v9 Chapter 17: Mercenaries and pay

The words of Heng Yiyi ’s resignation also moved the ministers, and even Daphs was a bit stunned. He could n’t help but said, “The problem of adult citizens has been ignored in the past. Fortunately, Hengmon reminds you in time. We need to pay attention, and of course we should cherish these young people, because they are the future of the kingdom! So after the meeting, you, Hermon, Lafaias, and Burcos, all three of you will 'whether the adult citizen grants a place, and The issue of how to give land is discussed together, come up with a draft plan, discuss it in the next executive meeting, and then submit it to the Senate for approval. "

"Yes, Your Majesty." The three men responded in unison.

"Well, now we are back to the topic of" How to reinforce the Etruscan Union ". Heraclide's proposal to" establish a military fortress on the land given by the Etruscan Union ", I think not bad.

I think the proposal of "Recruiting Free People and Forming Border Guards" put forward by Cypress is also very good.

The issues mentioned by Burcos should indeed cause us to think deeply. The reason why Dionia can grow up quickly is because we have long and steadfastly enforced the law of 'accepting immigrants.' There has been no disadvantage in previous wars. Today, even if the kingdom becomes stronger, we still have many enemies, and we will encounter more powerful enemies in the future.

And ... if a pond is not filled with live water, it will easily rancid; if a country is too closed, without fresh blood, it will lose its vitality. So I do n’t think it is necessary to completely stop the previous immigration laws, but how can we solve the border defense problems of the kingdom and the allies, and at the same time let other free people have the opportunity to become citizens of the kingdom, and it will not let our adults Citizens feel unfair. This requires us to think seriously and come up with a practical and good way! "

Davers used a slow pace to summarize and evaluate the previous minister's discussions, and at the same time, used a firm tone to draw a rough frame for the ministers to prevent them from deviating from the discussion and not getting him. The desired result you want.

The words of King Daphs aroused deep thought among the ministers.

Not long after, Siproos, who had been thinking about it, said, "Your Majesty, for this problem, I think that as long as different free periods are set for the foreign nations to become citizens of the Kingdom, it is better to solve them.

Free people who join the army and guard the border need only serve for 5 years to become full citizens of Dionia. Other free people must work in the kingdom for more than ten years before they can become full citizens.

In this way, free people who want to become citizens of the Kingdom at an early date are willing to take risks and join the border army, but free people who are unwilling to take risks or cannot take any risks still have the opportunity to become citizens, as long as they are willing to slowly boil in the Kingdom time. "

Daphs stroked his jaw, thought for a while, and nodded, "This method is good. What's your opinion?"

Seeing Davos all agreed, and the other ministers did not have much objection. They discussed the details and finally perfected this new bill: Anyone who was recruited by Dionia and joined Dionia After 5 years of service, foreign Gentiles in the army can become full citizens of Dionia; other foreign Gentiles need to live in Dionia for ten years, pay taxes on time, and abide by the law before they can become Diors. A regular citizen of Nigeria, if she dies during this period, her family can renew this period and also obtain citizenship ...

After discussing for a long time, we finally got a result. Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief and listened to the rotating chairman Lucias (due to the death of Cornelus and the retreat of Vespa, Lucia, 65 years ago) Sri Lanka wanted to resign from all posts on the grounds that his health was not good enough to cope with complicated government affairs. What he said was true. After the Western Mediterranean War, the territory of the Kingdom of Dionia expanded greatly, the population increased, and the resources were more abundant. A large number of businessmen, free people, and some city-states and envoys of the influx have poured into the central city of Turui, which has led to a huge increase in government affairs in the Turui region. The number of officials has doubled, and it still feels that the staff is insufficient. . But Dafus repeatedly kept him in the end, only to let him resign from the post of chief executive of the Turui region, and still serve as rotating chairman, in fact many veterans regard him as the first of the five rotating chairman): "His Majesty, now that we have established a new immigration decree, we have decided to recruit free people to defend the Etruscan border and our Iberian territorial border. How many people raise it? "

Davers looked at Alexis.

Alexis has considered this and said without hesitation: "I have said before that the northern border of Etruria needs about three to five thousand people, considering that there will be continuous casualties in the process It also needs to be continuously added. Re-recruitment requires time to train. It is better to recruit one legion at a time. This also allows us to better train them with legion tactics. In the future, when we fight with the regular legion of the kingdom, we will fight together. Command is more convenient.

