v9 Chapter 192: Zoo encounter

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Kaunus looked at the Massilla businessman and said seriously: “Secondly, the teaching content of all schools in the kingdom is the same. There are fixed teaching materials for the three learning stages of junior, middle, and senior. Don’t worry about children in big towns. What did I learn less;

The most important thing is that when your child enrolls in school, he can apply to the Kingdom to become a Dionian citizen. Even if he does not pay taxes to the Kingdom, as long as he has completed his studies and has excellent grades, there is no illegal or criminal behavior. , Then all his time in school will be included in the number of years of'becoming a Dionian citizen'.

In this way, he only needs to live in the kingdom and pay taxes for a few years after graduation to be able to successfully become an official Dionian citizen. Since he has studied and lived in Dionian since he was a child, he has fully adapted to the laws and customs of the kingdom. Able to integrate smoothly into the Kingdom of Dionia. "

After listening to the Massilia businessman, he immediately showed joy. He thought this method was completely tailored for himself.

"I haven't heard of this law before. Was it enacted only this year?" Someone questioned Kaunus, so he asked tactfully.

"You guessed it right, it was indeed proposed and revised at the Kingdom Assembly at the beginning of the year. It was officially announced last month." Kaunus looked at everyone and reminded with a smile: "So if you have children, you are willing to go. This road is now catching up with a good time!"

Some people really had an active discussion on this matter, while Kaunus introduced Hesklaus to some of the allied businessmen who had cooperated with Sostatus in the early days. Under his guidance, everyone had a good talk.

Half an hour later, Sostatus came to the banquet.

He first apologized to everyone, and then expressed his sincere gratitude to all the businessmen present for their help during this period. Then he focused on the upcoming sports meeting, and hoped that they would all actively participate and not miss the business opportunity, and He will try his best to help them.

So far, the banquet in the front yard has reached a climax. The clinking of glasses and laughter continue until late at night...

Originally Sostatus wanted Hesklaus, who was a little drunk, to stay at home, but Hesklaus considered that he would rush back to Athens tomorrow morning, so he politely declined.

Because Hesklaus’ pottery shop was far away and there was a patrol team late at night, Sostatus was worried and asked Hesklaus and his son to leave in their sedan chair.

Lirias, who was originally reluctant to come to the banquet, was very reluctant to leave with his father, so he kept complaining in the sedan chair.

Hesklaus was leaning against his seat, looking at his little-tempered son, and remembering the few Dionian merchants he had met at the banquet: They worked with Sostatus for far longer than himself, and they were financially rich. , Is more familiar with the market of the Kingdom of Dionian, but is full of envy for himself, just because he is from Thessaly, lucky to become a citizen of Dionian.

Thinking of their efforts for the children, Hesklaus felt deeply that he should also make plans for Lirias' future. He asked softly: "Son, my father has an urgent business to return to Athens tomorrow. It will take more than 20 days to come back here to watch the sports meeting. During this time, I want you to stay at the home of Uncle Sostatus temporarily, do you think it’s okay?”

Liriaston became happy when he said: "Okay! OK! Dad, do you know? Brother Chris said that he would take me to the Turye Zoo! He said there were terrible beasts and strange animals. ..."

Hesklaus smiled as his son kept talking, but in his heart he recalled the advice Kaunus gave him at the banquet: Galagoso is a small mountain town not far from Turíy, but due to population Very few (the most conservative and traditional tribes of Lucania once lived here, but because it is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the kingdom with Turri Bay as the center, it has been affected by it for decades, and many Galagos So people are no longer willing to be poor, and they have moved out for a better life), it is easy to get permission from the Ministry of Education to let their children go there to study. When the child graduates in the future, whether in business or politics, he will have an advantage over his peers in Thessaly.

Hesklaus secretly made up his mind: When the games are over, he will ask Kaunus to help him run this matter!


Early in the morning of the second day, Lirias was sent to Sostatus House.

It turns out that Sosiklis didn't just talk about it casually last night. He really took Lirias to the zoo. Of course, he was accompanied by the children of several other merchants and the servants of Sostatus House.

Taking into account the continuous influx of foreign tourists into Turiyi during this period, the population of Turiyi and its surroundings has become denser. In order to reach the destination faster, Sosiklis chose to take the waterway.

They came to the dock along the river and hired a passenger boat.

The passenger ship erected its sails, slid its wooden oars, and flowed upward, passing through three large stone bridges across the Krati River, entering the Koseni River, a tributary of the Krati River, and finally disembarking at the south bank of the river delta.

In fact, the inland river traffic was also very busy. It took more than an hour before they set foot on the road leading to the mountains on the south side of the delta.

