v9 Chapter 33: Croto and Dido (continued)

"Lisinius Stolo ..." Kroto Kataks is familiar with this name, because he is now the Roman Register Officer, and from time to time, Stolo will come to the household registration office to retrieve the file or submit it to someone. Citizens ’criminal records, and many opportunities for dealings between the two sides. He knew that Stolo was fair and decisive in court affairs and rarely misjudged. It was welcomed by the Roman people, and of course it was related to him being a Roman. .

Croto Catax has always believed that, as one of the few Roman-born Dionians who are capable and active, this person has a bright future.

"She's here to plead for Storro?" After several years of hard work, Klotoka Catax had long lost the innocence when he first started doing things, and he immediately thought of the reason why the other party came.

"Yes, Stolo was called to the inspection office for investigation. Conia was very worried about this, so she came to me and cried, 'Her husband has been working for the kingdom, never colluding with those former Roman nobles, plotting rebellion. ... 'She asked me to ask you to speak for her husband, and I agreed.' Dido replied calmly.

"Are you familiar with Strow's wife?"

"She has attended several banquets I have organized, and I met in one or two. How do you say ... she is not exactly a traditional Roman woman, but she also has the pride of a Roman noble woman." Dido said seriously.

Since her marriage to Crotocatax, Dido has accompanied him to live in Rome, but during the period when she was about to give birth, in order to ensure the safety of childbirth, Christoya strongly demanded that Dido come to Turui Came to produce, so Dido stayed in Turui for a while, and personally saw several Turui lady gatherings organized by her mother-in-law. After returning to Rome, she also learned everything, because she has the special characteristics of the prince and concubine. Status, there are many Roman noble ladies who come to the banquet every time, even including the wife of the Roman Chief Executive Asistus, coupled with Dido's own long-sleeve dance, her banquet has gradually been compared in the entire Rome area. Great reputation.

Croto Catax did not stop, because this approach will help expand his influence in Rome and meet Davers' requirements.

"During this period, the Turui inspection unit arrested a number of insurgents who attempted to conspiracy to assassinate his father at the Greek Scholars Conference. Most of them were former Roman nobles. It is normal to be investigated. But as far as I know him, he is a wise man and will not participate in this stupid conspiracy, and his father also admired him in the past ... I believe this is just a routine Investigating, he will soon go home safely, maybe he is already eating at home now. "Kroto Catax resolutely said while eating cod.

"I thought so too, so I agreed with her quite simply. Anyway, we can easily get their gratitude without our efforts." Dido blinked bright eyes.

"You, you." Croto Catax shook his head helplessly, and then fork a piece of fried cod, just arrived at his mouth, remembered something, and then put down, and said seriously: "Lian Xiangke Romans like Niya will feel uneasy about this arrest. I am afraid that other former Roman noble citizens will be more worried. I am worried that this will cause instability in the kingdom! "

"I think father must have taken this issue into consideration when making this decision, and have corresponding measures to deal with it, you can rest assured!" Dido said these are not comforting. Since she joined the Kingdom of Dionia, In the past few years, I have deeply felt that Dionysian's strength today is inseparable from her father-in-law: that is a man of great political wisdom, and is also very good to her. For some time, not only did she care about her, but he would come out to persuade and speak for her whenever Christie criticized him ...

After Mago's death, she found the shadow of her father in another person.

Cloto Catax agreed to his wife's words, he safely finished a piece of cod, and suddenly remembered another thing, said softly: "Today I received a letter from my father, in which he asked me to follow You say ... the kingdom is going to transfer the governor of Sicily Haka back to Turui. "

"Ah!" Since experiencing the betrayal of Carthage and his father's death, Dido thinks he has been able to face everything calmly, but hearing this news still made him and her panic.

Crotocatax saw his wife's thoughts, gently squeezed her hand resting on the table, and said with a smile, "Father did not want to idle Haka, but asked him to come to Turui as a veteran. The rotating chairman of the court. "

Dido hesitated, and then asked: "Who is vacant among the five rotating chairmen?"

"It was an extra seat that my father created for him in the Senate, and it shows how much he valued him!"

