v9 Chapter 218: Car racing (1)

Mecca Kiddes was a little moved by what he said, but he still had some scruples in his heart: "But... the officials of Crete will probably not allow me to leave..."

"What is there to worry about!" Siriteos reminded disapprovingly: "With the support of the Dionian Military Department, even if those officials are dissatisfied, they dare not do anything to you!"

Under Siriteos’ reminder, McGades finally made up his mind. He gratefully said: "Thank you, Siriteos!"

"It's not okay to just thank you verbally." Siriteos said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "When you become a Dionian citizen in the future and become a Dionian officer, you can do nothing when I have something to ask you for help. Just don't drive me out."

"Don't worry, I will definitely help by then!" McGades said affirmatively.


The Dionian Games went on to the 7th day, and most of the events have been presented to the audience. With the redesign and layout of the traditional Greek Games games, the schedule has not only become fairer. , Has become more exciting, such as racing, more like boxing.

The traditional boxing match is held in a relatively large field. It is not considered to be a victory until the opponent is knocked down or conceded. Players often suffer serious injuries or even death. In the boxing match of the Dionian Games, both players must wear thick gloves and win by hitting each other or knocking down the opponent within the specified time. The players are safer and the match is no longer so bloody.

However, the competition must be held in a 5-meter square delimited by ropes and stakes, which makes it impossible for players to avoid arbitrarily. The competition has become more intense and lasting, and more confrontational. It has also won praise from many audiences. Because the death rate of players has dropped significantly, women and children are also allowed to watch the game.

The same is true for wrestling competitions. It enhances the intensity and confrontation of the game while ensuring the safety of the players and the fairness of the game. It even adds some interesting links, such as during the interval of one game, let the beautiful kingdom female slave hold the next game to start The number plate walked around the venue, attracting the attention of male audience...

Even the representatives of Olympia and Delphi saw these novel arrangements and designs in the competition, and they were lost in thought.

Of course, traditional sports events like "Chaos" are too chaotic and bloody, completely inconsistent with Daves' aesthetics, and are completely excluded from the Dionian Games events.

The newly established competitions of the Dionian Games gave the audience huge surprises, such as archery and swimming.

The Greeks are a seafaring people. Most of the Greeks have played in the sea since they were young. It has almost become an instinct to play in the water and boating. However, there has never been a Greek Games that uses swimming as a competition event. It may be because it finds it difficult to compete, but The Dionian Games set the standard for swimming competitions: The preparatory team for the Games set aside an area on the River Krati to the west of Turiyi to build an open arena. A large rectangular pit with a length of 50 meters, a width of 25 meters and a depth of 2 meters was dug in the center of the arena, covered with firm and dense Davers cement, and then pasted with smooth marble, so that the water of the Craty River was introduced into the pool when the water channel , There will be no obvious leakage. Then pull a rope every three meters at both ends of the wide side of the pool to form 8 swimming tracks, so that the conditions for the swimming competition are fully met.

Although the first Dionian Games allowed players participating in the competition to use a variety of swimming styles (there were no standard swimming styles at that time), and only used the swimming distance to set up different swimming events, but each The audience of the swimming competition was still crowded with the entire stadium, and the cheering voice echoed every day on the banks of the Craty River.

Although the swimmers are not allowed to rub olive oil, under the sun and in the rippling blue water, the athletes' swinging and kicking postures also show strength and beauty, and can also stimulate the audience to the sea. Longing and loving.

The same is true for rowing competitions. The Greeks have conditions to set up rowing competitions, but the reason why they have not been held is probably because most Greeks live on the sea. Sailing, fishing, and business are very common. Just because it is so common, there is no competition. interest. But the boat races of the Dionian Games were designed to be fun and competitive.

There are two types of rowing races in Dionia. One is the rowing race, which uses a wooden boat specially made by the Turri Shipyard for the competition. It is very narrow, but very slender. It can ride on 4 to 8 oarsmen. There is no sail and it depends on rowing. For marching, the competition venue is set in Krati Hanoi. Like races on land, there are qualifiers and finals, and are divided into several events according to the schedule and the number of paddlers. The shortest race distance is one mile. At the beginning of the competition, the players rowed quickly, and the boat's speed could reach more than ten knots, just like the charge of a three-tiered paddle warship during a naval battle, which made the audience on the shore excited.

