Chapter 295: Artificial Intelligence (1)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 295: Artificial Intelligence (1)

lts definitely his doing, but theres no physical evidence.

At the Intelligence Agency, Im recording a conversation between team leaders who lost their right-hand man to Jeff.

That damned bastard

They spew harsh words in their outrage, yet they fail to present any clear solution.

Should we strike first?

We cant hit when we dont even know the full extent of his forces. David, the external team leader, is now his ally, so we must avoid an all-out war.

The team leader, having lost money and subordinates, naturally becomes more fearful.

How about we catch the guy who planted the bomb in Bell Moores car?

That was a suggestion from a team leader named Jensen.

Another team leader retorted angrily.

Are you suggesting we catch one of our own now?

No, the opposite. Why on earth would we assassinate Bell Moore in the first place? Theres no reason for that.


Suddenly, the room was soaked in silence. Even in the recording, only breathing could be heard.

Then Jensen spoke up.

Everyone knows but keeps quiet. Lets be frank. Its obviously Director Gedley's doing. The director has lost almost his entire fortune.

Jensen. Thats too speculative

And yet, the director is trying to pin it on us. Hes declared an internal investigation, suggesting one of us is the culprit. He even went through my and my subordinates bank accounts. Is this really speculative?

I leaned back in my chair, satisfied.

After all, its a sandcastle held together by money and connections. Loyalty, such romantic nonsense, is meaningless in the face of ones own life.

Think about it. Why would Bell Moore keep us alive? Why kill only the s u bo rd i nates?

I smiled slightly.

Bell Moore is extending a hand to us. Director Gedley has lost his power. Soon, even Dereks trust in him will fade Hes finished.

Knock, knock-

Just then, a knock sounded. I set down my headset.

Who is it?

The door opened.

It was Bell Moore.

The team leader himself, knocking for his subordinate.

Hey. Youre discharged from the hospital already?

I got better, so I was discharged.

He walked in slowly and set down a file.

Well, that aside. Hey. I heard a few more Chasers are dead. Do you know about this case?

Um Ill look into it.

Right. And about that bomb


I stared at Bell Moore as he crossed his arms and shook his head in frustration.

Ah, its complicated.

lf its complicated, just stay put, Team Leader Bell Moore. Ill handle it.

Handle it maybe not that far. If you find anything out, report to me first. Dont act rashly.

Yes, I've always been doing that.

True. Oh right, but what should I say if the other team leaders ask me how Im doing? Just saying 'I'm okay will seem like a lie, especially after I almost died.

Suddenly, Bell Moore burped loudly.

He must have had scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast.

I narrowed my eyes. Bell Moore chuckled awkwardly.

Sorry, it just came out.

Fine, but if they want to talk, tell them to go through me.


Yes. Right now, youre in a more advantageous position than they are. Theres no need for you to meet them face-to-face.

Ah, right. If they go through you, it saves me face. That sounds good.

Bell Moore nodded in satisfaction.

Good. But, are you okay physically?

Yes, Im better, thats why I was discharged.

Alright. Be more careful next time.

He patted my shoulder and turned to leave.

lm off.


As soon as Bell Moore left, I put my headset back on.

Lets talk about the details tomorrow. Make sure todays information doesnt leak


ItU probably leak.

Even if Gedley is ousted and Bell Moore rises to director, we cant let scum like you live comfortably.

Now, its time to stir up internal discord.

Meanwhile, in Trick City, LaylaMila is actively operating as a hero.

The monsters, beasts, and villains she has dealt with now number in the hundreds.

However, the villain of villains, her Archenemy, Raquel Dra, is still at large.

Raquel Dra, a murderer who indiscriminately kills the influential, the wealthy, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, as well as criminals, cartels, and villains, does not discriminate by wealth, age, or moral standing.

He is now poised to expand his reach beyond Trick City to the entire continent.

Ah, Im tired.

After completing another days hero duties, Layla returned to her mansion. She threw off her suit and turned on the TV.

[Derek is launching a next-generation Al soon Have you seen this, Berrie?.]

Yes. It might be good for us to apply for one too.