Crotocatax heard his wife say that after most of Magonid's family members moved to Iberia, Margo and Hasdruba fought all year round, but at home they were Dido and Haka. They spend the longest time together, especially during the Western Mediterranean War. They must worry about the safety of their loved ones and stabilize the situation in the territory. They should comfort and support each other. Although they are only cousins, they are better than brothers and sisters, so they have a good relationship. So he continued to comfort his wife and said, "Furthermore, Haka ’s health has been bad, and the affairs in southern Iberia have been so burdensome. Returning to Turui will be beneficial to his health. Closer to us, Chris is more than two years old and hasn't seen his uncle yet! ... "

Due to Kroto Catax's revelation, Dido relaxed a little, but she seemed to inadvertently ask: "Who will be the new Governor of Sicily?"

"My father didn't say anything in the letter." Klotoka Catax thought for a moment, and said with a straight face: "I think my father will definitely send a capable veteran to take over. This year in the Iberian territory Frequent attacks by indigenous people have a lot to do with the inaction of local officials, and it needs to be rectified. We don't want to see the areas that your father spent 10 years conquering eventually become indigenous people. paradise!"

Dido was silent for a moment, then raised his eyebrows, and said softly, "Crotto, you are right. Now that the southern part of Iberia has become the territory of the Kingdom of Dionia, you should rest assured to leave it to the kingdom. Governance ... do I still need to give you a bowl of soup? "

"I'm full." Croto Catax put the knife and fork on the table, and the servants hurried over to pack.

"Crotto." Dido asked softly again. "When can we return to Turui?"

"This ... I still need my father to decide ..." Clotto Catax's desire to go home is not very strong, mainly because he is more free here, and his efforts have been recognized by many people. Made him feel very fulfilled, so he thought for a while and said, "At the beginning, my father stayed here with me, hoping that through my efforts, the people here would recognize the Kingdom of Dionia and support our royal family. I did n’t do enough. Maybe I need to stay here for a few more years ... I'm just a Roman hukou officer now, and maybe I won't be far from home when I become a Roman city chief. "


As Crotocatax said, the "arrest of a group of ex-Roman nobles" spread throughout the kingdom, which did cause some Roman citizens in the Kingdom of Dionia to feel nervous, but soon they got The news: Sektus is head of the army.

Immediately afterwards, a bigger news shocked them: the rotating chairman Lucias resigned as the chief executive of Turui, and was replaced by the former Roman nobleman, the current Dionian veteran Manlius Pubius.

Turui is the center of the kingdom. Its chief executive role is far more important than other towns in the kingdom. He also has much power. He must be a veteran trusted by King Daphs. And this new news strongly proves that this arrest is not to clean the former Roman noble members, but it is indeed these people who are plotting to rebel. King Daphs still trusts and is willing to reuse the former Roman noble citizens.

"Publius' appointment as the chief executive of Turui" is also a major event in the politics of the kingdom. Publius, who has always been low-key and has never been the chief executive, is suddenly nominated by the outgoing Lucia , Not only surprised many veterans, but also met with their strong opposition. But with the full support of Davers, he eventually took up this important position.

Even if the dust settles down ~ www.novelhall.com ~ the elders still have a lot of criticism about this, but soon their attention is attracted by another major event: the death of the Minister of Finance, Melsis.

Since the establishment of Dionia, Mersis has always held the financial power of this country. Although many veterans have argued with him because of money, they have to admit that it is precisely his strictness and savvy Under the management of the kingdom, the kingdom did not cause financial collapse in several life-and-death-intensive and costly wars, and it was reluctantly supported to have the power of today's kingdom.

Of course, they were not worried that the death of Melsis would lead to chaos in the kingdom's fiscal management. In fact, his successor had long since surfaced. During his illness in bed, Archibedes received his recommendation, with the support of the king, and performed well in the position of Acting Finance Minister. Many people thought that he would formally take over this important kingdom post. .

In the days when the body of Mersis was dead, the couple of King Davers, five rotating chairmen, ministers of various departments, elders, officials at all levels of the kingdom, and even many Turui people went to commemorate. Long queues lined up every day before the mansion where he lived, and even before his death, Mersis was far less beautiful than the days after his death.

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