v9 Chapter 209: Admission (3)

In order to gain the favor of the Megara people, the Corinthians also proposed, “When the merchants of other city-states transport goods through the isthmus, the taxes and fees collected by the two city-states are equally divided, and the Megala merchants can use the towing road first. The fees charged can also be discounted.”...(The towpath is a famous infrastructure project built by the Corinthians 200 years ago. It is a stone-paved road with two parallel grooves in the middle of the Corinth Isthmus. On the road, there are special cars running on this road. The wheel tracks correspond to the grooves. This road connects the Corinthian Gulf and the Saron Gulf. The Corinthians can load the cargo from the large ships in the bay on one side first. On the small boat, then lift the small boat to the car on the trail, transport it to the bay on the other side of the isthmus, and then move the cargo on the boat to another big boat, which greatly shortens the voyage and saves time)

The sincerity shown by the Corinthians gradually moved Mecca's heart. The two sides have begun to discuss the establishment of an alliance, but in Greece today, it is not possible to establish an alliance if you want to establish an alliance. The agreement of the Greek alliance must be obtained. .

The Corinthian member of the Greek parliament was worried that the stupid performance of the Corinth Council at this sports meeting would anger King Dionia, causing him to no longer agree to the proposal of "Corinth to establish the Isthmus Alliance."

Just when the Corinthian General Crianion regretted it, Mecca Kiddes, who was standing at the entrance of the arena, heard the thunderous cheers inside, and was already a little eager to try, because it was their turn to enter next.

The Dionian official in front of the entrance saw the Corinthian athletes walking past the royal stands and shouted: "The delegation of Cretan athletes enter the stadium!"

The Dionian soldiers blocking the front immediately gave way. The impatient Cretan athletes immediately followed the teenager holding the placard and passed the Dionian official who was in charge of the order of entry. , He exhorted as kindly as before: "Crete warriors, please stand up to the audience's warm cheers!"

When McGades stepped into the arena, that shocking cheers rushed from all directions, just like the squally wind roaring on the sea under harsh conditions, and the towering audience platform surrounding them was the monstrous giant. Lang, how can they not be thrilled in the center of this storm? No wonder that Dionian official called them warriors, because it takes courage to dare to be in such an environment, even in the Crete trials. Mecca Kiddes, who has always been determined, is also nervous at this moment. After all, the momentum and scale of the Hades main arena is far from comparable to the previous trials, not to mention the fact that there will be seldom seen here from Croatia. Ritter's audience.

However, Siriteios, who was more nervous, didn't seem to be affected too much. He kept looking around and exclaimed from time to time: "Wow, it seems that the rumors are true. Some audiences are really women!"

"Look! The young woman with a white hat over there who is very close to us looks very nice!"

"The woman in purple should have a noble birth!"


Siriteos' words gradually dissolved the restraints of his teammates. They began to learn from Siriteos and waved to the audience with a smile, while discussing each other's opinions.

When approaching the royal grandstand, McGades also jokingly said in a low voice: "Ciriteas, look, the Princess Dionia you want to marry is on it!"

But Siriteos suddenly stopped talking and his expression became solemn. When he walked to the front of the royal grandstand, he stopped and bowed respectfully toward the royal grandstand.

It is not that the delegations that entered the stadium did not salute the royal stands, but they were all Dionian athletes, and they all performed chest beatings, because most of them were serving in the Dionian army. Citizen, King Davos is their supreme commander. And now an athlete from a Greek city-state is presenting traditional Greek respect to the Dionian royal family. Not only the audience is surprised, but Daves and his family are also surprised.

"Your Majesty, it seems that your sports meet has not officially started, it has been recognized by some athletes." Plato said with a smile.

"I think these athletes agree with the high prize money." Xenophon sneered.

Daves replied with emotion: "Since the Olympia Games were established, the four major competitions have not only swept the Greek world for hundreds of years, but have also been widely circulated among other races in the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, they have not been able to join them. Dionian now provides such an opportunity to allow races outside of Greece to participate in such a ceremony, and at the same time to allow outstanding Greek athletes to show their superb competitive skills to the entire Mediterranean. I think-this is probably the one just now. A Greek athlete agrees with the root cause of the Dionian Games!"

