v9 Chapter 108: Keithus

Curtisus did not let Alcinis to execute them, but himself, because he can control the strength and the impact of the hit, which makes Tepandes feel painful and will not hurt. Bone.

After the ten sticks were beaten, Te Panders did not dare to yell loudly, touched the butt, obediently returned to the team, and followed his teammates in the training of urgent march.

The clutter of heavy footsteps, the piercing sound of armor collision continued, followed by Alsinis, and the young people sang the "Song of the Legion" neatly, covering up the noise.

After 50 laps, although the entire column formation has not been chaotic, most of the youth have already gasped for breath, and a few even stood unsteady.

When the young people wanted to take a breath, Ketisus's stern voice sounded: "An enemy appeared 100 meters in front of you, and was immediately split by the columns into a square formation. After walking steadily for 50 meters, they merged into a continuous horizontal formation. And then charge!"

Hearing this, there was a small disturbance in the team, and some people expressed their dissatisfaction in a low voice.

Curtisus glanced at the team majesticly, and said disdainfully: "What's wrong? You can't complete this amount of exercise?! You know, then the head of the Arminta Corps led the first legion in the territory of Walsey and the Romans. In the first battle, in order to seize the fighters, the entire army of 8,000 people, whether it was heavy infantry, light armor, or light infantry, rushed into the battle immediately after ten miles of land. You should know that the Romans were very effective at that time. Strong, but the soldiers of the First Legion dragged their tired bodies and finally defeated the Roman army and won the first victory against the Romans. Of course, the casualties were not small..."

The gloom flashed through Ketisus's eyes, and he said with added tone: "You also said that if you want to be an excellent soldier of the First Army, you can't even complete this small task. What are the qualifications to become a regular soldier, I see It’s better to take the exam in the kingdom, it’s better to be a public official in the kingdom."

The gasp in the line disappeared, and each young man blushed and stared at Kertisus.

Alsinis shouted sharply: "Brothers, watch, the column changes into a phalanx!"

"Roar!!!" The youths responded in unison...

In the Kingdom of Dionysia, military training officers are also classified. The military training officer of the Ministry of Military Affairs is the highest rank, then the military barracks training officer of a region, and then the military training officer of the town. Some towns are too large, such as Katana, it There are several military trainers, and each military trainer is in charge of several Demo areas.

The reason why military trainers are so finely divided is to ensure that citizens in service can receive adequate training. After all, the Kingdom of Dionysia is vast, and it is only trained once in seven or eight days in a military barrack in a region during the busy season. It takes one day to gather in the military camp, so some basic military training is usually carried out by military trainers in various towns and in Demo District. They will seize all the free time to conduct strict military training for the civilian soldiers in the nearest time, such as morning Training and night training to help civilian soldiers improve their military capabilities is an important manifestation of Dionia’s emphasis on military affairs.

The town and De Mo military training officers are basically retired legionnaires, and their salaries are very low. This position is mainly due to the nostalgia for military life and loyalty to the kingdom. Despite years of development, Amendolara has a population of more than 10,000, and it is a small town, so there is only an army trainer in Ketisus, but in the past he had to train thousands of people, just because the first The legion was transferred to Peloponnese to fight, leaving only a few hundred young citizens in the entire town.

Although it was only morning training today, I continued training for two hours without interruption. When the red sun in the east jumped out of the sea level, dispersing the morning mist in the mountains and spreading the shining glow, Ketisus declared the training ended. All the youths were so tired that they collapsed to the ground.

At this time, Ketisus changed his previous serious expression and went to each young man to comment on his previous training performance, mostly in praise, and also asked with concern whether Te Panders was unwell. .

Although Te Panders repeatedly said that he was okay, Ketisus let the doctor who had been on the sidelines to treat his previous stick injury. Ketisus did not ride him until all the young people left safely. The Brutima walked down the hill slowly along the gentle mountain path.

Along the way, the familiar Amendolara people greeted and chatted, and when they got home, it was almost noon, and then he heard the servant telling him that there were important guests waiting in the living room.

"Master Alexis, why are you free to come to me?" Kertisus walked into the hall and saw the Minister of Military Affairs, a little surprised.

Alexis did not answer directly, but after looking at him carefully, he said with relief: "It seems that you have been training after you retired."

