v9 Chapter 252: Izam's advice

"...In July, the King of Persia ordered us to pull out the camp and march west. Because the team was too large and the marching speed was slow, it took us two months to reach Taposakus. By this time, your Majesty, you have led the army to conquer. In Syria, so the Persians ordered us to build a camp near Taposakus.

In order for me to leave quietly and to facilitate future contact, the Xoconte tribe army chose the northern outskirts of Taposakus as a resident, not far from Amanus Mountain, so on the evening of half a month ago, I secretly left the camp. , Drilled northward into the mountains, and was not spotted along the way, then made a big circle before returning here..."

"Izam, this time you risked your life, went deep into the hinterland of Persia, successfully contacted the Xococant tribe, and persuaded them to support Dionia and make great contributions to the kingdom. I would like to say to you on behalf of the entire army. thank!"

Daves bowed to him with a solemn expression, bluffing Izam to stand up quickly, wave his hand again and again, not daring to accept the ceremony: "Your Majesty, as a citizen of Dionia and the senator of the Senate, this is my duty. ! And even though I have retired, as a member of the former Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade, this is my duty! I can't afford to thank you, your Majesty, and all the soldiers and soldiers!"

These words were very decent, and Mariji blinked his eyes: You must know that when Izam first started following Davers, he was a barbarian who didn't understand respect and etiquette. After decades of influence in Dionia, Especially the life in the past few years after retiring, has completely changed his mind.

"Well, since you regard yourself as a Dionian soldier, then I will follow the military's reward and punishment system and give you a big credit first, and then reward you after the war is over." Daves is satisfied with Izah. A smile appeared on his face, and he asked: "You have been there for so long. Do you know how many people are in the Persian army? What is the composition of their army? What is the combat effectiveness?"

As the former captain of the Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade, Izam was best at investigating enemy situations, so after a little thought, he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, based on my observations during this period, the Persians are in Tabosacus. The number of troops stationed is about 350,000, of which the Persian army has about 200,000, and the rest... For example, the Dukya army has about 30,000, Taukya has about 10,000, and Amelia has about 30,000. There are about 10,000 in Arabia, 5,000 in Scythian, 10,000 in Kardan, and more than 10,000 in India... Oh, they also have more than 20,000 Greek mercenaries.

Among so many armies, the approximately 50,000-60,000 Persian army guarding the Persian king should be the most effective. Among them, except for the undead army stationed in Babylon, the others are from the eastern part of Susa and Persepolis. area--"

"Alta Xerxes personally led the army out?!" Daves interrupted him, asking a little surprised.

Izam hurriedly responded: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty! I forgot to mention that the Persian king was Taposakus who led the undead army to arrive at the end of last month. After arriving, he stayed in the city without showing up."

"Um..." Daves nodded: "You continue to talk down."

"In addition to the 50,000-60,000 Persian army, the Persian army has an advantage over ours. It has a large cavalry force, including the cavalry in the attached areas, about 30,000. In addition, it has a number of up to 5 More than 10,000 archers. But they don’t have strong heavy infantry! This is the biggest weakness of the Persian army, but the Dukya tribal army, the Kardan people, the Greek mercenaries... the infantry combat effectiveness of these units is not bad, it is likely to be In the battle, the Persians were placed on the first line, facing our legionaries.

In addition, there are some special arms in the Persian army that need our attention. One is the sickle chariot. It is said that the reason why Altaxerxes arrived at Taposakus so late was to prepare more than 200 chariots. I have seen this thing from a distance, and its axle is installed. Long and sharp double-sided blade, the blade will continue to spin with the wheels when the tank is driving, it is very scary to use it to rush into the formation.

In addition, there are more than 50 war elephants, brought by Indians. Although I have seen elephants many times in the Turiyi Zoo, this is the first time I have seen someone use it to fight. The Indians placed a small wooden tower on the elephant's back. Two people could sit on the tower, one for the mahout and the other for the archer. The elephant is huge, and using it to rush into battle should pose a certain threat to our infantry array.

Another is the Arab camel soldiers. The camels are tall but slow. At first, the Arab camps were very close to the Amerians, but the Amerian horses were disturbed by these camels. The Persians They let the Arabs stay away from the large army and built a camp by themselves, but they don’t have many camels, probably more than 500..."