"I think the significance of the establishment of the Dionian Games is more than that." Plato said in a deep voice, "I remember Dionian solemnly mentioned in the invitation letter sent to the city-states, "The Dionian Games In accordance with the fine traditions of major Greek competitions, participating countries are required to stop all warfare during the Games and maintain a peaceful competition environment...'. Look at the athletes on the field, they are not only from Greece, but include the Mediterranean For the vast majority of city-states and countries, what does this requirement of Dionia mean?!"

Plato emphasized his tone and said excitedly: "It means that Dionian will extend the peace of Greece to the entire Mediterranean! What a great spirit! If it can be achieved, it will be an unprecedented great achievement!"

"Plato, you are too excited." Xenophon said in a flat tone: "There have been few wars and conflicts during the Games in the past few decades! Not to mention that the Dionian Games are still held for the first time. Expansion of the tradition to the entire Mediterranean? It’s just talk, if you want to realize it...hehe..."

Davers looked calm, but said in a strong tone: "Dionia has always kept his promise. Since he dared to say this, he naturally has the determination to realize this promise! If any participating city-state or race violates the letter stated in the letter With this requirement, even if the journey is far away, Dionian will send troops to punish them to ensure the prestige of the Dionian Games!"

Seeing Daves' deep gaze, Xenophon's heart trembled slightly, and he said arrogantly: "Extend peace to the Mediterranean...This is indeed a good wish, but don't forget Persia!"

"Yeah, and Persia..." Daves heard this, without showing embarrassment on his face, but sighed thoughtfully.

Since Siriteos saluted, the audience of Dionia has even more cheered to the delegation of Cretan athletes.

Siriteos looked a little proud and said to his teammates: "Have you seen? The audience is cheering for me!"

McGades curled his lips. He felt that the reason why this guy saluted just now was purely to attract attention!


After the delegation of Cretan athletes entered the stadium, delegations of athletes from Crotone, Dawney, Thebes, Egypt...the cities and regions entered the stadium one after another. The enthusiasm of the audience was always high and cheers. Continued, the admission ceremony lasted for an hour, and finally 79 delegations and nearly 3,000 athletes stood in the center of the stadium.

A handful of Greek city-state envoys headed by representatives of Olympia looked at the densely packed athletes in the arena with ugly expressions. They all felt contempt for the event that Dionia was holding a sports meeting. From the bottom of their hearts, they believed that "an unorthodox Greek country without a little background — -It is impossible for Dionia to hold a sports meeting", but seeing such a large number of athletes in the stadium, it is not only a little discolored, because this is obviously several times more than the number of participants in any previous sports meeting, which means that Dai The influence of the Onia Games is much greater than they thought.

At this moment, the red flag was raised on the host platform again, and the host’s vigorous voice echoed in the arena: "Dear athletes and distinguished guests, we all know that Prometheus stole from the Kingdom of Olympus in ancient times. The sacred fire descended from the earth. From then on, we humans began to break away from barbarism and ignorance, and gradually move towards a prosperous civilization. Fire has also become a sacred object respected by any family and any city state.

Even if people are forced to live away from their hometown they will take away a cluster of sacred fire in the temple of the mother state, and try their best to ensure that it will continue to burn on the way, and eventually it will be thousands of miles away. The temple of the new home is rekindled on the altar...Only in this way, they will firmly believe that the new home built by Xunlu Lanyu has been blessed by the gods, and the civilization of the motherland will continue to be passed on here. This is the fundamental reason why the priests of the Greek city-states are scattered all over the Mediterranean like the stars in the sky, and they are still closely connected!

Today, the Dionian Games will also hold a sacred ceremony! The torch in the main temple of Hades in the Kingdom of Dionia will ignite the altar in the arena. During the games, the torch will continue to ignite. Hades will lead the gods to bless the games to be held in a fair and just manner and protect the athletes. We have achieved excellent results in the competition and will severely punish any hostile behavior that disrupts the Games! ...

Now please keep quiet, and wait for the heroes of the Kingdom of Dionia to bring the holy fire to the arena! "

When the Olympia representative heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then was immediately angry: Dionia had promised in the letter of invitation that the Games would never be aimed at pleasing Hades, but the upcoming event will be from the main temple of Hades. The ceremony of inviting the torch is to use the Games in disguise to make sacrifices for Hades. This is deceit!

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