v9 Chapter 159: Landing in Thessaly (1)

"Calistratus, calm down!" Kabrias shouted with a serious expression: "Look at the Dionian warships there. They are far more numerous than us, and they are also very powerful. Before, I led a fleet to attempt a sneak attack on the Gulf of Lagnia but failed. If I led the fleet to break through the blockade, I would only be surrounded by them, and the few warships would be lost. At this time we will completely lose control of the Aegean Sea!

Even if they really want to land, we have already prepared for it. The only Marathon beach where the Dionians can land is temporarily built with a defensive camp. There are thousands of soldiers stationed. Once an abnormal situation is found, the city can still be Sending thousands of soldiers can completely guarantee the safety of Attica. "

"Athens has a tight defense. Of course I don’t need to worry about it. I am worried that Dionian will attack other allied states. If they are attacked by Dionian, the Greek coalition forces are fighting the Dionian army in Peloponnese. It will definitely be affected!" Callistratus said anxiously.

Cabrias said calmly: "Don't panic. First of all, we have to determine if the Dionians really want to make a landing. Although the Dionian fleet has blocked the Saron Bay, they cannot blockade anymore. There are few coastal towns on the north coast of Attica, but we have many fishing villages on the north coast..."

"I immediately sent a messenger to inform the fishermen on the north coast, let them row a fishing boat, carefully explore the Aegean Sea for any abnormalities!" Kallistatus suddenly realized that he turned and hurried away.

Cabrias turned his gaze to the sea again, sighed slightly, and felt a little shame in his heart: He has led the navy to defeat the Spartan fleet several times, and he is indeed a little timid to face the powerful Dionian Navy... …


Soon after the First Fleet blocked the Salong Bay, the Third Fleet also bypassed Euboea Island on the northeast side of Attica and approached Pergatha Bay.

The mountains on the northern border of Thessaly extend to the sea in the southeast, and then try to move closer to the mountains on the southern border, forming a natural breakwater and an approximately circular bay with an entrance of only about ten miles.

Probably because the mountains forming the breakwater are too high, the Sesari did not build water gates and lighthouses at the entrance. On the contrary, it was beneficial for the Third Fleet to blockade here, which caused the merchant ships in the bay to hide in panic. Philae port, and Philae fleet shrunk in the port and dare not show up.

About 20 minutes later, the Dionian troop fleet arrived, and the third fleet immediately sailed into the bay and reached the only port town in the bay, Philae, which made the Philae people more nervous.

At this time, it was Jason’s right-hand man Asidamas who was in the city of Philae. After he heard the news of the "Dionia Fleet Attack", he did not panic and immediately ordered the defenders in the city to rush. Defend against the breakwater at the port.

Philae’s territory is ranked last among the city-states of Thessaly. Its urban area is even smaller. The reason why it is rich is that it has the only commercial port in the whole of Thessaly. The area is almost surrounded by mountains and foreign land trade is extremely inconvenient. Philae completely occupies the convenience of maritime trade, and the Philae people are naturally concerned about the safety of the port.

After Jason became the tyrant, he made great efforts to defend the port. Not only did he strengthen the breakwater, increase the wall on the ground, reduce the water gate, he also added a military port in the port and formed a fleet... The Onia fleet came suddenly, and Asidamas did not worry that they would threaten the safety of Philae Port.

But it didn't take long for him to get the scout's return: "A Dionian fleet appeared on the coast of Armiros, and many Dionian soldiers landed there!"

The coast of Almiros is the only low-lying land on the east coast of Sesali. Why did the Sesali prefer to build Philae in such a small location in the north instead of building a seaport town in the larger area of ​​Almiros?

Because several rivers in Thessaly flow into the bay from here, the mud washed down by the rivers has accumulated here for many years, forming a large swamp and tidal flat. If you want to completely fill it and drain it, it will eventually become suitable The land on which humans live and cultivate requires uninterrupted efforts, as well as advanced filling and drainage technology. The Sesari were considered barbarians by the Greeks dozens of years ago, and there is sufficient fertile land within their borders. Therefore, they did not have an urgent need to build a city here, and the original state of the Almiros coast has been preserved to this day.

