v9 Chapter 233: Daves to Egypt

"The Overlord of the Mediterranean in Ancient Greece (

Daves stayed here for two days and received members of the Messenian Council and a small number of Messenian citizens, which caused a sensation among the people of the entire territory. The nearby city-states such as Sparta, Arcadia Alliance, Ellis, Argos, Corinth and other city-states also came to see him one after another, causing Daves to stay for two more days.

Five days later, Daves bid farewell to the Peloponnese people, and the fleet sailed to the southeast, passing through Crete, and after supplementing sufficient fresh water, it sailed straight south.

The next 500-mile long sea voyage is slightly risky, but in these years, under the leadership of the Holy Kingdom of Dionian, it has become the most prosperous communication between the Western Mediterranean, the Greek mainland, Cyrenaica, and Egypt. One of the routes (the other route is through Sicily to Carthage, and then along the African coast to Egypt, due to a storm last year in the African waters, destroying the Egyptian delegation’s fleet, the Dionian fleet for For the safety of the king, he chose this route).

The fleet went smoothly without any trouble and arrived at the coast of Cyrenaica.

Although Cyrenaica was once called the sub-state of the sub-state of Sparta, Dionia and Cyrenaica established friendship as early as Dionysius’s expedition to Dionia. The relationship, and this friendly relationship has been continuously strengthened over time. Of course, Cyrenaica has also consciously transformed from the initial equal status of the two parties to the respectful attitude of the small state serving the big country.

Since several waves of Dionian troops have passed through Cyrenaica since last year, the Cyrenaica people were not panicked, and even somewhat accustomed to it, but when the envoy of the Dionian army informed the high level of Cyrenaica When "King Davos was in the army," these Cyrenaica oligarchs hurriedly prepared a generous amount of gold and silver and rations, and then rushed to visit the temporary camp by the port.

Daves patiently had a friendly conversation with them, and in the conversation made it clear: Dionian will also do his best to ensure the political stability of Egypt during the war with Persia.

For the Cyrenaicas who have never been invaded by foreign enemies, the war between Dionians and Persians has no effect on them. The only thing that can affect the security of Cyrenaica is civil strife and famine, while in Egypt The unrest will cause a large number of Libyans living in Egypt to flee west, which will inevitably destabilize the political situation in Cyrenaica. Although the Dionian army helped Egypt put down the rebellion last year, its new pharaoh has not been elected. The Cyrenaica oligarchs always feel uneasy, and now with the assurance of King Dionia, they can go back without worry.

The Dionian fleet rested for two days in the port of Cyrenaica, and then continued to sail eastward along the coast of Africa. By mid-February, it finally reached the coast of Egypt.

Just as Daves led the fleet to take a rest during the entire journey, the Clippers, which departed from Turei as a messenger, arrived in Egypt as early as 8 days ago, whether it was in Assi, Memphis. Steths, Tapirus, and Calsidis who was still in Pe-Rames, all led the officials in hand to Naukratis.

When Davers’s ship passed the checkpoint at the mouth of the Peleucia River, a tributary of the Nile River, and slowly entered the port, the Egyptian people who came to greet him uttered ear-splitting cheers, which made Davers who had not yet disembarked. Surprised.

After he stepped on the pier, Asistus and others immediately greeted him and bowed respectfully to salute.

"You have worked so hard during this period. On behalf of the people of the kingdom, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your contribution to the kingdom!" Dafus also solemnly responded, then looked around the densely packed Egyptian people in the periphery and asked curiously: "This is Did you arrange it?"

"Because of the safety concerns, we did not publicize it. This is their spontaneous behavior." Asistes explained hurriedly.

"Oh!" Daves looked at the excited faces in the distance, and asked interestedly: "Are they from all over Egypt?"

"No, Your Majesty." Aseststein replied: "Most of them come from this city and surrounding villages and towns."

Naukratis was a stronghold provided by Egyptian pharaohs for Greek mercenaries hundreds of years ago. Later, it gradually developed into the only Hellenized Egyptian town that often traded with Greeks. Most of the residents of the city were of Greek descent. Not to mention that most of the closer diplomatic and trade exchanges between Dionian and Egypt in the past 20 years have also been carried out in this town, making some Dionian citizens settle here for a long time.

