v9 Chapter 95: Landing in Mesenia

Half an hour later, the Dionysian soldiers saw the city on the coast and said that it was a major town. In fact, it was just a small stone city, stuck in the narrow land between the mountains and the coast. On the head of the city stood a row of soldiers in red cloaks, the lances in their hands reflected the sunlight, and it was far from clear whether they were afraid or excited on their faces. They always stood motionless, such a kind The posture seemed to be a stimulus to the soldiers of the Legion of Dionynia, and their fighting intentions soared rapidly.

"Quiet me down! You will soon land on Mesenia Beach, you have the opportunity to fight the Spartans!" Max yelled at the troop-carrying soldiers loudly: "But now you all give me Stay quiet, save your energy and wait for the first one when the boat docks! "

"You can rest assured, the team leader! We will never fall behind other teams, and will definitely break through the enemy's defense line for the first time!" A soldier said loudly, immediately receiving a positive response from other soldiers.

"I hope so." Max seemed to care rather than care, but he was excited because morale was available.

He supported the ship's side with one hand and looked down at the blue water. He couldn't help recalling the embarrassed appearance when he first landed on the warship in Trina Naval Base, but then he followed the army and landed in Sicily, defeating Carthage's 100,000 The army then landed in Afrika to conquer Carthage, and had already overcome the seasickness.

After the end of the Western Mediterranean War, Max and some Roman noble soldiers were arranged to live in the region of Turui. He was fortunately included in the First Army, and then he went north to conquer Gaul. Joined the ranks of Dionysian officers.

Fortunately, he adapted to the life of Dionysia and was reluctant to deal with the former Roman aristocrats who still resented the kingdom. As a result, many Roman aristocrats suffered in the rebellious incident of Turui a few years ago. At the time of the arrest, he was not implicated, or even subjected to a cross-examination and censorship. Among them, his supervisor played a large role.

Adoris is his boss, the captain of the third brigade of the First Army, Max goes round and round and returns to his command. It is really destined that Adoris really takes care of him ...

Max is still thinking about these past events. The cheers of the soldiers on the ship made him recover: "It's over the cape, the fleet turned around, and we're almost there !!!"

The southern coastline of the Peloponnese peninsula has an "M" shape, which forms two bays, Lagonia Bay in the east and Mesenia Bay in the west, when the fleet bypasses the sea formed by mountains After the corner, the first squadron of the First Fleet sailing in the forefront was divided into two parts. A small number of warships turned their heads to the north and approached the beach in front. Most of the warships turned to the south, east of the bay Ship arrays were started to prevent possible enemy ships from attacking and to ensure the safety of landing ships.

Numerous troop carriers were gradually spreading out as they moved northward, spreading over the entire bay. Together with the fleet ships closely following the troop carriers, the entire bay was almost full of ships.

Max ’s boat is at the forefront. He looks forward. As the boat advances, the scene in his eyes becomes clearer: on both sides is the lush mountain outline, in the center is a flat and wide plain, white sand beach, and the middle is white from the south To the north, it is divided into two ... Such a good bay has not built a seaside town, only a few villages, simple docks, and rare ships, but in the sky, seagulls flock, flying up and down, quite a few Split interest ...

Seeing the prosperity and hustle and bustle of the port of Turriy, Max saw not only his eyes when he saw the bay that was hardly developed.

But this mood quickly flashed, because some Spartan soldiers had appeared on the beach.


The Spartans experienced three wars in the process of conquering Mesenia, especially in the first two wars, the Mesenian soldiers relied on the fortress and the town, and stubbornly resisted the Spartan attack, which made the war last. For a long time, it caused a lot of trouble to the Spartans, so after the complete conquest of Mesenia, the Spartans demolished all the towns on this plain, resulting in this piece compared to the Peloponnese Peninsula The rest of the country can be regarded as the largest plain with only villages and no towns.

But in the middle of the plain there is a larger barracks, which is where the Spartans train their soldiers, and is also a base where they can form an army at any time and suppress the black raids.

In the war with Thebes, due to the participation of Athens, the strength of the Athens navy threatened the waters controlled by Sparta. In order to ensure the safety of the Messiah region, Sparta also sent additional troops to Mesenia. Some fighters, but after the Kaliyas contract was signed, Sparta immediately withdrew the extra citizens, and today there are less than 500 Spartan fighters in the entire Mesenia region.

