v9 Chapter 98: New mesenia

Dolios heard the words, his face changed greatly, and it took a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "... We have the support of Persia ..."

Leotichides sneered: "It's really an irony. I remember when we first joined the barracks for training, we defeated Athens and Persia each other as our goal. I didn't expect that today's Spartan fighters will become Persia. Is proud of his vassal. "

Dolios blushed and was speechless.

"Looking at the fact that you saved my life, I will let you go back to Sparta tomorrow. By the way, you will truthfully tell what I said before to the Agassius and Elder Council to make them understand Why did Onia send troops to Messiah, and at the same time you have to tell Agassius— "

Leotichides stood up and said with a voice: "I, Leotichides are waiting for him in Mesenia!"

"Come here!"

The guard walked into the tent, and Dolios still shouted unwillingly: "Leotichides, you are a prince of Sparta anyway. Your ancestors led the Spartans to create Sparta. Your splendor, do you really have the patience to destroy this motherland that gave birth to you! "

Leotichides firmly replied without hesitation: "Now Sparta will go to ruin under the rule of Agassius, the Council of Elders and the Ombudsman, only under the rule of Dionysia , Spartan talent will get a new life! "

After finishing, Leotichides waved his hand: "Take him down."

After returning to his tent, Mukru did not rest. The news that "Leotichides was most likely a Spartan" disturbed him, despite his years of friendship and friendship with Leotichides. Quite deep, but after repeated thought struggles, considering the possible serious consequences of this incident, he decided to report to the military judge.

Just as he was preparing to pay the bill, the guard rushed to inform: Commander Prosius would see him immediately.

Mukruk hurried into the big tent, and when he saw Leotichides, he could not wait to ask: "Master Commander, are you really a Spartan? And still a Spartan Prince ?!"

"Yes, I am the only son of former Spartan King Akis, formerly known as Leotichides." The commander of the Dionysian Expeditionary Army looked at Mukru with a straight face. Seriously said: "After my father died of illness, Uncle Agassius took the throne by tricks, suppressed me, and forced my mother to death. I had to escape from Sparta and came to Dioni Ya, considering my special identity, I avoided Sparta ’s pursuit, so I concealed my identity ... "

After accepting this military mission, Leotichides considered that one day he would reveal his true identity, and he had already been mentally prepared, so he would be so calm, which made Mukru slightly relieved, but He still said with some concern: "Master Commander, Sparta is your motherland after all. When our army is fighting with the Spartan army or attacking the Spartan territory, you can really calmly give orders, Is there any interference? "

Leotichides responded a little impatiently: "I have said that I am a citizen of Dionysia, Sparta is now our enemy, and I will never be merciless on the battlefield!"

Mukru nodded, but still worried: "I am worried that the soldiers will hear this news, I am afraid it will affect morale ..."

"This requires you, the staff officer, to help me out more. But you don't have to worry too much. Once I lead the army to fight the Spartans again, all doubts will be eliminated." Leotichides Said meaningfully.

In the past, there was a deputy officer in the Dionysian army squadron and above. The position of the deputy officer was to assist the military chief with all his strength. In recent years, the Dionysian army has made new reforms, abolished the post of deputy officer, and added a staff officer. This increase and decrease has not changed in number, but the responsibilities have changed significantly. The staff officer is controlled by the military department. Assigned by the Staff Office, he not only has to help the military chief to deal with various military affairs, but also has the power to advise on military operations and supervise the military chief, and also has temporary command power when the military chief is injured or unable to command for other reasons. .

"Okay, let me handle this matter." Mukru responded seriously.

As soon as the voice fell, the tabernacle was pushed away, and Teltotis broke in and said anxiously: "Father, I heard that you are a Spartan ?! Is this true?"

Mukruk immediately gave Leotichides a wink, meaning "Look, the news has spread."

"Where did you hear this news?" Leotichides immediately asked with a serious expression.

"That Spartan prisoner has been yelling, many soldiers have heard it, is this true?"

Leotichides realized that this was Dorios' gloomy face after he deliberately disturbed the army, and immediately called for the guards, and issued an order: Doriaus beating him first, and then shut his mouth.

Seeing Leotichides explain to his son in detail, Mukru quietly walked out of the big account ...