Asidamas felt a little panic when he got the news. Although he knew that the Almiros coast was muddy and difficult for people to move, he was disturbed by what he had learned about the Kingdom of Dionia these days. While sending people to inform Polydurus, he led the guards out of the city on horseback.

Standing on the hills south of Philae, Asidamas can clearly see the vast Almiros depression: many ships docked on the coast, and even some Dionian warships, Dionian soldiers (mainly fleet infantry) came down from each ship and stood on the pitch-black mudflat. If you don't look closely, you can't tell. However, there is a conspicuous yellow mark on the tidal flat that is constantly extending and expanding...

Asidamas looked carefully for a while, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated: The Dionians were building roads on the tidal flat!

Just when he was very upset, Jason’s brother Polydurus arrived, accompanied by another brother Polyfuron.

After carefully observing the situation in the Almiros Depression, Polydorus, who was granted temporary military power to Sesali by Jason, relieved Asidamas: "Don’t worry, the army we left behind has entered Al In the defensive camps on the hills around Miros, all battle preparations were made. Moreover, at the speed of road repairs like the Dionians, when they walked out of the tidal flats, the citizens soldiers mobilized urgently by the city-states of Thessaly had arrived. It is impossible for the Dionian army to break through our heavily guarded camp and enter the hinterland of Thessaly!"

Having said that, he looked up at the sky, and then said confidently: "If they don’t retreat at dusk, they will be bitten by countless mosquitoes at night. When we attack again tomorrow, maybe they will raise their hands and surrender. !"

Compared with Jason, Polydorus was more stable, so his words eliminated Asidamas's anxiety. He immediately bid farewell to the two, rushed back to Philae, calmed the panicked people, and stabilized the order in the city.

"Polytorus, why don't you let me lead the light shield to attack the Dionians, and give them a taste first!" Polyfuron called out loudly.

Polydurus waved his hand and refused: "No need! Now the attack will only scare them away. We don't move anything. It gives the Dionians an illusion that'Thessaly is indeed empty in the rear', making them tired for a long time. After that, we will consider the issue of raids."

Polifuron was rejected with a little irritation in his heart. Looking at the back of his second brother, he couldn't help but sipped, and whispered: "Coward!"


What the Polydurus brothers didn't know was that the 13th Army and Fleet infantry of Dionia, which landed on the coast of Mildoros, were just feints and contained the remaining troops of Thessaly. The real landing place was not here.

Half an hour later, the people of Peleus saw in horror a huge fleet of Dionia ships approaching the coast near the city.

The northeast border of Thessaly is separated by a series of mountains connected by mountains such as Olympus, Osa, and Pelion. Among these unattainable mountains, there is a place to compare. Pass easily and smoothly enter the territory of Northern Macedonia. This is the valley pass formed by the Pinos River passing through the mountains. The mud wrapped by the river for many years is piled up at the mouth of the sea to the north of the mountain, forming a small In the depression, the Thessari built a small city called Peleus here.

Because Peleus is outside the traditional territory of Thessaly and close to the territory of Macedonia, in fact, many people of Thessaly do not regard him as a member of the city-state of Thessaly For its own safety, it often leaned on Macedonia, so the city-states of Thessaly to the south of it often alienated it and did not want to communicate with it. However, its own products were not abundant and port trade had not developed.

Until Jason became Tagus and officially incorporated it into the Thessaly Alliance, and in order to promote the prosperity of the Thessaly trade, Asidamas also dismantled the checkpoints south of the valley pass, not only Peleus’s. Sea trade has improved, and land trade has also developed. Therefore, the Peleus people are grateful to Jason and always respond to his call. Although Peleus is not a big city, Jason mobilized to form When Sali went south, Peleus provided nearly 3,000 soldiers. These were almost all the young and middle-aged citizens of the entire city-state. Now they saw the Dionian soldiers rushing to the coast like a tide. They were frightened and regretted. .

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Brothers, hurry up!..." The 50-year-old 2nd Corps commander, Matonis, was the first to land on the shore, standing on a rock and shouting like thunder, urging his men constantly. Of soldiers.

The soldiers of the Second Legion were motivated by the veteran officer. After jumping off the boat, they did not care to rest. Under the leadership of their respective detachment leaders, holding a shield spear, stepping on the soft soil with one deep foot and one shallow foot, swarming quickly like swarms. Rushed south.

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