Chapter 263: Desire and Ambition (1)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 263: Desire and Ambition (1)

Desire and Ambition (1)

Johanna safely returned with Shion AscaL When she opened her eyes, she was somewhere within the magic space she had entered.

Meanwhile, the [Abyss] designed by Beckman had closed from the inside, and Beckman himself was trapped there forever.

...This bastard was the mastermind."

After the situation had concluded, in Johannas office at the Libra fortress.

Johanna pointed at Ben, who was tied up on the floor with his glasses askew. Shion Ascal also looked at him. The trembling wretch looked like a baby cockroach.

"What do you wish for?"

I wish for nothing. The execution is the right of Lady Johanna.

He had left Ben's punishment up to her.

Indeed, it was the right thing to do. The scum had dared to lay hands on the direct lineage.

Shion Ascal spoke.

"More importantly, I am relieved that you are unharmed."

Johanna quietly observed him.

Thus, this man never crosses the line. He clearly distinguishes between what he can do and what he must not do.

I shall take my leave now."

Shion bowed his head.

Johanna stopped him as he was about to leave.

"What about the third teams move-in mission?

"You must have received the report by now. I have investigated and submitted it without any deficiencies, so the move-in mission has concluded."

As he said, there was no longer a need for him. Thanks to the countless recorders and cameras he had installed in this magic space, and the perfect report, Johannas camp would have superior intelligence.

Johanna only felt regret

Right now, at this very moment, she wanted to make him an offer.

'How about becoming my knight?

However, if she were to do so, she knew all too well what Shions answer would be.

Because now she understood his character.

"Shion Ascal.

Instead, she savored his name on her tongue. The coiled pronunciation was pleasing to hear.


He responded.

She was curious.

Why did this man, who 'seemed to like her' and felt a proper sense of kinship with, want to be by Zia's side?

"What is your reason for serving Zia?

He looked at her. His face was as calm as ever, but this time he uttered something a bit unexpected.

It was my father's wish."

"Your father?"


It was slightly perplexing, but Johanna actually knew about Shions father. A low-ranking knight of Libra who had died in action more than a decade ago.

"Did your father serve Zia?

"He wished to, but he did not have the capacity to do so.

"What... really?"

The notion of carrying on his fathers legacy seemed like a pretext, and to Johanna, a father was an enigmatic figure.

Sherlock of Libra.

He was too cold and barren to be called a father, prioritizing the family over his children or even himself.

A man who seemed not human, but rather the embodiment of the Libra family itself.

She had probably faced him no more than thirty times in her life.

He was even more of a stranger to her than her mother, who had passed away early.

...Its complicated."

Johanna waved her hand dismissively.

"Go on, then.

Holding onto him for too long would only arouse unnecessary suspicion from Zia.


Shion left the room.

As if on a shift change, a Balancer entered just as he departed.

"Will you let him go just like that?

It was Balancer Vitro. Since Beckmans barrier bomb had been specifically targeted at Johanna, all the Balancers who had been dispatched were unharmed.

"Why? Did you take a liking to him?

Johanna asked Vitro. He adjusted his glasses and nodded.

"Hes a rare talent Having him under you would be of great assistance.

I know.

Even the discerning eyes of Belingham, and now Vitro, had given him favorable evaluations.

Johanna was more convinced than ever today.

Shion Ascal is a knight too good for Zia.

Just give the order on how to proceed.

Vitro gestured towards Ben, who was bound in magical restraints, unable to speak, see, or hear.


Johanna flicked her finger, loosening part of the restraints.

Now he would be able to hear.


In the past, perhaps.

First, I would have torn out his fingernails and toenails, cut off his fingers and toes, sliced his skin, ripped out his bones, extracted his organs...

Bens back was soaked with cold sweat Johanna watched him for a moment, then clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Thats enough. Such things are tiresome now. Just throw him in jail.

"Yes, I will do so.

Even the task of torturing people was becoming wearisome. Perhaps it was time for her to retire.

After handing Ben over to Vitro, she sat down in her chair.

For a moment, she quietly contemplated Shion.

It was a fleeting thought.

She wanted to possess him.

Even if it meant becoming an enemy of Zia.

The term of the Intelligence Agencys director wasn't formally established, which meant they could be pulled down at anytime.

In that regard, Gedler had been in his position for too long.