Because of the uniqueness of Naukratis, it was excluded and suppressed in the conservative Egyptian society. It was like an isolated island in the ocean. It had no political influence on Egypt. This time, the Dionian reinforcements quelled Egypt. After the rebellion, they stayed for a long time without leaving. Even the recent decree issued from Memphis to the cities and towns in the Nile Delta contains the shadow of the Dionians. This makes the sensitive Naukratis aware of the political situation in Egypt. The earth-shaking changes, this may be a great opportunity for them to stand up, that's why there will be today's grand welcome scene, this is the Naukratis show their loyalty to King Dionia.

Of course Daves thought of this, and he was a little disappointed.

At this time, a voice rang in his ear: "Your Majesty the King, in fact, the people in other cities and towns in Egypt are also very happy with your arrival, but because of the long distance and the rush of time, they could not come here in time to meet you, and wait for you On the way to Memphis, I believe I can see the enthusiasm of other Egyptians with my own eyes.” The speaker stood beside Asistes, with dark skin, a fat body, obvious wrinkles on his face, and a pinch of grayish jaws. Goat beard, upper body bowed slightly, with a flattering smile, looking at Daves.

When Davers saw him wearing a pure white short-sleeved linen gown, wearing a golden hat and holding a long slender cane, he had guessed the identity of the person in his heart, but still asked in surprise: " Who is this?"

"Your Majesty, this is the high priest appointed by Pharaoh Tanib during his reign, and Amonhotep from Karak Temple. After we came to Egypt, he received a lot of help!" Assistus hurriedly introduced .

Daves smiled: "It's nice to meet you. Asistes mentioned you many times in his letter to me, but you gave us tremendous support!"

"Your Majesty the King, it is my honor to be able to see you!" Amon Hotep respectfully saluted, and said passionately in a slightly blunt Greek: "You are the son of Amon, the Lord of Upper and Lower Egypt. Your service is my honor and the honor of the Egyptian people, so you don’t have to be surprised that they are gathered here, because in the future the people of Egypt will listen to your teachings sincerely!"

Although Daves had learned from Asistes’ letter that the noble high priest had completely fallen towards Dionia, his overly flattering attitude still surprised Daves. I can't help but wonder: Did Dionia's powerful force frighten these pampered Egyptian priests and make their knees so soft!

It should be known that three months ago, the advance force led by Calcidis not only eliminated the usurper Nick Tanipos, but also quickly extinguished the rebellion in other towns in the Nile Delta, frightening Thebes, who was also a bit turbulent (not The city-state of Thebes in Greece, but Thebes, the religious center of Upper Egypt, also quickly settled down. Since December last year, other regiments in the Dionian Kingdom have successively arrived in Egypt. Counting the first and second legions that arrived today, the number of Dionian regiments in Egypt has approached 20 (including cavalry). Legion), the huge force of hundreds of thousands of people, coupled with its strong combat power, is enough to destroy the entire Egypt, how can Amonhotep not feel trembling!

Most people in the port of Naukratis know Greek It was an uproar when the high priest Amonhotep said aloud the title "Son of Amon, King of Upper and Lower Egypt". Cheers broke out, and then they knelt down, shouting in unison the name "Great and Noble Pharaoh Daves".

Facing the cheers of the Egyptian people, Daves did not forget. He knew that Amon Hotepu's respectful addressing of him was actually a temptation to him, so he smiled and said, "I am very grateful to the great Amon. I have been given such an important mission, but Dionia has a vast territory and my energy is limited. I hope that the servants of God Amon can help me and manage this ancient country together, so that the Egyptian people can regain the brilliance of the mercy of God Amon. under."

Daves's direct and clear reply made Amon Hottepu greatly relieved, and he immediately declared loudly: "All Amon's servants are willing to offer all their loyalty to you, the great Pharaoh!"

In the past few months, the agreement reached by Tapirus and the Amon monks of Egypt after many negotiations has received the promise of Daves and Amon Hotep at this moment, and the cooperation between the two parties is formally established.

Then Daves came to the kneeling people, motioned them to get up, and said loudly: "Egypt subjects, the northern Persia has repeatedly sent troops to attack Egypt over the years in an attempt to occupy the land of the Nile, and then turn you into slaves. Forcing you to abandon your faith in Amon and change Ahura Mazda instead. The Persian is behind the rebellion of Nick Tani Persia. Egypt is in a very dangerous situation!

Therefore, the great God Amon made me the new master of this land, and I brought brave and fearless soldiers who will guard Egypt and defeat Persia, so that you can enjoy long-term peace and tranquility! Guarantee that Egypt will always be the Egypt of the Egyptians! ..."