Another type of rowing competition is sailing. It is a competition boat modified by Turriy Shipyard based on small cargo ships. It can only be carried by one person and cannot use oars. It can only control sails to move the boat forward, so its competition venue is In Turri Bay, there is no qualifier. All players participate together, starting from Turri Port and arriving at Tarantum Port. The competition time is a whole day, and there are many observation boats along the way to prevent the players from cheating. This competition is entirely to test the players’ ability to handle boats in the sea. Therefore, the contestants are all experienced boat owners and fishermen from various regions and city states. At the same time, it also attracted a large number of boat owners and fishermen from the Kingdom of Dionian and various city states. Watch the game and learn.

On the seventh day of the Dionian Games, a very traditional race that the Dionian people are not familiar with began, and that was the car race.

Of all the Greek Games, car racing is the most popular. After all, human beings are always passionate about the ultimate pursuit of speed. In racing, rowing and other speed events, car racing takes the longest, most intense, and most capable Stimulate the passion of the audience, and it is also most liked by the Greek aristocracy, because according to the regulations of the traditional sports games, the championship title of the racing competition does not belong to the driver who drives the carriage, but belongs to the person who provides and owns the carriage. This gave the Greek nobles who had no time to train and could not finish the game in person to win the championship glory of the Games. Therefore, many famous Greeks have won the championship of this event, such as Athens’ Asibides and Sparta. The king, Dionysius, the tyrant of Syracuse...

However, the Dionian Games has changed the tradition of this competition. In the invitation letters sent to the city-states, when describing the rules of the various events of the Dionian Games, it is emphasized that the championship glory of the racing competition is provided for the racing driver and the car. The winners are jointly owned, and their bonuses are equally divided by the two.

In the traditional Greek Games racing competition, many drivers were of slave origin, allowing the master and slave to share the championship honor. This is simply a humiliation to the Greek nobles, but even so, there are still many Greek city-state nobles who signed up for the competition. Nowadays, the era when Dionia is powerful, dominates more than half of the Mediterranean, and controls the Greek world. This is a great opportunity for them to show their name in front of King Dionia, which is of great benefit to their future development in the political arena. .

Not only these Greek aristocrats are keen on the racing games of the Dionian Games, but for the Dionian people who like intense competitive sports, they are also flocking to the long-rumored racing games, so on the day of the race, thousands Tens of thousands of spectators flocked to the stadium located in the northern part of the Subari Plain from all directions.

Since the stadium has just been built, it doesn't even have an official name, it's just simply called-Turriy Racing Arena. After the preparatory team for the Games identified racing as a competition event, the Turri City Hall, which has never held a racing competition experience, sent a delegation to visit Olympia, Delphi and other places, including officials and engineers from the Supervision Department.

But after they came back, the design and construction of this arena is very different from those racing arenas in Greece. It is just like the Greeks believe that any competition is free to watch. Dionians are accustomed to paying money to watch games, so this arena is closed. Due to the hurried construction time, it is not as magnificent as the Hades main arena. Its height is only 20 meters and the auditorium has only two floors. However, its length exceeds any arena in the kingdom, reaching more than 500 meters. Its appearance presents a long oval shape, so it can also accommodate more than 30,000 spectators.

It was early, but the entire auditorium was almost full, and the noisy arena suddenly burst into thunderous cheers. It turned out that it was King Davers and his family who appeared on the royal stand.

Like the Hades main arena, there are also royal stands in the racing arena. But unlike the Hades main arena, it is not built in the auditorium, but on the two floors of the auditorium, becoming the highest point of the entire arena. This is the thoughtful consideration of the engineers for the royal family: Because the track in the stadium is too long, only by sitting at a higher level can you see the panorama of the entire stadium.

Davers returned to his seat after waving to the audience. And Kristia, Dido and the others restrained the children from running around. Although there are railings around them, the accidental fall of more than 20 meters is not a joke.

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