A full 15 years.

Before I returned, even at the time of my death, he remained the director, a vile creature who repeated all sorts of horrific deeds.

Ah. I'm not interested in becoming the director. Im satisfied here.

"Youre the youngest team leader, arent you?

"Yeah. Thats exactly why Im satisfied. If I try to climb any higher, I might just trip up."

Bell Moore settled into the team leaders chair, lifting the exclusive fountain pen from the desk with a chuckle of admiration.

"What happens if you trip? You fall?

Isnt it worth the challenge?

"Dont mess with me. Do you think Director Gedler is someone to take lightly? Tomorrow, Ill be at dinner, licking his boots."

Is that so?"

I raised my eyebrows slightly.

Bell Moore drew a line under his own throat with the side of his hand.

"Right now, if were talking about climbing a mountain, Im about 80% of the way up. Sure, I could go higher. But if I trip down to the base of the mountain, I wouldn't end up with just a bruise, right? If I trip here, Im dead.

Bell Moore is, of course, this kind of person.

Surprisingly content with his lot, aiming to live well and unnoticed in the best position he can enjoy.

And indeed, hes someone who actually achieves that goal

From what I see, you dont seem satisfied.

Youre not satisfied right now.

Instead, with greedy eyes brimming with desire, youre looking at the directors nameplate.

Soon enough, everyone in the Intelligence Agency will probably think the same as I do.

"...Are you insane? What are you saying? Im telling you I'm satisfied. Eat this.

Bell Moore flipped me the middle finger.

Not very team leader-like, crude.


I shrugged my shoulders.

"Then, I'll take my leave.

"Yeah. Hey, next time you come, contact the secretary first Theres a procedure, you know? Ill probably let you in anyway"

I left without listening to the rest of his words.

I strolled quietly down the corridor of the Intelligence Agency.

Just walking aimlessly like this.

"Hey. Congratulations?

Someone will always strike up a conversation.

Especially today, since Bell Moore became the team leader.

"Your direct superior is a team leader now. You've chosen your side well, havent you?

"Thank you.

I nodded briefly. The Chaser before me looked quite surprised.

"Oh- You know how to say such things now?

I gave the guy a friendly smile.

I know this bastards face. He's a Chaser named David from Team 3.

Moreover, Team Leader David is not in Director Gedlers faction.

So, I'm being friendly to a guy whos not in the director's faction.

"If you need any help with work, feel free to contact me anytime. I'll be on my way."

"Huh? Oh, yeah... sure, go ahead."

I walked past him and down the corridor. I didn't so much as twitch my chin at those from Gedlers faction that I passed by.

In this way, the method of distinguishing factions is surprisingly simple. After all, society is made up of the attitudes between people.

...Did that rookie get a collar around his neck or something?"

That rookie really lacks manners. Doesn't Bell Moore teach him anything?

"Hes become a team leader now-"

Before long, the Intelligence Agency will be divided into two forces.

One side will be Director Gedler, the other Bell Moore.

Even if Bell Moore himself doesn't want it, I plan to make it so.

Perhaps in about three months, Bell Moore will find himself the unwitting head of the anti-director faction.'


I looked back over my shoulder. At the end of the corridor hung the sign [Intelligence Agency Team 6 Leader's Office].

I smirked, gazing at it.

It won't be bad. Some people want to be the director but can't

Johanna returned to the Aerial Garden.

The move into the magic space was cleanly cleared.

Shion Ascals contributions were significant. Thanks to the cameras, recording devices, and information network he installed, all battles were easily won.

As a result, Libra's Johanna secured the largest area and the most valuable land.

"Zia. Is she here?

As soon as she arrived at the mansion in Section 0, she asked her attendants. They shook their heads.

"Where did she go?

"She said she had some business... and would be away from home for a few days."

"Tell her I have something to talk about when she returns.


Johanna immediately went into her room. She threw off the clothes and heavy weapons she had used in the magic space.

...Its hot.

She headed straight for the shower. She calmed herself as she washed her body with hot water.

Her heart was hot.

It throbbed as if it would burst, and some heat rose from beneath her chest

Soon, she would have to speak to Zia.

Perhaps even force her.

"Shion Ascal.

The best treasure that the youngest, Zia, had in her grasp.

Ill set its value at the highest in the world."

She twisted up her wet hair and took a deep breath.