v9 Chapter 205: The royal family of Dionian at the opening ceremony

After sitting down, Lycomides sighed and said: "It is indeed quite different! The sports meets held in our Greek mainland, on the first day of the beginning, are for athletes and spectators to gather in front of the temple, and the priests We sacrificed to the gods together, and then the athletes stood in front of the altar, under the guidance of the priest, swearing in the name of the god... But now we are sitting in the arena, waiting for the start of the sports meeting!"

"Yeah, this is where I am puzzled." Peropidas asked curiously: "Lycomedes, do you know what the Dionians will do next?"

"I just met Tisias, the chief general of Messenia on the way here, and I also asked him the same question. He didn't know, how could I know." Lu Komedes smiled and said, "I don't know. Just so, any next move by Dionia will be a surprise!"

As soon as his voice fell, the entire arena suddenly boiled, cheers and shouts rang into one.

The two who were talking did not know what was going on. Ipamironda, who had been silently observing the surroundings, said loudly in their ears: "King Daves is here!"

The royal grandstand is not far to their right. It is a marble platform 20 meters long and 5 meters high. It is built with gold-inlaid iron poles, with blue and white curtains on top, surrounded by imposing court guards. guard.

At this moment, Daves took the two princesses, Christia and Agnes, and all the children onto the stands.

The sharp-eyed people of Dionia immediately noticed this situation, and they all cheered and paid tribute to their beloved king and princess.

Daves, who wears a gold crown and a black gold-encrusted botton, smiles, raises his right hand and gently swings to pay tribute to the audience.

The cheers in the arena were even more enthusiastic.

Suddenly, the audience on the opposite side of the royal grandstand stood up, raised their arms above their heads, then sat down, and the audience on their right did the same thing...

"People waves! People waves! I want to play too!" Croto Kataks’ second son, 6-year-old Crimides, ran forward excitedly, and was hurriedly held by Christoya, and said softly. Said: "Kerry, don't worry, let's play together later."

Sure enough, when the wave of people reached the royal grandstand, Daves and his family raised their hands, stood up from the soft seat, and then sat down again.

Although there are members of the royal family who participated personally, the waves became intermittent due to the presence of many non-Dionian audiences. The Dionia audience continued patiently. Rounds 2 and 3...Finally, all the audiences were mobilized, and the whole arena stands one after another, like a rolling wave, which was spectacular.

When the wave of people ended, Peropidas was still unfulfilled, saying: "Yes! This surprise is very good!!"

When the VIPs were in the audience talking about the wave of people just now, Daves was already sitting on the couch, smiling and saying to Kristia: "From the situation of the wave of people just now, at least Two-fifths of the audience is not from Dionians. It seems that Turriy Town Hall has seriously implemented the palace's resolutions."

Kristia gave him a white look: "Not only the City Hall, our Chamber of Commerce has also done a lot!"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking, and I have to give you praise." Daves salivated his face and went to stroke Christia's hand, but she slapped him hard and warned: "This is public Occasion, don't mess around, let the people see it, it's not good!"

Daves said sternly: "What's wrong with this, to show our love to the people is to remind them to respect their marriage and love their wives! Agnes, are you right?!" He also took the opportunity to hold Agnes' hand.

Agnes smiled slightly, but struggled back with her hands, but did not break free, so she had to let her husband touch her.

Eunice, who was sitting in the back, grimaced, and whispered to her brothers and sisters, "Father is really cheeky."

"Eunice, what are you talking about!" Davers did not look back, but as if he had seen it with his own eyes, he shouted.

"Ah... it's nothing, I'm telling my sister-in-law that the wave of people just now is fun." Eunice hurriedly blinked at Dido beside her: "Is it, sister-in-law?"

Dido suppressed a smile: "Yes."

"Keep your eyes open and talk nonsense, your daughter is just like you!" Kristia scolded with a smile.

Davers coughed a few times: "My daughter is not like me! Who else can I be like! Eunice, give you a task to tell the front, the opening ceremony can start, don't let the audience wait long."

"Big brother should inform about such occasions." Eunice said hesitantly.

Cloto Kataks understood Daves’ intentions, and said with a smile: "Eunice, you are the most popular member of the royal family in this arena. Who do you not go to. Besides, your appearance will give those The non-Dionian women who were sitting in the audience for the first time were greatly encouraged."

