Episode 277: What are Emotions(3)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Episode 277: What are Emotions(3)

In Yu Hainss clinic, Johanna received a packet of medicine.

[Prescription Medicine]

She glared at the words as if they were absurd.


With a flick of her wrist, she threw the packet against Yu Hainss chest.

Are you mocking me now? After all that bullshit about love and whatnot.

No, I am not.

Yu Hains handed back the medicine and said,

lts a psychotropic stabilizer. Its a medicine combined with magic. Take one when you feel constricted. It will calm your mind.

Johanna turned her furrowed brow towards the monitor. Her brain, still vividly displayed on the screen, seemed foreign to her.

lt doesnt look like my brain.

Thats correct.

You mean to say the doctors interpretation was wrong.

Johanna snorted and crossed her arms.

This is possessiveness. Its not love or anything of the sort.

The glittering currents flooding her brain. This was the change that occurred when she wanted to possess something.

When she saw the World Series of Poker trophy, when she looked at a department store filled with luxury goods, when she saw the piles of chips in a casino, Johanna felt a similar emotion.

The feeling of wanting to possess something is entirely different from affection.

Yu Hains asked the nodding Johanna with satisfaction,

Have you ever felt frustrated because you couldnt possess something?

Often. It wasnt just frustration. I was angry. Extremely angry. But in the end, I managed to possess it all.

Not just the trophies, department stores, or casinos, but also the Golden Casino and countless other desired things, Johanna had successfully grasped them all.

Therefore, Shion Ascal would be no different.

Youre wrong. I am Johanna of Libra. You cant peer into me with just brain waves.

Yes. That might be the case.

Yu Hains didnt bother to argue. Johanna let out a satisfied sneer.

However, I believe there is a clear difference between affection and possessiveness. Its the resonance.


Yes. Affection spreads around the object. It expands without you even realizing it.

Yu Hains continued as he checked something on the chart.

ln other words, its not just about the object itself, but also the time spent with it, the spaces walked together, from the very mundane everyday to the events that are too memorable, all remain as memories and become precious.New n0vel chapters are published on

Love spreads like resonance. Its not limited to the 'individual'; every moment shared with emotions resonates with the same love. Like ripples spreading from a droplet on a tranquil lakeside

Thats resonance.

Possessiveness is not like that.

Johanna looked at Yu Hains silently.

lf youve possessed an item, thats the end of it since you now own it. The act of possession itself never remains as a meaningful memory in the brain.

Suddenly, Shion Ascal came to mind.

He wasnt fragmentary. No recollection stopped at just his face. It continued further, deeper and deeply.

As her player in the World Series of Poker, winning, risking his life in the heart of enemy territory to save her, anticipating Beckmans rampage and eliminating him

At some point, he was embedded in all of her significant memories.


Johanna flung the [Prescription Medicine] against the wall.

Thwack! The medicine packet stuck to the pristine white wall.

Are you a doctor or a shaman? Stick to one.

Muttering, she stormed out.


Yu Hains, raising an eyebrow, was about to make a note on the chart when, suddenly

Johanna returned, retrieving the medicine with [Telekinesis] .


And then she was gone again.

Yu Hains blinked blankly.

Johanna was certainly a human in need of treatment.

She needed to be admitted.

How did it come to this

Yu Hains pitied Shion Ascal. While its said that the human heart has a mind of its own, it seemed he might have taken a liking to the most difficult person on the continent.

[Verns new venture New Frontier massive short-selling plan]

Meanwhile, Gedley was analyzing the report submitted by Bell Moore.

He scanned the contents with a serious, heavy gaze.

Verns 'New Frontier is a pioneering company. The Arctic, the Antarctic, Magic Space, and even the lands of monsters that remain unexplored.

Yet, it lacks proper achievements. Despite this, its market capitalization is incredibly high. Its rising day by day.

Moreover, this New Frontier is not outwardly associated with Vern.

[The entire company is presumed to be a pile of Verns slush funds.]

Gedley focused on the conclusion of the report.

Indeed, New Frontier has many unclear sources of funding.

The bigger issue is the uncertain assets.

