Chapter 255: After the Rain (2)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 255: After the Rain (2)

Soliette sank into quiet contemplation, her gaze shifting from the starry night sky to somewhere else.

"...Are you still awake?

She asked Jared, who was lying next to her.

"No, not yet.

He replied.

Soliettes expression turned peculiar.

It feels like it might rain tomorrow.

This was a statement meant for verification.

Is that so?


She was trying to confirm what she was doing in this bottle of souls, why this journey seemed to be endlessly ongoing.

...See you tomorrow, Mr. Jared."

"Yes. Sleep well.

Soliette quietly closed her eyes.



Droplets of water settled on her cheek. Soliette slowly opened her eyes.

"Ah, it's raining.

Before she knew it, the party members were bustling about, folding up their sleeping bags.



Soliette watched the droplets falling on her face.

Once again, she closed her eyes quietly.

A hollow laugh spread across her lips.

Now she understood.

Everything she unconsciously wished for came true in this place.

The journey didnt end because she didn't want it to end, and companions appeared because she wished for them.

In fact

It had been like that from the beginning.

She thought she had stumbled upon this game by chance.

She found Bethune while searching for Knightmare on the internet, thinking she had caught a lead on Knightmare.

What if that was a misconception?

What if it wasnt by mere chance that she entered this place, but Knightmare had guided her here?

"Soliette. Time to get up. The rain is getting heavier.

Soliette opened her eyes. Her companions were calling her with smiles.

"You said it looked like it would rain. And now it really is.

She looked at Jared, who spoke those words.


Soliette replied quietly.

It seems this journey will soon come to an end."

She felt she was beginning to understand.

What lay at the bottom of this bottle.

Who was waiting for her.

I returned to the Intelligence Agency. It was because of a debriefing on the Senator's Syrimus operation.

...Lets conclude the cross-verification regarding Senator Syrimus' matter.

The meeting, which lasted a grueling three hours, came to an end.

"Lastly, lets confirm. The three of you operated as a team, correct?"

Director Gedley asked.

"Yes. ReAd latest chapters at Only

Bell Moore answered energetically.

For identifying the whereabouts of Syrimuss son Luke, and for investigating the monster clinic and making the discovery... Therefore, the person with the most significant role is team leader Bell Moore. Is that correct? I'd like to hear the opinions of the team members.

"Yes. Thats correct

This time, I was the one who answered. Riley nodded as well.

Its confirmed. The Syrimus matter will be treated as top-secret and sealed within the Intelligence Agency Database. I expect you all to forget about the operation now. You may go.

"Yes, sir!"

Bell Moore stood up.

We all left together.

"Phew- Thats a relief."

Bell Moore stretched, and Riley glanced at him with evident dissatisfaction.

"What are you looking at- What now?"

"Happy about snatching the credit from your team members?

Riley shot back coldly.

"Hey, hes the one who gave it to me. Something about it being the duty of a junior.

Bell Moore pointed in my direction.

I nodded.

"Congratulations on your team leader candidacy."

...Ah, that?

Bell Moore had been nominated as a team leader candidate.

It's just a candidacy. Becoming a team leader is my life goal.

Of course, Bell Moore was still a couple of years short in terms of experience, and frankly, his career wasnt quite there yet, but he was likely to be elected without much trouble.

Thanks to his track record of solving significant cases.

"You think you're something."

Riley crossed her arms.

"Oh- Come on. Oh right, hey Shion. You know about Johanna's thing, what was it... Anyway, you know where she's moving into, right?


"Do you want to take on her security?


...What? Why dont you ever say no?

Bell Moore raised his eyebrows with a curious look.

"Arent you Zias?

I am also a direct Chaser."

"Uh. Well... then, from today, youll be working at the Aerial Garden. They say the security team needs to sync up.

However, what 'the current Johanna' likes wont work.

She has probably already forgotten what she likes.

Therefore, we need memories from her childhood.

Unfortunately, even I, who am well-versed in Libra, dont know much about Johanna from that time.


Zia suddenly furrowed her brows as if a thought had struck her.

In the past... there was someone my sister admired."


I asked reflexively, surprised by the unexpected revelation.

"Yes. It was when my sister was in high school. I was still very young...


The door to Zias room was flung open violently. Johanna, her face twisted like a goblins, strode in.

"Hey. Did you use my fountain pen again?

This time, the fountain pen was the subject of her ire.

Zia replied quietly.


"No is bullshit, you looking to die? Hey. Show me your palm.

...I didn't use it.

"Show it!"


The daily routine of high school Johanna was tormenting Zia.

Every day after school, she would take out her anger out on Zia, and Zia, knowing she would be tormented regardless, sometimes deliberately used and stole Johanna's belongings.

"Sister... it hurts.

I hit you so it would hurt, you little shit. If you get caught again, I'll break it next time, understand?

After a few hard slaps to the palm, Johanna would leave, satisfied, and not bother her for a while.

Those were the days.

But then...

It must have been an ordinary day.

Was it a Monday? A Tuesday?

Anyway, Zia wrote a letter with Johanna's cherished fountain pen and braced herself for the confrontation.

When she really did steal and use it, she would get beaten quite badly.

But Johanna didnt come.

She didnt come at the usual time she always did.

Johanna was surprisingly obsessive about her routines, so Zia wondered if something had happened.

But a day passed, then two, and no matter how long Zia waited, Johanna never came to her.

While it was a relief not to be hit, after about a week, young Zia grew curious.

She cautiously followed Johanna as she left school.

...What could it be?"

Upon reaching the Aerial Garden, Johanna headed straight for the greenhouse.

Deep within the greenhouse, which their great-grandfather had personally renovated, was a small sand training ground with three scarecrows.

There stood a knight

He must have been in his mid-twenties.

Johanna watched him strike the scarecrows quietly before turning away.

That's when Zia realized.

Even her sister could have someone she liked.

The first encounter was in the garden...

I had definitely received a hint from Zia.

To draw out someone's emotions, simple one-dimensional methods are insufficient.

Using old memories is more effective.

People unknowingly idealize their past and long for it

The magnitude of the romance held by the mirage called 'first love is evident.

Sister still occasionally walks there these days.

I initially trained with the security team. Even being assigned to the lowest the third team, gave me a reason to go to the Aerial Garden every day.

Maybe because thats where she met the knight.

After security training, I headed to the place Zia had mentioned.

"This is the place.

Beyond the beautifully blooming flowers and trees of the greenhouse, there was a strange area consisting solely of sand.


The three scarecrows were swaying in the wind, bearing deep scars and marks of time.

Nothing special happened between them. Sister just watched the knight for three months, and for the next three, she learned swordsmanship from him.

I drew a wooden sword.

Thwack- Thwack-

I executed the Ascal Style swordsmanship, tapping the scarecrows lightly.

Only until she went to college.

I trained in swordsmanship for about three hours.

Without the thought of being watched, just with the mindset of honing myself.

After she entered college, that knight died.

Eventually, it got late at night.

I left the garden.

After all, it wasnt something that could be done in a single day.

Johanna is a busy person, so the days she strolls through this garden must be limited.

I returned to the garden the next day.

There was no gain, but I came back the day after that as well.

And the day after that

For a week, every day at the same time, I just hit the scarecrows, training my swordsmanship.


I felt a very faint sign of someone's presence.

I thought I knew who it was, but I didn't show it. They didnt approach me first either.

Thud! Thud!

As I swung the wooden sword at the scarecrow, I was certain.

The place evokes emotions, and memories will slowly overlap.

Gradually, her heart will change.