Chapter 274: Artificial Intelligence Operations (4)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 274: Artificial Intelligence Operations (4)

Right after the treatment, my mind feels foggy, as if my soul momentarily slipped out of my body.

Would it be easier to let myself go like this? No need to worry, no need to feel pain.

Such thoughts occasionally cross my mind.

Your name?

Director Yu Hainss voice roused my consciousness. He shone a light into my eyes.

I answered.

Shion Ascal.

Where are you?

Spring Hospital.

lts Spring Water Hospital.

Yu Hains corrected me with a prickly tone. A faint smile slipped across my lips.

Do you have any friends?

He inquired about friends.

Suddenly, several faces came to mind.

Yael, Soliette, Elise, Layla And then.

The black bobbed hair.

The only person who knew my secret of being terminally ill, who had been with me for quite a long time.


Where is that guy now?

I shook my head.

Clearing the hazy vision and the dimness of my mind, I return to the world.

Don't you have friends?

I bolted upright to look at Yu Hains. Yu Hains shrugged his shoulders with satisfaction.

The procedure was a success. Youve gained at least two more months.

I do have friends.

I told Yu Hains.

l'm sure you do.

Frowning, I placed a hand on my temple. I tapped my head a few times and then turned to look at Yu Hains.

The face and voice of that guy belatedly came into sharp focus. The days we spent together flashed by like a beacon.

Where did she go?


Her name was Tae. A college friend

You dont have a tumor in your brain.

I looked at Yu Hains. Yu Hains looked back at me. More precisely, at my skull.

Well, of course. Theres no way this person would know Tae.

lts nothing. Sometimes I just get a bit dazed after the procedure.

lt could be a symptom, so Ill make a note of it.

Yu Hains wrote something on the chart.

Yes. Thank you for your work. Ill be leaving now.

I stepped out of the hospital. As soon as I got into the car, I turned on the radio.

[we bring you the election results.]

What? The elections over?

I didnt even get to vote. While listening to the radio, I turned on my smartphone and immediately checked the election results.

[Parliamentary Senator: Ken Petra]


Ken Petra was elected as a Parliamentary Senator. However, it was a close call with a 54% vote share.

[Sanrama District Senator: Ludeniel]

Ludeniel, where I had worked, won by a landslide with 68%.

[Ken Petra continues to deny the allegations made on social media]

I quietly listened to the radio and then looked at my phone contacts. SwipeswipeI scrolled through and leaned back in my seat.

Shes not here.

No matter how much I searched, there was no name Tae.

Its really strange. I remember her, and my memories with her are so vivid.

Why does it seem like her name doesnt exist in this world?

I dont know anymore.

I gripped the steering wheel. I stepped on the accelerator and moved onto the road.

Libra Medical Center.

Johanna was preparing for a health check-up in one of the WIP rooms there.


Yes. Its called Spring Water Hospital.

In the midst of this, she received a report from the balancer, Vitro.

lt seems hes been visiting consistently, not just this time.

The news that Shion Ascal had been regularly visiting the hospital.

Johanna pondered for a moment and then twisted her face in disgust.

lts probably because of Zia.

Are you referring to Miss Zia?


Johanna said as she hung her coat on the hanger.

That bitch has been sickly since she was young.

She was quite a frail thing.

As a newborn, she seemed like she would die without being killed, and during her infancy, she nearly died from a cold.

lt must be Shion Ascal visiting the hospital on behalf of Zia.

Vitro nodded. Johanna, loosening her tie, asked,

Which hospital was it?

Spring Water Hospital.

The one run by Professor Yu Hains?


Professor Yu Hains was well-known to Johanna as well. He was quite a prominent figure in this field.

She found herself a good doctor.

Just before Johanna began to undress from her shirt, Vitro turned around.

Enough about that guy, what about business?

The Domain for the magic space we won has been established. We've successfully monopolized all the prime land.

Johanna nodded. The success of this magic space was largely thanks to Shion Ascal's report and the surveillance network designed like a spiders web.

Johanna's team had clearly seen the movements of their competitors and acted accordingly, swallowing up more than half of the magic space as a result.