The Iberian Territory also needs the number of legions to better protect the security of the people in the territory. If you help allies to reinforce a legion and defend the kingdom, but the number of soldiers is still small, I am afraid the people will be dissatisfied with it.

Best, we have to recruit another legion to prevent the sudden invasion of a large enemy. The kingdom is too late to mobilize military forces. We can top up this recruited legion and earn us some time ... "

When Lucias heard this, his face was a little uncomfortable: "Three legions, more than 24,000 people, this is a huge number, Lord Alexis had thought about how much the kingdom would pay for this. Pay ?! "

Alexis was a little puzzled: "Salary? No salary is needed. After these freelancers become soldiers, they eat at the barracks, live in the barracks, and after completing their service, they can get the kingdom's rewards, become full citizens, get the land, Need to give them extra money? "

Lucias, who had been the chief executive of Turui for many years, explained without hesitation: "A foreign freelancer living in the kingdom, as long as he is hard-working, can earn at least 15 drachmas a month, wait until By the time he became a full citizen of Dionia and obtained the land, he had already saved a large sum of money. He did not need to borrow a loan from Christoya Bank, and he was able to build a house and buy wheat. , Buy livestock, and maybe even buy another slave, and life will soon stabilize. Not to mention these free people, even if they are the slaves of the kingdom, Lord Raphaas, do you have to send some of your slave camps? Pay? "

"Yes, but rarely." Rafias answered.

"But at least." Lucia said slowly. "I heard that Turui's slave camp had a very strong young slave. Every time he did more work than other slaves, so he won a lot. As a bonus, he saved all the money, and when he was free, he actually ran to the slave market to buy a female slave and make himself a wife ... "

"This is the real thing. This slave was called Wienlam. She worked extremely hard and always got rewards. So she spent only three years in the Turui slave camp. Last year, the slave administration gave freedom." Yas said with a smile: "Because he has been a slave since he was a child, he is said to have never been with a woman. He always heard other slaves talk about things in the slave camp, and was particularly curious, so he made this impulse. thing."

When he finished speaking, many ministers smiled.

"Master Alexis, you see, even slaves are paid, not to mention that these soldiers who will become kingdoms and the Gentile free people who will guard the border for us, are they not even treated as slaves? If so It seems that we are too harsh, and it will also make them dissatisfied and affect their enthusiasm for recruiting and fighting in the future. Are you right, Lord Alexis? "

Alexis has been engaged in military affairs and does not know much about the social life of the kingdom. After hearing this, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. I had to say frankly: "Thank you Lord Lucia for reminding me, I really ignored this I will return to the Military Department and discuss with my colleagues before I decide how much to pay these freelance soldiers. "

"This is not just a matter of salary." Another rotating chairman, Sedorum, interjected, "their food supply, their weaponry, their material consumption ... these are all needed from the kingdom ~ www.novelhall .com ~ tens of thousands of people! What they consume is not a small amount, and Your Majesty also said just now that this is not a temporary arrangement. This is a long-acting decree and a new and important decision of the Kingdom! This means that the strong support of the Etruscan Union is only temporary. For our kingdom, this large expenditure will be long-term, but where does this large cost come from? "

After Sedorum finished speaking, several senior ministers and the rotating chairman looked at each other and understood in their hearts that this is the difficulty in implementing this new resolution.

Alexis froze, and then replied: "Of course this is from the treasury."

As soon as the words fell, the long-awaited finance officer Archibides immediately shouted, "No! This is not possible! I have just said that the treasury is tight and there is no extra money to support such a long-term employment. army!"

Alexis, a kingdom minister, was confronted face-to-face by Archibides, who was only an intermediate officer. Even if he was conserved, he couldn't hang up at the moment. He said immediately, "How many soldiers have been killed or injured in our army. The kingdom has captured so many gold and silver mines, obtained so many excellent lands, and added so much wealth to the kingdom. Now it needs the state treasury to provide some help to the army. Is that how your finance department treats the military department? "

Akibides was glared by Alexis, and he was a little embarrassed, but he kept in mind what Melsis told him: "We care for the kingdom as the mother, and we must defend our children like mothers. Never Easy concessions, even if you spend one more Opal, you have to consider it for a long time, this is a qualified finance minister, only to receive the attention of His Majesty the King! "