Chapter 257: After the Rain (4)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 257: After the Rain (4)

The interior of the trench was cozy.

I had installed lights on the earthen walls that smelled of soil, and I had laid out a cushy sleeping bag in advance.

There was plenty of food, and it felt like camping.

[Ben: Yes. Weve just entered as well]

I received reports from the members of Team 3 from within the trench. Ben's glasses were definitely practical.

Just by wearing them, I could communicate with my team members at all times.

[Yes. Then I will send you the map of the trenches Ive dug.]

Through the lens of the glasses, I sent a map marked with the trenches.

[Also, this is my current location.]

'...Ah, Im tired.

I stretched and wriggled my body into the sleeping bag.

Now, it was time for a break.

Its been a while since I've had a good sleep.

The place is nice, but its a shame that there's no SNS or OTT service.


I closed my eyes quietly and surrendered my body to the creeping sleep.

...How much time had passed?


Footsteps sounded. A distinct magical energy touched my skin.

I opened my eyes.


The light turned on.

The face of a threatening man gleamed in the light.

"So you were here."

His heavy baritone voice spread thickly. I saw his face.

It was Beckman.

He looked around the inside of the trench and nodded.

"A nice burrow. Perfect for a rat to hide.


I gave a faint smile.

In fact, I had expected this.

Team 3 was a team personally organized by Beckman.

Naturally, one of the three had to be a spy.

"Thats right But, what brings you here?"

"What brings me here?

Beckman raised his Magic Body. A murderous smile formed on his lips.

"You dare to take on the task of surveilling me"

Sure enough, he seemed to have caught on to the mission Johanna had given me.

...Its a mission I received in strictest confidence. Surely you haven't been snooping around Lady Johannas quarters?" New novel chapters are published at

I got up.

It's to protect our lord. From leeches like you.

Beckman was confident.

Perhaps because he was sure that this conversation wouldnt leak outside.

"Mr. Beckman. Snooping or intercepting the private affairs of the direct line is a grave offense that can be summarily executed."

"Shut up. You wont be able to get out of here alive anyway."

I thought to myself.

It wont hurt.

"Lady Johanna would prefer me over someone like you.

After all, this doll doesnt have a sense of pain. I just need to transfer my consciousness back before it breaks apart.

The rest will be taken care of by my master.

"Youve fallen.


He snickered. Staring at me with a hard frown, he extended his finger.

"Then let me ask. Why do you follow Lady Johanna?

It was slightly intriguing.

Suddenly, Beckman threw a question at me that was almost identical to the script the master had written.

I answered according to the script as well.

It is because Lady Johanna is a direct descendant of Libra.

"No. The direct line includes Derek, Jade, and Zia, whom you claim to serve. Yet you insist on standing by Lady Johanna's side.

Crackle- Electricity sparked from Beckman's body. He was extremely angry at this point.

Is that reason simply because Lady Johanna is a direct descendant?

I kept my mouth shut.

This too was all part of the script

"Dont spout such dogshit."

Beckman gave a trembling smile.

"You, a mere piece of trash, dare to harbor filthy feelings for Lady Johanna.

The reason he had been unreasonably restraining, suspecting, and hating Shion Ascal was simple.

Hatred of the same kind.

He hated madly because he mistakenly thought that Shion Ascal loved Johanna as he did.

I looked at Beckman intently.

After staring blankly for about 10 seconds, I nodded as the script dictated.

. Yes. I may not understand my emotions well, but your argument is persuasive.

A confession of feelings by another.

"Perhaps youre right, as you say."

A passive conveyance ofperhaps youre right.

"Right Did you receive a briefing about Syrot from the team leader?"


"How was the briefing conducted?

Ben pointed to his glasses.

I can exchange Transcriptions, or texts, with my team members through these lenses. I received the report about Syrot from team leader Shion Ascal through them.

A pretty useful Spectrum.