Layla plans to attend the seminar herself, given that Derek is launching the nextgeneration Al this quarter. After all, it could become a friend to Berrie.

Berrie, if we get one too, will it be your friend?

Friend? More like a subordinate.


Berrie is an artificial intelligence designed by her father and completed by Layla. Its a milestone achieved long before the likes of Everett, Vern, and Derek jumped into this industry.

Anyway, Ive received an invitation to the seminar, so lets go together.

Yes. He he.

Berrie seemed to smirk evilly.

It seems she really plans to treat it as a subordinate. Isnt this turning into a wicked boss situation?

Yes. That's why I need the data on human experiments Youve done plenty, havent you?


He smiled, a laugh escaping him that sounded incredulous, a mocking chuckle.

Johanna. Does this field look easy to you?

lt looks manageable.

Thats laughable.

Cut the crap and just answer.

You still have a filthy mouth.

Derek glared at Johanna. She did not avert her gaze.

Fine. Ill give them to you.

Derek leaned back and crossed his legs.

G0 ahead and try. Youll see just how easy the businesses youve been running are.

But I want everything: the list, the process, and the results of the experiments.

Johanna added firmly. Derek furrowed his brows and retorted.

The list?

Yes. Who participated, what are the names of the subjects. I cant fully trust you, Derek. Who knows if youll just make something up?

Seeing swine everywhere you look, huh? Fine, Ill prepare everything and include it. How much in cash?

Half of what you lost on that stupid short sale.

Johanna taunted. Dereks face contorted.

But then, he muttered with a face calculating his next business move.

Half, huh.



Derek nodded.

Theres no reason to refuse when my own sister is doing the crazy stuff for me.


Johanna extended her hand, and Derek waved it off.

Just get out. Send the contract later.

ldiotic bastard.

Crazy lunatic.

Johanna stood up, exchanging warm insults.

Just then, as she swung open the door of the waiting room.


Her heart pounded violently. Something inside her burst. Her heart sank to her toes, and her guts churned.

There was no physical impact from the outside.

It was simply because of the man standing right in front of her.


Shion Ascal.

Perhaps he was here for security at the seminar, as a Chaser.

Shion looked down at her with wide eyes. Johanna forced her trembling fingers into her pockets.

Neither spoke. They remained silent for a long time.

Johanna finally managed to suppress her rough breaths and asked him as nonchalantly as possible.

Are you alright?

Asking if he was alright.

Even as she spoke, Johanna thought it was the wrong thing to say. She wanted to close her eyes tightly and tousle her hair.

lm fine.

Shion responded.

Fortunately, he seemed to be without much thought.

No, he must be suppressing his thoughts.

He must be as devastated inside as she was, as if a war had broken out.

Take it easy.

Yes. Thank you.

She brushed past Shion. She hurried outside and jumped into her car.

Her mind was numb.

Just from encountering him, just from exchanging a few words, her whole body was hot. Her head felt light, and her thoughts were stuttering.

Its strange.

If she forced herself not to see him, if she forced herself to stay away, things would get better.

But now, it feels like the dam holding back the emotions that had been building up, that had been pent-up, has burst end less ly


Johanna clutched her chest.

Da m n

Gasping from the agony, she was certain.

Shes collapsing.

No, she had already broken.

I stepped out into the parking lot. I pretended to follow her belatedly, but Johannas limousine was already gone.

Instead, there was a camel tied up.

A sleek, glossy black camel.

B ia n ca?

When I called its name, the creature turned to look at me. Its movements were unusually graceful for a camel.

I chuckled.

S0, youre here?

If this camel was here, then she must be here too.

Elise must be around.

I've been wanting to see her, and it seems Im in luck.

Hey, wheres your owner?

I approached Bianca and stroked her head. Bianca haughtily enjoyed my gesture, but soon after,


A siren blared from the saddle.

Startled by the Loud noise, I cursed,

What the hell?

Whos there!

Elise appeared. She seemed to have dashed out from a nearby toast shop, with a piece of toast clenched in her mouth.

1. Serene Translations Discord is officially up. Took a while.