v9 Chapter 74: Invasion of Gaul in Yamane

It was not until the Dionysian Border Corps stationed on the Etruscan border and began to curb the frequent invasion of the Senonians, only to make them realize that this new force in northern Italy was not as weak as they thought. However, they believed that this was mainly because: these aggression operations were organized by the tribes themselves, and their main energy was focused on looting. They did not specifically organize manpower to respond to the Dionysian attacks.

However, the "Dionyans assisted the Etruscans in defending the border" attracted the attention of the Senonis. They worried that after the Dionysians and Etruscans strengthened their union, It would cause trouble for their southward invasion, so they originally wanted to wait a few years before their strength was completely restored, and then go southward, and now the sudden change in the situation forced them to take action in advance. Just in case, the Senonians persuaded the Knomani to go south with them.

Because the scale of this invasion was greater than the previous one, the Gaul leaders were full of confidence. After more than a year of fighting, they knew that the Dionysian barracks were tightly defended, but the number was not large. Specifically bypassed them.

The attack was very smooth at the beginning, successively occupying Florentia and Aretium, but then they suffered a disaster, and the main invasions of the Senonis and Knomani were successively attacked by Dioni The reinforcements of the Asians were defeated, and under its constant pursuit, the defeated Gaul remnants simply could not organize effective resistance.

However, the frontier legions that had shrunk in the barracks took the initiative to attack in a timely manner. In the bad situation of having interceptions before and chasing soldiers later, the low morale of the Gaul remnants were either defeated, killed or captured, or they fled in rush. After Follentia and Aretium, and then surrounded by the Dionysian army, only a part of the soldiers got into the mountains and escaped.

It did n’t take long for the Gauls in the territory south of the Po River to learn about the news that “the Gaul army going south suffered a fiasco” and they were very scared. They were not worried that their territory would be attacked by the enemy. In the centuries since the settlement of the Lu people, they have always invaded others, and no other race has dared to invade their territory. They are worried about their relatives who live and die in Etrunia, so Senonis and Knoma After the elders of Nepal gathered together to discuss, they decided to ask Salvis for help, and begged him to send troops to Etruscan territory to rescue the surrounded and captured Gaul people.

As the three tribal executives were discussing, this morning, the Venetian slaves who lived in the city of Amilium were driving a fishing boat to go fishing, but suddenly saw countless huge Warships, although they have occasionally seen one or two similar warships passing by the sea near Aminium, knowing that it is the warship of the Kingdom of Dionysia in the south, but this time the warship came The number was so great that it covered the entire sea, which really scared them overwhelmed.

Towards the coast near the city of La Arminium was the First Fleet of Dionysian warship loaded with legionnaires.

Since the last war, in addition to the Kingdom of Dionysia itself, the Western Mediterranean has no longer a maritime power, so under the direction of King Davers, the Military Department reorganized the Dionysia navy from the original The four fleets were changed to three: the first fleet was mainly stationed in Brindisi, and the other naval base was in the Grand Port of Tarantum. It was responsible for defending Italy ’s east and south coasts while monitoring the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Its fleet Chief Sekerian;

The 2nd Fleet, mainly stationed in Lilithium and another naval base in Catania, shoulders the important task of defending the Sicilian waters and monitoring the waters of Afrikaans. Its fleet chief is Midolades;

The 3rd Fleet is mainly stationed in Alenia and another base is in Trina, guarding the security of the Italian West Coast, Corsica, and Sardinia, and guarding the rest of the Western Mediterranean Sea. Its fleet chief is Stefacas.

Among them, the 1st Fleet has the strongest strength, a total of 550 warships; the 2nd Fleet is slightly less, a total of 500 warships; the 3rd Fleet is the weakest, with 150 warships. This is mainly based on the tasks they undertake and the strength of the enemies they may face.

The reason why the ships of the Dionysian Navy increased a lot is mainly because in the early period of the Western Mediterranean War, both the navy-damaged Dionysian and Carthage are stepping up the construction of warships in order to gain a maritime advantage. Unexpectedly, the war ended soon, many warships are still under construction, and finally they all belong to Dionia.

However, after Carthage surrendered to the Kingdom of Dionysian, some Phoenician city-states also joined the Dionysian League one after another, resulting in the Dionysian Kingdom no longer having enemies in Afrikaans, and the reduction of the Second Fleet is already in Daisy. Firth and the Department of Military are under consideration.

At this moment, one after another Dionysian warship drove quickly past the fisherman who had been terrified and trembling, leaning directly on the flat beach ahead, and later known as "the most terrifying day of the Gauls in the mountains." "That's it ...


