Chapter 282: Frequency (2)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 282: Frequency (2)

[Castro logy].

A card astrology shop that seemed somewhat sophisticated.

lm about to release an album, and Im struggling to decide on the title track.

I saw Benjamin, who had come in as a customer.

It was really Benjamin.

The singer who heals hearts, Benjamin. A pro who knew how to softly blend magic into his voice.

He was quite a star even before his regression. I used to listen to his songs quite often too.

Wearing a turban pressed down on my head, I alternated my gaze between Benjamin and his manager.

Honestly, its fascinating. The entertainment industry was always a distant world to me, both then and now.

Shall I play them for you?

Benjamin asked as he took out his CD.

No need.

I reached out my hand to stop him.

It would seem much more mystical to guess without listening, rather than listening to the songs.

A title track, you say Are you asking me to choose the most shining song among the tracks?

Ah, yes. Is it okay not to listen? Heres the tracklist of my album.

Benjamin handed me a small piece of paper. I looked at the list of tracks written on it.

A total of 11 songs.

More than half were unfamiliar, but there were definitely two that were famous.

S0 how does the card reading work


Jesus, you scared me.

I made a strange sound with my mouth and drew a card from thin air. It was red.

Bethunes Card Draw.


Benjamin and his manager flinched in surprise.

I casually waved the card around and then with a snap! I turned it into smoke. Benjamin chuckled.

What, is this magic?

This one.

I pointed to one of the songs. Benjamins eyes widened.

B ra h ms

The manager beside him also looked quite surprised.

Of course, the original title track that Benjamin and his company had in mind must have been this Brahms.

In reality, this was the song that had been released as the title track.

S0, mage, are you saying to make Brahms the title track

Exclude it.

Excuse me?

Benjamin asked, looking bewildered.

Exclude it?

This song itself carries bad luck.

Bad luck.

This Brahms would cause an explosive reaction for a week but would soon be embroiled in plagiarism disputes, and it was indeed an inextricable case of plagiarism.

Different souls are embedded in it.

What does that mean?


I drew another card. It was blue.

This time, I pointed to a different song.

This one.


Yesterday. A song with a melody line that seemed simpler and more monotonous compared to Brahms, but it was precisely because of that it would become a continental hit.

However, it seems you plan to exclude this one.

But this Yesterday was not included in the current album.

Yesterday was the song Benjamin released after Brahms disastrously failed, living as quiet as a dead mouse before suddenly coming out with it.

Benjamin quickly turned to his manager with a suspicious look that seemed to ask, Did you tell him? The manager shook his head vigorously.

Benjamin spoke up.

Yes. Its too quiet and doesnt really fit the albums concept We're leaning towards cutting it from the album.

lnclude it. It may start off insignificant, but it will certainly become m agn ifice nt.

My certainty left Benjamin with a bewildered expression.

On the way back to the company, inside the luxury Benz, Benjamin was scratching the back of his neck.

Does he have some kind of psychic ability? How did he know we were planning to cut Yesterday? You didn't really tell him, did you?

Absolutely not. It was Benjamin who found the place, after all.

Right, thats true.

No one had been told about it, and it was a fortune-telling shop he had stumbled upon while consulting with a cat influencer.

Dont worry too much about it. We just went there for fun. Most people at the company prefer 'Brahms anyway.

Yeah. Now I feel even more uneasy for having gone there.

Benjamin clicked his tongue in annoyance.

What did he mean by different souls are embedded in it'?

Different souls. Different souls.

Turning the fortune teller's words over in his mouth, a sudden thought struck him.

Composers sometimes use the expression soul when they compose. The composers soul is infused into their worksomething like that.

So, the phrase different souls are embedded in it could mean

Could it be plagiarism?


Yeah. The composer of Brahms' was Velot, right?


A famous composer.

Thats why they didnt check for plagiarism, meaning they didnt look for similar existing compositions.

Lets look into it more, just in case. See if there are any similar songs. And

Of course, a fortune teller is just a fortune teller. No matter how much magic advances, predicting a persons future is impossible.

So whether to believe it or not is a matter of choicebut

Lets not cut Yesterday.

Benjamins own composition, which the president and producers wanted to cut for the sake of the albums coherence.

Adding or removing one song wouldnt completely change the album.

How was it?

Meanwhile, at a famous movie theater in the capital city of Edsilla.

Riley, having finished her popcorn and cola, placed them on the trash shelf and asked. Dr. Killian, standing beside her, smiled thinly.

Ah, it was entertai ning.

Any historical inaccuracies?

Riley inquired about the authenticity. It was a spy movie related to magic and science, after all.

Killian scratched his cheek.

Perhaps To be honest, I dont really think about those things. It ruins the immersion.