After hearing this, Eunice stood up and said mischievously: "Father, then I will go. Don't be jealous that I am more popular than you!"

"It's not big or small, go and go!" Daves looked impatient, but couldn't help but jokingly said: "Ariks, what's the matter with you, you didn't take care of your wife." !"

Arex hasn't responded yet, Eunice's eyes widened: "He dare?!"

Ivia finally couldn't help but laugh out loudly.

Eunice curled out of the curtain with an elegant posture, and walked to the front of the royal grandstand. Sure enough, there were more enthusiastic cheers around.

In the main arena of Hades, Eunice is more popular with the audience than King Davos. This is not an empty word. Because Eunice, who loves sports among the royal family members, will go to this arena to watch rugby and football matches whenever she is free, and cheer for the players with the audience, and the Kristia Chamber of Commerce once took the lead in her name. Donated money for the reconstruction of Hades’s main arena. On several occasions, instead of Davos and Croto Kataks, who were too busy to get out of their bodies, they gave awards to the championship football and football teams, so many spectators And the players call her the "goddess of the arena".

Among the enthusiastic audience, there are indeed very few women from the local Greek city-states. More than half of them are ordinary civilian wives. Because of their family circumstances, they have to show their faces in the market, buying and selling goods or planting farmland, so they are at home. The status and power are much greater than the women in the noble family, but even so they can’t go to the stadiums of the various sports games to watch the exciting games. The Dionian Games gave them this opportunity, so they came tremblingly. And Princess Dionia, standing in the royal stand so eye-catchingly, is undoubtedly their greatest encouragement.

There were also a handful of Greek girls in the audience. They were brought by their fathers as merchants to watch the game. Their purpose was to catch the golden turtle son-in-law and provide help for their future business development in the Kingdom of Dionia. These girls just sat When he was in the audience, he was very reserved. He lowered his head and didn't dare to look around. As a result, he saw the nearby Dionian women shouting and screaming, freely, and gradually let go.

On the side of the royal grandstand, there is a shorter platform next to the five arena hosts. After receiving Eunice’s order, they immediately raised a red flag and waved in the air. After seeing Dionia, the audience not only stopped the noise, but also persuaded the audience nearby to keep quiet.

After the whole arena was quieter, the five hosts took up the microphones wrapped in copper, and with the loud voice and tacit understanding that they had trained in hosting games for many years, they said in unison: "Everyone, welcome to Ha The main arena of Diss! On the order of the great King Daves, we announce the official start of the Dionian Games!"

"First, let's invite the band in!"

As the host’s voice sounded, UU Reading opened the door to the entrance of the stadium. Nearly a hundred musicians holding various instruments lined up in a neat column, entered the stadium, and marched along the edge of the track. Marching, while playing "March March".

Their entrance immediately greeted the audience's warm applause. Among them, the citizens of Dionia clapped and hummed to the familiar melody, and the whole stadium became lively again.


As the band entered the stage, two distinguished guests were welcomed in the king's stand: Plato and Xenophon.

Since the surrender of Athens and the end of the Greek War, Plato rejected Daves’ retention and returned to Athens to continue to manage his Akademi Academy. Not only was he no longer condemned by the people of Athens, but the General Executive Committee also sent him a complaint from time to time. Ask about things about the Kingdom of Dionian, he also occasionally writes to Daves to exchange political issues, and has been in contact with Daves.

After the conquest of Sparta, Daves wrote several times inviting Xenophon to teach at the Faculty of Arts of Dionian Academy, but he refused on the grounds that he was "writing at all costs and did not want to be disturbed". Has been living in seclusion in Peloponnese.

This time Daves invited them in the name of a sports meeting, but they came here with pleasure. The reason is simple: the two are not only sports enthusiasts, but also participants. Plato was a good wrestler when he was young, Xeno Fern was good at racing when he was young, and later settled in Peloponnese. Due to the close proximity to Olympia, the Olympia games did not fall, and he also participated in horse racing. In fact, Greece in this era advocates strength and beauty, so Greek celebrities like sports, otherwise, even if they are knowledgeable, but if they are weak, they will be despised by the people.