Izam paused for a while, seeing Daves being silent, and hurriedly said in a heavy tone: "Your Majesty, although the Persian army is huge, its source is too complicated. Apart from the tens of thousands of main forces, I found other Most of the troops have poor discipline, lack of fighting spirit, and lack of effective organization. The various troops do not even communicate with each other, making it difficult to cooperate well.

I followed the march of the Dukya tribe army from Opis to Taposakus. I deeply realized this. All the troops lost control after advancing along the route prescribed by the Persians in less than an hour. Mixed with each other, scattered across the plain... So every day in the afternoon, the entire Persian army must stop advancing, and then the troops will gather their soldiers again. This will take at least two hours, including the Dukya tribe. The same is true for the army, and it often clashes with other troops...

Such a Persian army without fighting spirit, discipline, and unity cannot resist our army, even if we are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. But the Persians also realized this. After the large troops arrived at Taposakus, they began to reorganize all the troops—"

"How did the Persians organize it?" Daves asked seriously.

"For some troops with a small number, such as the Kardan and Arabs, they merged them into the Persian army; for the troops with a larger number, such as Dukhya and Ameria, they sent some Persian generals to In its army, on the one hand, it is responsible for conveying the orders of the Persian king and on the other hand supervising the execution of the orders. At the same time, these generals are also responsible for training these units to cooperate with the Persian army... So these days the Persian army has been near Tabosacus. Hurry up and train on the plains of the country. Before I left, I felt that the state of the Persian army was better than when I first arrived in Takusakus.

Your Majesty, if the Persians continue to do this, even if we can win victory in the end, we will pay no small price, so--" Izam solemnly asked loudly: "Your Majesty, we should take advantage of this. When the Persian army is still relatively loose and not kneaded together, attack it as soon as possible! "

Daves groaned, but did not immediately express his position.

Seeing this, Mariji turned the topic away immediately: "Izam, you have been in the Mesopotamian plains so much, how do you feel about the attitude of the people there towards the entire Persian army?"

"Of course it won't be too good!" Izam replied with a look of disdain: "The Persian army is not our Dionian army, which has strict military laws to restrict it. Their subsidiary units come from different regions and different races. The military discipline is loose, and some have hatreds with the Persians. For example, the Dukya tribe army came to a place as rich as Mesopotamia, looting, destroying, even making women and killing people every day. For this reason, the Persians It also organized a large number of military law teams to deal with these violations, and even had several conflicts with attached troops.

But even their Persian soldiers themselves were doing these disgusting things, so when the towns along the way heard that there was an army coming, they closed their gates and refused to let the soldiers in, even for the Persian army... I heard something Rumor has it that some Mesopotamian nobles intercepted the Persian king’s car on the road several times and sue the Persian army, but the Persian king did not seem to have given any punishment..."

Upon hearing this, Daves asked Mariji with interest: "The inhabitants of the Mesopotamian plain seem to be a little dissatisfied with the Persian rule?"

"Your Majesty!" Mariji replied with a little excitement: "Although Persia has ruled the Mesopotamia plains for more than a hundred years and has always operated as a core area, the Persian residents have been in Mesopotamia so far. The Asian plains are still not in the majority. The main people on this plain are Babylonians and Medes, but they have always obeyed Persia, and Persia treats them almost equally, and outsiders regard them as part of the real Persia. .uukanshu.cOM

But in fact there is still a difference between the two! Especially the Babylonians, because they have been ruled by multiple foreign races for hundreds of years, they have become accustomed to being indifferent to wars between nations. As long as their interests are not violated, they will rule the Mesopotamian plains. acceptable. Therefore, the small Cyrus led an army from Asia Minor into the Mesopotamian plains, almost approaching Babylon without any obstacles along the way. This may be an important reason.

I don’t know if Artaxerxes has had any resentment about this, but the information obtained from Mazaias shows that he was obviously very supportive of Susa and Persia in Persepolis during the turbulent period. The nobles trusted more and later gave them more power and preferential treatment, and even rewarded them some lands on the Mesopotamian plains, and these Persian nobles arbitrarily expanded their land in Mesopotamia. At one time, it caused tension between the nobles and residents of Mesopotamia and the Persians. Although Artaxerxes realized this problem later and conducted mediation, the Mesopotamians' dissatisfaction with the Persians affirmed Will not eliminate.

Your Majesty, as long as our army, after defeating the Persian army, does nothing against the people of Mesopotamia, and promises to give them some benefits, they will definitely regard us as the masters of this land and open the gates to welcome them. we! ..."

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