Is that so?

Yes. But if I had to point something out, the design of the magic direct circuit was too far-fetched. A circuit that transmits magic without any loss is impossible. Also, the process of calculating that coefficient

Despite claiming not to think about such things, he rambled on for nearly 3,000 characters on his own.

Riley was dumbfounded by his monologue.

On that day, only Libra bloodlines are allowed entry, but those of the direct line can choose one bodyguard.

-Is that okay?

Of course, its an honor. Then Lady Johanna will be attending as well.

Yeah. Shell probably torment me. She always does at the annual gatherings. Its stressful.

Torment, you say

Suddenly, a good idea struck me.

A plan that would prevent Johanna from tormenting Zia, and for me, a chance to advance a little further.

Leave it to me. I'll make sure Lady Johanna cant bother you.

The plan, in other words, was a cliche operation.

Libras Aerial Garden.

Johanna has been busy with work lately. The Royal Casino, department stores, the Magic Space, new city projects, and so on Shes personally handling all of it.

As soon as she was discharged from the hospital, she threw herself into a frenzy of work as if something had sparked her interest.

Youve worked hard in todays meeting as well.

The construction of Edsillas new city. Thats the project Johanna has been engrossed in lately.

The wealthy want a place where they can live as the wealthy do, so shes creating the perfect residential space to distribute, complete with department stores, hotels, swimming pools, golf courses, and resorts.

Shes investing all her stacked cash into it.

Whats the next schedule?

Johanna asked Victor.

The Aerial Garden.

The Aerial Garden?

Yes. The family gathering is the next day.

Damn it all.

Johanna bit her lip.

The family gathering, the schedule she loathed the most. Meeting Jade, Derek, Zia, and the like was shitty enough, but it was eighteen times shittier to meet the elders.

Has that day come already?

Yes. We will depart immediately.

Johanna sank silently into her chair, pressing down on her throbbing temples.


Suddenly, the sound of a dry cough echoed in her ears.


She saw droplets of blood falling onto the sandy ground.

It wasn't just a simple coughing up of blood. Something like a clot had fallen from her mouth.

Thus, Johanna kept thinking about that scene.

It bothered her.

Whether someone died, or she saw someone already dead, or even when she killed someone herself.

She had never been so irritated.

What kind of injury did Shion Ascal sustain?

And why does he work every day without taking a single day off?

It keeps coming to mind.

Its annoying.

She had stopped the fake hospitalization, but now it seemed she might actually need a real one.

lts suffocating.

That professor was right.

She should distance herself from that bastard Shion Ascal.

Being close to him, staying near him, theres nothing good about it.

The best answer is to distance herself from him

We've arrived.

Lets go.

Meanwhile, they had arrived at the Aerial Garden.

Johanna ascended the elevator reserved for direct descendants and entered the mansion in Section 0.

Youve ar rived.

The maids greeted her.

The rest?

She asked about the other direct descendants.

Lord Jade is in the garden, Lord Derek is busy in his office.

Theres one more.

Lady Zia is in her room.

Zia was in her room.

Johanna entered the mansion. Her footsteps were heavy and resolutethump, thump, thump.

Where is she?

She had a habit of tormenting Zia at every annual gathering. Of course, she intended to do the same today.

Zia was a perfect stress-relief punching bag.



At Zias room. The moment she flung open the door as she used to.

Johanna stopped. All thoughts ceased.

Zia wasnt there.

Instead, Shion Ascal was present.

But he was half-naked.

In other words, he had taken off his shirt.

Without realizing it, Johannas eyes scanned him from head to toe.

His body was solid. Beautifully sculpted. Not an ounce of excess fat, not a hint of waste.

Only, there were scars on his chest. Multiple gunshot wounds left their marks.


Suddenly, her heart shook violently. It was a beating so violently, it hurt.

Johanna swallowed. She grabbed something like a weapon to hide her agitation.

Why are you here?

Shion Ascal bowed politely.

I apologize. I was in the middle of changing into my security atti re.

Why would you do that in Zias room

Suddenly, the answer came to her.

This bastard must be Zias bodyguard.

The lady instructed me to change here.

I see.

Johanna quickly exited and slammed the door shut.


Dazed, she leaned against the wall, checking her own condition.

Her body was hot, sweat was running, her heart was pounding, and the image of him just now was etched into her retina like a painting.

His physique was impeccably sculpted.

Damn it.

Johanna, with a twisted expression of frustration, looked at the object she had unwittingly grabbed. It was a pencil case.


She ran her fingers through her hair, disheveled. It was damp with sweat. A strange heat filled her entire body.

Johanna hurriedly moved her legs.

Wanting to cool down her suddenly overheated body, to escape from this place at once