375 Comic: The Strongest Villain Chapter 375


Are you here to grab the Spear of Fate Fragment?

In addition to this, the star girl can't think of other reasons. After all, the other party is obviously not a person of this era from the appearance of his clothes. He also knows his true identity and has such ability... His goal can only be a fragment of the Spear of Destiny. !

Thinking of this, the star girl turned and ran in the direction of the door, while shouting loudly to the guard outside.

Open up.

She found that she couldn't make a sound.

Turned around.

She found that her footsteps could not move forward, her face was a little red when she shouted in horror, but there was still no sound. The muscles of her struggling body jumped up, but her feet seemed to grow to the ground. He didn't move as if.

Su Sheng lifted the star war and put it on the star-chaser's neck with a forceful hook, and the star-chaser involuntarily fell down in Su Sheng's direction.


Knees hit the ground heavily, on all fours.

"You are as unresisting as an ant in front of me and you want to go to the guards outside for help? Are you planning to kill them?" Su Sheng was planning to squat down, but after thinking about it, it seems a bit not enough. After thinking for a while, the star battle was leveled.

The star battle was suspended in mid-air, and Su Sheng slowly sat down and continued with a chuckle: "I already know where the fragments of the Spear of Destiny are, so the question now... is just about you!"

The 431st chapter blackened star-cheater

"Do you still want to continue to stay in this backward era? Huntrip asked you to protect the spear of destiny and sent you to different times in the past and the future. Protecting the spear of destiny? Hehe, it sounds like a great one. But the Justice Society has been disbanded, and some of your teammates didn’t end well. He... has he told you when this mission will end? Has he told you how to arrange you after it ends?"

Seeing the star-cheater who was kneeling on the ground with her head up, Su Sheng chuckles to herself."I guess he must have said that if the mission is over, it will send you back to the original era? Do you believe it? Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to pass through a time point twice in a row. This can easily cause the collapse of time to affect. Of course, sometimes you may be forced to do this, but based on Huntlip's character, you will not be able to return to the original era even if you complete the task."

"Furthermore, Huntrip deleted the memory of the Spear of Destiny in order to ensure the confidentiality of the message. In other words, he will never come to you under unexpected circumstances and tell you that the mission has been completed. So, you probably only have it. Two results."

"Either guard the fragments of the Spear of Destiny until you die, or be snatched by the Spear of Destiny, and you will be killed!"

"In short, this is a task that can only be ended until death."

The star girl's body trembled faintly, her eyes changed from anger and fright to doubt, from doubt to gloom, and finally to anger, and then her expression became dim.

Su Sheng got up, the star battle suddenly flew over the head of the star-chaser woman, and the star-chaser woman slowly got up uncontrollably, bent over and grabbed the star war with both hands.She hurriedly wanted to control the star war, but she suddenly realized that the star war did not react at all, and she could only bend over and grasp the star war without moving.

Su Sheng's body shook lightly, it looked like it was just shaking her shoulders normally, but the star-seeking lady opened her eyes wide in horror.

There was an extra thing in Su Sheng's hand.

It was one of the fragments of the Spear of Destiny.

"The task of protecting the spear of destiny is over." Su Sheng casually put the fragments of the spear of destiny on the table not far away, and then came behind her in a place within sight of the star chaser.


Putting it on the cocked place and stroking it gently, the star-cheater trembling slightly.

Furious shaking!


Her uniform was divided into two from her waist, and Su Sheng slightly affixed it to her ear and said: "If Huntrip didn't give you this task, you might continue to stay at the Justice Society like an obsidian who is old. For the mission, maybe join the legendary team like the vixen and experience the excitement of different times every day, but now...you can only be forgotten here to protect a piece of metal that will only harm you and not good, and accept me Of... violation?"

"Whose fault is this?"


Who is to blame?

The star chaser subconsciously followed her train of thought and thought, Huntrip!It was Huntrip’s fault. If it weren’t for his appearance, the Justice Society would not have had so many things, and the members would not leave their time and be sent to other places to live alone.Huntrip and even the legendary team kept saying to protect the timeline, but it was them who broke the rules.

It's him.

It was they who harmed themselves and the Justice Society!

"Ah..." Just as the star girl's eyes became bright, and when she was angry, a burst of severe pain suddenly came and made her scream, but...the sound did not appear.

she was!

The members of the Justice Society can only hold her star wars in a pose and let the other party invade from behind. Her anger, grievance, and heavy emotions made her tears flow down unconsciously, and her anger gradually made her think in her mind. A person.


It was he who caused him to become the way he is now, who bears all this!

It was Su Sheng who was obviously doing bad things, but he clearly felt that Hunterlip was the object of the star-cheater's anger and resentment, which made Su Sheng particularly interesting.The star girl who bewitched in a few words should have been trusted, and the object of persistence was programmed with the object of resentment and anger.

This feeling of manipulating people's hearts is really interesting. Su Sheng felt that the worse she treated her, the stronger she would be cruel to Huntrip...

Speaking of which, Huntrip is really not a good bird. In the beginning, he set up a legendary team to save his wife and children and betray the Lord of Time. I won’t say much about this process. The final result is that Captain Cold is dead. Also died once.And he can save his wife and children and change history, but others can't?The double standard is very serious.In the second season, I pitted the Justice Society directly, and then?After a series of things, he even set up a time-lord consulate, organized himself as the leader and began to dislike the legendary team, and even banned the legendary team.

This is ungrateful, crossing the river to tear down the bridge.

and then?Then this product was dumped by the organization he established?What to do, Pi Dian Pi Dian is back to find the Legend Squad.

Although Su Sheng thinks that the legendary team is a garbage dump team, he really thinks that Huntlip is garbage in the garbage. He tried to blacken the star girl and didn't expect the effect to be so good. If the star girl can kill Hunter It's not bad if Rip is killed!

Time flies very quickly when you are focused on doing something. When Su Sheng left the star chaser and snapped his fingers to restore the freedom of the star chaser, the sky outside was completely dark.Saint Su walked to the side, poured a glass of water and took the fragments of the Spear of Destiny, went to the bed and sat down to study.

The star-cheater silently shrank on the ground in 5.7, clutching her star battle with both hands.

No crying, no shouting.

I don't know how long it took, the star-seeker girl put down the star warrior, got up and limped to the side of the wardrobe, took out a mage robe and walked out the door.

Su Sheng did not stop.

There was no shouting, no guards rushed in, and after an hour or so, the star girl came back again.

She should have gone to take a bath just now!


PS: Looking at the three seasons of Legends of Tomorrow, I personally don't like Huntrip, even if he blew up at the end of the third season, it didn't change much.Instead, Sarah made me feel better when she became a captain.

Chapter 432 The Doomsday Legion: Reverse Lightning and Black Arrows (first more)

"who are you?"

The star star girl stood by the bed and asked towards Su Sheng expressionlessly.

"Su Sheng." Su Sheng put down the fragments of the spear of destiny and said casually.