This road to the mountains has been rebuilt and upgraded many times: during the city-state of Turiyi, this road was built because copper and quarry were discovered in the mountains, but at that time it was a dirt road. It is often crushed by heavy trailers, and it is even more difficult to move in the rain; after the establishment of Dionia, in order to improve the efficiency of ore transportation, it was converted into a stone road; but it was truly transformed into the top of the kingdom After the establishment of the zoo, more and more tourists came to visit the zoo. Pedestrians and ore trucks were mixed on the same road, which was both crowded and dangerous. Accidents occurred from time to time, and the Turiyi City Hall had to Expand the road into a boulevard again. In this way, the road becomes wider, and pedestrians walk on the sidewalk and the main road by trucks, without interfering with each other, and traffic becomes smoother.

The establishment of the Turíy Zoo is nothing new in the entire Mediterranean. The Persian royal family built a royal garden in Babylon very early on. There are not only all kinds of rare and exotic animals, but also all kinds of precious plants. The former King Xerxes (the one who suffered a terrible defeat in the Battle of Salamis) was An outstanding gardener. In Memphis, Egypt, the pharaoh built a garden in the backyard of his palace, which was beautiful and beautiful. Various rare and exotic animals were kept in it for him and his concubines to watch. But like the Kingdom of Dionia, opening the entire zoo to ordinary people is truly unprecedented.

The Greeks like to travel, and the wealthy Dionian citizens do the same, but no matter how bold they are, it is impossible to risk their lives to explore the mysterious animals hidden in deep mountains, dense forests, and large rivers. But the Turiyi Zoo can completely Satisfy their curiosity, and even see the appearance of monsters that have appeared in myths and legends, such as: the skin with the same body (a large python) shot to death by Apollo, and the lion who fought with Hercules …….

Not to mention the attraction of the zoo to children, plus its cheaper tickets, so since its establishment, it has been widely spread among the people of the kingdom, and even citizens of allied states have been attracted. Exciting tourists come to visit, making it one of the most famous tourist attractions in Turri.

Although there are a lot of visitors to the zoo in normal times, it is very rare that the sidewalk is full of people and it is difficult to walk. This is obviously because the sports meeting is about to be held, which has caused a sharp increase in tourists.

Sosiklis murmured secretly, he did not expect the situation to be so bad.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain where the zoo was, there was already a long line at the door, and countless tourists were waiting anxiously for paying to enter the park under the scorching sun.

Others did not want to line up or leave, so they yelled in the crowd: "Did the owner of this zoo's head be struck by lightning? Deliberately teasing us tourists who have traveled all over the world! My neighbors still brag to me. How good is this place, shit!..."

"Hi! Hi!" Someone next to him patted the speaker's shoulder dissatisfiedly: "Are you not a Dionian citizen? Don't you know that the director of this zoo is the daughter of His Majesty King Davers-Aivia Princess! If you curse a few more words and let the people of Tury hear it, it will beat you so hard that even your parents will not recognize you!"

The man was shocked, and he quickly shut his mouth and saw a few soldiers patrolling in front of him. He felt even more guilty and slipped away quietly.

Sosiklis didn't bother to watch these farce. He asked Lirias and the others to wait, walking along the long line by himself, and he actually let him see an acquaintance at the front of the team.

"Brother Pekestas! Brother Stass!..." he shouted while waving his hand happily.

The young man named Pekestas heard the shout, turned his head quickly, and then said in surprise: "Chris, why are you here?!"

"My dad asked me to take some of his business partner's children to the zoo, how about you?"

"Similar to you, several Sesari officials brought their families to Turei to watch the sports meeting. My father arranged them to live in my house and let me take care of them. Today I brought them to the zoo. I didn't expect so many people!"

"I knew this was the case. I should have asked you to help me take care of these children."

"If your kid wants to be lazy, you can't do it. Be careful. I'll go back and file a complaint with Uncle." Pekestus first made a joke, then whispered: "Today's situation is not very good! It may be the tourist that Princess Ivia saw Too many, I was afraid of frightening the animals, so I posted a notice at the door, "Only 1,000 people are allowed to enter at a time, and after some of them are out of the park, people will be allowed in." A group of people have already been entered, I It is estimated that no matter how many afternoons, we can go in."

"Wait so long?! How can those kids stand it!" Sosicris turned and looked at Lirias and the others, who were standing next to him, looking around. He rolled his eyes and whispered, "Brother, wait here. If you can't do it, I will think of a way.

When Pekestas heard him say this, he knew what he wanted to do, and immediately grabbed him, and whispered: "Don't go! I know Ivia, she won't agree."