What happened to Beckman?

Johanna suddenly became curious about Beckman.

It was Sheron and Erick from the Aventher family.



Sheron waved at me, and Erick pretended not to see me.

I asked Sheron.

The server is open?

Yeah. Its open- So, you know

Sheron approached with a queenly smile and whispered softly in my ear.

Are you looking for the mastermind behind Knightmare?


I furrowed my brow. Sheron shrugged her shoulders at my reaction.

Why are you looking like that? Were the same. The Aventagher family is alSo a victim of Knightmare. Didnt you tell him, Soliette?

Sheron looked at soliette. Soliette nodded at me, as if to confirm Sherons words.

There are too many people here, so lets talk in detail at our guild house-

Come when you have time

Yes. Shion. I'll go ahead

I grabbed soliettes wrist. Soliette looked at me with a puzzled expression.

Why are you holding on to me?

lf you want to play the game, finish your assignments first.


Soliettes face fell with belated disappointment.

[Bethune] had been integrated into reality. Elise had heard the news and immediately sought a way to bring Bianca out.

When she asked the [Bethune] users, it turned out to be surprisingly simple.

Experience points could be used.

In other words, by consuming some of the experience points needed for leveling up, one could bring out items, objects, or pets from within [Bethune].

Elise willingly invested experience points in Bianca.

And then


In the Magic Tower, in Elises private room.

She choked up as she held the black camelBiancathat had materialized before her eyes.

Too elegant to be a camel, with even teeth, fine features, and glossy black fur.

It was Bianca.

The very Bianca she had raised with such care.

Bianca, my dear.


Bianca fluttered her lips. It must have been a sign of happiness.

lm happy to see you too.

Elises eyes welled up with tears.

From now on, let's stay together for a long, long time

She ran over and hugged Biancas neck tightly.

The sole reason Elise had not been able to give up on the dreadfully boring Bethune was Bianca.

This creature had become a reality.

Elise sobbed for quite a while, holding Bianca in her arms.

At the Libra Medical Center, in the outpatient consulting room.

Yu Hains looked at the woman standing before him.

Lady Johanna, your health checkup results are in, and theres nothing wrong with your body.

I would think so.

She raised an eyebrow, as if she had expected as much.

Yu Hains asked her further.

Are you experiencing any particular symptoms that are of concern?

No. Why do you ask?

I heard you wanted to change your primary physician.

Thats right.

Johanna nodded.

Professor Yu Hains. I would like you to be my primary physician.

Director Dennison would be better for you in every aspect.

That might have been true before. But the brain. Doesnt it change with age? Director Dennison is too old.

Johanna smirked. Yu Hains faced her with an impassive expression.

Suddenly, Johanna's expression hardened.

Why? Is that a problem?

Not at all.

lt shouldnt be. After all, youre already in charge of another Libra.

Another Libra. The phrase puzzled Yu Hains for a moment, but then he understood.

She must be talking about Shion Ascal.

How is that fellow doing?

Johanna asked in a subtle tone. Yu Hains responded with a cool shake of his head.

I cannot disclose a patients personal information.

Of course. That person must be seriously ill. Will that person live long?

Johanna looked at Yu Hains. He looked back at her. His mouth was firmly shut, and his expression unchanged.

It was a clear intent not to give away even the slightest piece of information.


Johanna smiled.

Very well, then.

She stood up and looked down at Yu Hains.

Youre my primary physician now, so expect frequent visits.

Yes. Take care.

Yu Hains bowed his head. Johanna snorted and left his office.

Thud, thud.

Walking down the hospital corridor, she stopped at a junction. A figure emerged from the shadows.

It was her balancer.

Professor Yu Hains. Be careful in extracting whatever he knows about Zia.

Yes, I understan d.

Johanna didnt yet know what Zias specific weakness was. However, Professor Yu Hains surely would. Once she found out that weakness, even Shion wouldn't be able to resist.

lts the task youve taken upon yourself.

Johanna had already made up her mind.

She was determined to take Shion Ascal by force if necessary.