harvest, the food was collected and was about to run out ...

Now that we are fighting across the sea, it is farther from the kingdom, and it takes more material. With the current financial situation of the kingdom, it is no longer possible to support such a large-scale army, so the number of soldiers sent in the past will not be too much. I don't plan to go with the army anymore.

Fortunately, most of the military forces of Carthage have been wiped out by us in Sicily. It is impossible to form a powerful army in a short time, and we have formed alliances with the East and West Numebians. At that time, their army will go to Africa together and fight side by side with our army, so although we only send some troops to fight, we still have a great advantage! "

At this time, in the eyes of Daphs, the generals looked different, but they all revealed more or less a desire: to become the commander of the expedition to Carthage!

Daphs didn't give them more time for gestation and the opportunity to fight. He paused and immediately gave a firm order: "Now, I have appointed Alexis as commander, leading the First Army, Second Army, and The Three Legions Expedition to Carthage! "

As soon as the order was issued, some generals looked "sure enough" and looked relieved; although some generals were unwilling, they did not dare to raise objections.

Over the years, Alexis, who rarely took the initiative to fight and became more and more pessimistic, stood up immediately, showing a rare excitement on his face, and said with a tremor, "My Majesty ... I will work together with my brothers on the expedition, Fight bravely and conquer Carthage as soon as possible in return for your trust! "

Dafus nodded, and said nothing more than encouragement. He stared straight at him and said again in a deep voice: "The time is urgent. There are only two days to prepare your army for the expedition. Two days later, take a boat to Africa! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Alexis, Armintas, Matonis, and Lizaru responded in a series of salutes ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Olivers! "

"Ah ... yes!"



"Recently, I received a battle report from Tegtinos. The Ninth Army led by him successively captured multiple Phoenician city-states on the island of Sardinia, but because each captured city-state had to send troops, He is not strong enough to capture the largest city-state in Sardinia, Kararis, and Kararis now gathers the last resistance forces on Sardinia, so Tagtinos turned to me for help, I Decided to send the Fourth Army and the Roman Reserve to Sardinia! "

Having said that, Davers looked at Olivers and reminded euphemistically: "In order to avoid excessive consumption of materials, we must end the war in Sardinia as soon as possible. You are already familiar with the situation there and know the enemy well, so he will temporarily serve as a commander. You must obey his command, assist him fully, conquer Carlis, occupy the island, and let Sardinia become Dai completely. Territory of Onia! "