Several army chiefs, military judges, Ticias, and others who received the news came to visit one after another, all wanting to ask Leotichides whether the rumor was proved to be true, and what Leotichides said in the past year was not as good After more than two days, the mood is naturally not very good.

Although the news that "Commander Prosius may be Prince Sparta" caused a commotion in the army, this did not affect the various departments of the expeditionary army as planned after the occupation of Mesenia.

Although the Spartans had evacuated the Messenian plains, a small number were hidden in the mountains to the north (the garrison in the city of Pilos. After receiving the news, they decisively retreated to the border north of Messenia), Partly hiding in the fortress of Tegtos Mountain, not willing to fail, the raid on Dionysia ’s army began last night. The three well-trained legions and the 1st Fleet Infantry were heavily guarded and did not suffer. Too much loss.

Another day later, Leotichides, who was temporarily rid of rumors, issued a new order: let the Sixth Army go to the northern border, build a defensive camp, and protect the security of the territory; the Fourth Army is in Tigtos Camps were built outside the mountain pass to block the Spartans ’shortcut to Mesenia.

Diasian citizens of Messenia, such as Ticias, took a small number of soldiers and walked tirelessly through the villages of the Messenian territory to kill or capture the Spartan sheriff and other Spartans. , Continually preaching to the black raiders, "The Spartans have been driven out of Mesenia by the Dionysian army and they have been freed ...". Then they enthusiastically expressed their friendship with them, conveyed the good intentions of the Kingdom of Dionysia to them, and encouraged them to bravely build their own city-state. At the same time, they will also distribute food and materials stolen from the Spartans' homes to the poor black robbers.

Followed by this team were the medical staff of the legion, who took the initiative to treat the black doctors who were suffering from the disease.

Since the birth of the Black Sergeants who have been treated as cattle and sheep by the Spartans, they have enjoyed such kindness. They were all moved to tears and cried everywhere. They held the term "Dionia" firmly. Keep in mind.

Most black robbers have not received any education and have worked in their fields all their lives. It is impossible for them to be able to participate in the governance of a city-state. However, due to the small population of Sparta, there have been frequent wars in these decades and not enough. To manage Mesenia, so they appointed a small number of Mesenians as village chiefs. Apart from being able to pay less taxes and more freedom, they have no more rights and encounter young Spartans. The regular killing of soldiers is dead in vain.

Once the entire village has a poor harvest and insufficient taxes, these village heads will be severely punished, and the lighter will be beaten. (The Spartans ’penalties are well-known throughout Greece, and they are extremely heavy. They are often killed and disabled. Yes, the same is true for the people of the Allies, so many Greeks publicly say that the Spartans are cruel and barbaric), and the heavy ones cut their hands and feet, so they also lived with fear. But because of this, they have good management skills.

Ticias brought them together and invited them to participate in the construction and governance of a new Mesenia, and they were all ecstatic.

Of course, the future leadership of Mesenia will mainly be held by these citizens from Dionia. When Daveus summoned them and held talks, he specifically issued an order to allow them to remain in Mesenia to retain their citizenship of Dionysia.

According to the law of Dionysia, UU reads www.uukanshu. Originally, com did not allow dual nationality. The reason for the special case of this group of people was that Davers considered that after defeating Sparta and conquering Mesenia, he could not yet merge this area into Diao. The Kingdom of Niah, otherwise it will arouse the enemy of the entire Greek people, so let the Mesenians self-government, make them fully dependent on Dionysia, become an important support force of Dionysia in Greece, so this batch People are the key. They will become the mainstay of the future high-level Mesonia, so it is very important to retain the identity of Dionysian citizens and keep them in the heart of the kingdom.

These people, led by Ticias, also know that time is pressing. The news of "Messenia's regaining independence" will soon spread throughout Greece. The exiles may return here one after another. They must form a government as soon as possible and create a set of Running a stable political system makes the latecomers can only attach their tails.

In fact, the new Mesenian government has already been formulated in the Dionysian palace: the Mesenian Asian Dionysian citizens and the heads of the black raids form the Mesenian Parliament (total It is 223 people, known as the 300-member parliament, and Dionysian citizens account for 65% of them), responsible for the formulation of laws, diplomacy, war and other important affairs, and then the council selects 5 members from the council every year , Set up a general executive committee, responsible for the city-state's internal affairs and lead combat ...

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