[Reporting unverified assets as pioneering achievements, using them as collateral for loans, and then using the loans to buy back its own stock]

It means they are manipulating stock prices through circular trading.

The real owner of New Frontier is the Mechron Company. The real owner of the Ketron Company is Tracing it back, Vern comes into the picture.

So, what if they dump it when the price has been driven up?

The entire company turns into a massive slush fund for Vern. The massive debts accumulated by the company would disappear with corporate liquidation.

lts certain.

To Gedley, who once worked in the economic department of the station, it was crystal clear.

Bell Moore, quite intelligent.

Dereks words continued, but Bell Moore had no idea how the meeting was proceeding.

He was just dazed.

His eyes felt hot, and rage was boiling up inside him.

Lets end the meeting here. No need for other matters. Focus solely on this.

And with that, the meeting came to an end.

Derek turned off the screen with a more animated tone than he had used in a long time, and everyone rose from their seats.

Bell Moore immediately grabbed Gedley.

Director, may I have a word with you?

A word? Didnt you hear Derek? From now on, actually from this moment, well be busy.

Bell Moore blinked as he looked at Gedley, who furrowed his brow.

You seem to have a comp lai nt.

As if theres any chance I wouldnt, you asshole.

He wanted to spit out those words, but instead, he swallowed them down deep.

Uh no, not at all.

If this is just the pecking order, I can accept it to some extent. Its irritating, sure, but its the path to contentment.

Even as he said this, he thought that once it was all over, theyd probably throw him a few crumbs.

Then, thats all. You should get to work as well.

Gedley promptly left the meeting room, and the five team leaders followed, each sneering at Bell Moore as they passed by.


Bell Moore scratched the back of his neck and let out a sigh.

He took out his phone and dialed someone.


It was Shion Ascal.

Hey. That thing, your item. It got swiped.

He didnt say anything, but Bell Moore felt inexplicably ashamed.

Sorry, man. Ah~ shit. I got too greedy.

Its okay. Just have a drink by yourself.

Dont people usually say let's have a drink together?

I dont do 'together.'

Fine, asshole. I dont want to drink with you either. Im off to the club to blow off some steam. Hanging up.


After ending the call, Bell Moore immediately sent a text to the club asking if the water was good tonight.

Not long after, he received a reply saying there will be lots of celebrity-level tonight.

Phew- phewphewphew

Bell Moore whistled cheerfully and left the meeting room.

Libra Medical Center, one week into hospitalization.

Just as rumors began to circulate among the paparazzi that Johanna has fallen seriously ill,

Johanna sat once again in Dr. Yu Hainss office.

Dr. Hains asked her,

How is the medication working?

lt helps a bit when I feel suffocated.

It was true. Especially when her chest fluttered or felt tight.

Thats good to hear.

Dr. Hains checked something off on the chart.

Johanna glared at it and clicked her tongue.

Professor Yu Hains. Ive thought about what you said regarding the difference between possession and love. It seems plausible.

Is that so?

lt doesnt mean I agree.

Johanna spread her palms, as if to say she didnt include herself in his logic.

I am different from everyone you know. Im just saying that the difference between possession and love you talked about makes sense.


However, you got the subject wrong.

The subject?

Dr. Hains met her gaze and asked.

Yes. Its not that I have affection for Shion Ascal.

Johanna pointed to her own chest with her finger.

lts that Shion Ascal has affection for me.

IS that so.

Yes. If you knew what that guy has done for me Wait.

Johannas words halted. Once a poker player who dominated the gambling scene, she was adept at reading someones expression.

And now,

The expression on Dr. Yu Hainss face was peculiar.


It wasnt a look of disbelief. Nor was it one of astonishment. It wasnt a face of complete trust either.

You already know, dont you?

He already knew.

That Shion Ascal liked her.

What did Shion Ascal say about me?

Johanna asked with a voice that mixed her characteristic intimidation and menace, as natural as breathing.

Dr. Hains remained silent.

He just felt a slightly sorrowful sense of deja vu.

The love of someone with a terminal condition, and the love of someone who is loved by the terminally ill.

How painful that mismatch can be

He knew because he had experienced it.