The day before landing in Gaul territory, Dionysia's envoys successively sent out Liguria and Venetian.

The Venetians were more interested in attacking the Gaulian territory, but the Gauls ’fierceness clearly left them with a terrible memory. They eventually stated that as long as the Dionysian army did not infringe on the Venetian territory, they would not Interfere with the movement of the Dionysian army, and will also provide them with some material assistance.

The Ligurians, however, debated the proposal of the Dionysian emissaries and failed to reach an agreement: some leaders opposed Dionysian attack on Gaul because it would undermine the existing stability in northern Italy; others Said that as long as the Dionysian army does not enter the Ligurian territory, they will not interfere with Dionysian military operations; only a few leaders have expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Dionysian army to attack the Gauls and thus occupy some fertile land ... …

Regardless of the responses of these two races, the Dionyan army set sail on a boat in Brindisi according to plan. After two days and two nights of voyage, they landed on the coast near Alimium and immediately captured the unguarded The city of Alimium followed quickly by the army marching west.

The defensive emptiness in Senones and the terrain were extremely flat. The Dionysian army was on the road like a broken bamboo. They successively captured Boloma and Palma City, and then the army turned around to the north and approached Cremona. Mona), at this time Senonis hastily gathered all the young and middle-aged people to defend about 10,000 people on the north bank of the Po River, in an attempt to prevent the Dionysian army from continuing to advance north, and to Salvis and Gram Normani's two tribes urgently requested help.

Leotichides led the army stationed on the south bank, and ordered all engineering battalions to speed up the construction of bridges and prepare to cross the river, while sending troops down the river in an attempt to cross the river in another place.

The Senonis prevented the Dionysian army from building a bridge near Cremona, and they also separated their troops to track the enemy ’s movements. They even entered the territory of the Venetians at the same time, and happened with the Venetians. Some conflicts (Vinetti's territory was originally in the entire lower reaches of the Po River, and the land on the south bank was later occupied by the Cesenones).

During the confrontation between the two sides of the river, both Salves and Knomamani sent out as many reinforcements as possible, either because of their companionship or because of the cold-heartedness, which increased the number of Gaul warriors on the north bank of the Po River When nearly 70,000 people arrived, the Senonis' confidence was greatly increased.

At the same time, Patroclus, who has basically eliminated the Gaul remnants in Etruria, led the Third Army, the Twelfth Army and the Fourteenth Army, led by the Border Army, and passed the Luka Barracks. , First marching on the road by the sea, then trekking the pass of the valley in the mountains, and finally reaching Parma, quickly marching towards Tokyu, surrounding the unguarded Gaul township on the east bank of Cremona, on the south bank of the Po River Achentia (now Piacenza).

After its occupation, the engineering battalion quickly began to build bridges. Because there are several river islands in the river section near Piacentia, the bridge construction is very fast because of this convenience. It only took a day and a half to build the bridge, and Patroclus quickly led the 4 legions through the Po River and dashed directly to the central town of Salvis, Midoran.

After the Gauls received the urgent report, they realized that they were fooled and hurriedly led the army to rescue.

Unexpectedly, when Patrocros was walking to a small town in the middle of the town of Lodi, he stopped and ordered the soldiers to rest fully and wait for the battle.

By the time the Gaulian coalition rushed to Lodi, Patroclus had led the army to wait outside the town.

At the same time, the main force led by Leotizides also crossed the river from Piacentitia and hurried to the neighborhood.

The two Dionysian forces pushed towards the Gaul coalition from south to north ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The Gaul coalition was forced to retreat and had to be forced to fight.

The only general battle between Dionia and Shane Gaul on the Po Plain was started in a hurry.

Although some Gauls in the vicinity came to the news during the battle and joined the battle, the Gaul coalition side was in a dangerous situation from the beginning, and the number was far less than the opponent, but Gaul The soldiers fought desperately and even used chariots against the Dionysian army for the first time.

Nearly two hundred double-horse chariots rushed towards the main force of Dionysia, who was approaching slowly, attempting to storm the dense formation of the enemy first, and then let the soldiers wield swords to charge.

However, the Dionyan Military Department had studied the Gaul's tactics early, and Leotizides and Patroclus had also specially trained on it, so first they rushed out of the array of light infantry Long-range attacks on horses in horse-drawn carriages, then the heavy infantry's square array quickly turned into a checkerboard array, widening the gap between the units, and reserving channels for the remaining Gaul chariots, even if they rushed into the array The law had a great impact on the entire formation and was soon eliminated.

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