However, the Spartans firmly believe that even with only a few people stationed, Mesenia will remain stable because of decades of cruel rule and **** killings year after year (that is, Spartans will allow young fighters to Arbitrary killing of any black robbers seen at a fixed time can on the one hand allow young people to see blood and exercise guts; on the other hand can prevent the overpopulation of black robbers), black robbers have long been like cattle and sheep Tame, even when foreign enemies invade, they can organize the black raiders to serve as auxiliary soldiers, increase the size of the army, and resist.

This is the situation now. The Spartan patrol ship withdrew to Mesenia and reported to the barracks: A huge fleet of Dionysian appeared in the offshore waters.

The barracks commander Dolios, who had experienced brutal Aggo military training since childhood, and became one of the most outstanding fighters, was elected to the King ’s Guard as an adult, fighting dozens of times in a 20-year military career He has made many military achievements and has rich military experience. He was appointed as the chief of the military of Mesenia the previous year and was responsible for the defense of the region.

Upon hearing the news, Dolios immediately became vigilant, not only quickly gathered the soldiers in the barracks, but also sent people to notify the sheriffs of the villages (these sheriffs were the old Spartans who were old and decommissioned from the army) Soldiers, they were appointed to manage the villages of Mesenia. They had three main tasks: supervising the work of the black rascals, preventing them from being lazy, collecting most of the harvest after the autumn harvest, and supervising the daily life of the black raspberries. Immediately notify the barracks to carry out the hunt), let them organize the young and strong black soldiers.

The envoy sent by the Spartan Barracks took a small boat to meet the Dionysian warship entering the bay, preparing to question why he suddenly invaded Spartan territory without prior notice.

However, the messenger simply failed to board the Dionysian warship, the boat was knocked over, and the Dionysian hostility was already revealed.

After receiving the news, Dolios immediately led the Spartan fighters to the seaside, and ordered the sheriffs of the villages to rush to the black raiders as soon as possible.

When he hurried to the beach, Dolios looked at him and couldn't help but dumbfounded: the field of vision was full of Dionysian ships, boundless ...

This overwhelming tremendous momentum made Dolios, who had been through battles, numb his scalp.

The Messiah region, ruled by Sparta during decades, was not without invasion. During the Peloponnesian War, the Athenian Fleet attacked it many times, but the number of soldiers landing on it was not large. Most of the time Before the Spartan reinforcements arrived, they hurriedly fled by boat, even if they once launched an attack on the camp, they were defeated by Spartan soldiers with fewer soldiers ...

At that time, the Athenian army seldom confronted the Spartan soldiers on land. On such a large-scale landing operation today, Dolios encountered it for the first time. Fortunately, the Black Heroes team arrived one after another. The entire army The number of people gradually increased to 3,000, even though most of the Black Raiders were only holding a spear, not to mention armor, even without a shield, it also made Dorios feel a lot of relief.

But then he frowned again, because he saw the ships on the sea spread so wide, depending on the situation that he was preparing to make a full landing: there were more than twenty miles on the coast where he could land, and he had only such a small force in his hand, how could it be Completely defensive! What's more, the number of black warriors in this team is several times that of the Spartan warriors. Once they are freed from the control of the Spartan warriors, it is difficult to guarantee their loyalty. And if the Spartan soldiers are scattered among the various black raiders, it will greatly weaken the combat effectiveness of the entire army, especially in the face of the rumored Diorian army ...

Dolios did not dare to take this risk ~ www.novelhall.com ~ So he decided not to disperse his army and concentrate on defending this beach west of the mouth of the Palmissus.


"It seems that the number of Spartan soldiers is still quite large!" Ticias, who had followed Leotichides from the flagship of the First Fleet to another warship, said aloud that the warship he was riding was not far from the coast It's two miles, so it's still relatively clear.

"Many of them are black raiders, they will not fight for the Spartans!" Ionikus put his hand on his forehead, looking at the front, and reminded loudly.

The staff officer on the side, Mukru, pointed to the coast in front of his finger, and also reminded the army commander: "Adult, the Spartans are gathered together, and there is no decentralized defense."

Leotichides stared attentively at the coast, and the upcoming battle made his slightly fluctuating emotions suppressed, and he said slowly: "Inform the warship to attack! Prepare the soldiers for landing ! "

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