Johanna rested her chin on her hand.

Good. Then, where the hell is this team leader who wrote the report and wont show his face?

It had been nearly a week, no, since Shion entered the magic space through the passage, Johanna hadnt met him.

For such an important report, one would expect to at least see his face.

"Our team 3 has a trench.

"A trench?

"Yes. We collect information by moving through the trench, so theres no need to return to the main force, and it seems theres no time forthat."

. Tch. Alright, you can go.

Johanna waved her hand dismissively.


Ben bowed at a 90-degree angle and stepped backward.

Outside the fortress.

Beckman called out to Ben as he came out Ben stood in front of Beckman with a stoic expression.

Ive conveyed everything exactly as you instructed, Mr. Beckman.

"Good. What about Shion Ascals trench?"

Ben answered promptly.

Ive taken care of everything.

He was a strategist personally procured by Beckman. Among the Chasers, he was quite exceptional, and Beckman had kept him hidden as his own personal information agent.

"What kind oftaken care of?

"Under Miss Zias orders, I volunteered for a mission to sabotage Lady Johanna's residence... Ive hidden secret coded documents to that effect You're welcome to check them yourself."

Of course, Ben would have perfectly manipulated the den.

Beckman nodded in satisfaction.

"And Syrot?

Ive already aligned our story with Yurkon Corporation.

Ben flashed a sly smile, one that exuded reliability.

Beckman took a deep breath.

"Once Lady Johanna sets out there, instead of finding Syrot, shell stumble upon a barren land."

They had deliberately crafted a false report for Johanna, with the intent of luring her out.

"Yurkon Corporation will seize the opportunity to attack one of our most valuable lands...

This was the first part of the plan.

Johanna would be betrayed by Shion Ascal, the man she trusted.

"A trap will be sprung in that barren land. A magic bomb."

The second plan involved a magic bomb set to explode, targeting Johanna specifically.

It was clear evidence that Shion Ascal harbored murderous intent towards Johanna.

"The magic bomb has enough power to kill Lady Johanna. So please be careful, but also look for the right opportunity!1

Ben raised a finger.

Beckman also swallowed hard, focusing intently.

Just protect Lady Johanna. Like a prince on a white horse.

Prince on a white horse.

At that outdated phrase, Beckman's face softened, as if envisioning a future with Johanna, their son, daughter, and grandchildren.

"Afterwards, Sir Beckman, you will present the already slain Shion Ascal. Claiming youve killed the traitor.

Ben's plan was clear from beginning to end.

"Good. Very good.


Ben cautiously looked up at Beckman.

"Sir Beckman. This operation"

"Dont worry. Ill take full responsibility for everything. Your future career and wealth as well.

"Ah, thank you!

Ben's face flushed with color. Beckman suddenly looked down at him.

Im curious. How did the bastard fall for it with you?

It was easy. I pretended to stutter, to be a fool, to be a low-level Chaser, and he fell for it hook, line, and sinker.


Thus, a Chaser must never let their guard down. A foolish face, expression, or complexion could all be part of a crafted performance.

"Proceed as planned.


Beckman smiled.

Now, Shion Ascal, that bastard, would be buried in the filth of being labeled a traitor, even in death. His body would be torn to shreds, leaving nothing behind...

Filthy swine.

A surge of excitement and satisfaction welled up within him. It was an intense euphoria that seemed to overflow to his extremities, as if it would burst forth at any moment.

He trembled all over, spreading his clenched hands.

Now, everything was going according to plan. It was all in his hands.




The attention, affection, and trust of the lord he admired would all return to him.

Shion Ascal, that filthy swine, would die a maggot, a parasitic insect, while his own future would be with Johanna.

All of Johanna's future would also be with him.

...Ha, hahahaha."

Beckman let out a robotic laugh.

The mere thought brought an unbearable excitement and pleasure welling up inside him, and he bent over, intoxicated with dopamine and hedonism.