Kertisus sat on the wooden chair, but did not care about the existence of Alexis. He pulled out his breastplate and took off his helmet, and the servant immediately came and took them away.

Ketisus moved a bit of a numb body and said, "No way, who calls me a military trainer. If you want to make those little boys obedient, sometimes you have to lead by example."

"It seems that you are a good military training officer." Alexis praised, and then said in a straightforward manner: "I am here this time, on behalf of His Majesty and the Military Department, please come out to take over as the commander of the First Army."

"Take over?" Kirtisus was surprised. "Isn't the First Army Commander Prosius?!" Although Leotichides served as the First Army Commander, Ketisus served under his account He retired in a few years, but he felt that the younger commander was still capable.

Alexis sighed, and briefly recounted "Prosius is Prince of Sparta", and then said earnestly: "I know you have always refused to serve as the commander of the army, but now the situation is special. The 1st Legion is in a battlefield, but lacks a leader. It may happen at any time, causing heavy casualties, and appoint others to serve as the Chief of the 1st Legion, and worry that they will not have time to familiarize with the Legion and establish prestige to convince the soldiers Unable to give full play to the fighting power of the First Army...I think about it, only you are the most suitable. Are you willing to take over the position of the Army Chief at this time to help the First Army overcome the difficulties?"

"Okay, I am willing to accept this appointment." Ketisus did not hesitate, but he emphasized again: "But this is only a temporary takeover. When the war is over, I still have to retire and go home."

"No problem." Alexis nodded in agreement.

"When to set off?"

"Wait a few days, because the Ministry of Military Affairs is also preparing to send the Seventh Army and the First Cavalry Army to Mesenia."

"Do you need to send so many soldiers to deal with a Sparta?" Curtisus was puzzled.

"This is His Majesty's decision." Alexis simply replied.

"By the way, Prosius resigned as the commander of the First Army, and also resigned as the commander. So who will take over as the commander of the expeditionary force?" Ketisus only thought of this question at this moment. .

Alexis hesitated for a moment and said, "Clotocattax."

"Who?" Curtisus froze for a moment, then realized who the other person was talking about, and immediately widened his eyes: "How could he be commanded by him! Even if he is His Majesty's eldest son, but he never commanded the army to fight experience of--"

"Printols, chief of staff, will serve as the interim chief of staff of this army, mainly responsible for military affairs." Alexis interrupted his words and simply said so. In fact, several chiefs of the Ministry of Military Affairs did not approve of this appointment issued by King Davers, but after all, the army is under the direct control of King Davers, and under his perseverance, Alexis can only obey.

"Although with the assistance of Lord Prentals, it was somewhat sloppy to be commanded by Prince Klotokatax..." Ketisus was still muttering.

"This is an order from His Majesty!" Alexis emphasized again.

Curtisus stopped talking.

"You as a veteran, go to Peloponnese this time to help Prince Croto Catax! This is also for the First Army!" Alexis reminded again: "So, you will be tomorrow Hurry to Turiri, meet with His Royal Highness Prince, and assist him in handling the expeditionary military service."

"Well, I listen to you." Ketisus reluctantly agreed.


The next day, Ktissus rushed to the Turiri camp and was greeted by Klotokatax with great respect, which was beyond Ktissus's expectations and made him feel good.

In the following process of dealing with military affairs, Kloto Kataks not only actively listened to the opinions of Prentals and Kertisus, UU read www.uukanshu. Com also showed that he was familiar with military affairs, and began to change some of the misconceptions that Ktissus had no military experience.

A few days later, the Seventh Army went north and entered the Turiyi Barracks.

After a few more days, the Second Fleet rushed from Lilly to the port of Turij. With the farewell of Daphes and the ministers, Crotocatax led the 7th Army, the 1st Cavalry Army, and some others A total of more than 10,000 soldiers boarded the warship and advanced towards the Peloponnese Peninsula.

In January 370 BC (the twenty-fourth year of the Kingdom of Dionia), the fleet arrived on the coast of Mesenia.

At the simple pier, Crotocatax, disembarked, was greeted by the senior officers of the expeditionary army and the Mesenian legislators led by Ticias.

Compared with others, Leotichides is obviously not a person who can express enthusiasm in words and actions, so it seems a bit indifferent in the crowd. If other people come to take over, the new commander will see Leotichides, more or less, thinks: Leotichides is dissatisfied with the removal of the commander!

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