Chapter 299: What are Memories (2)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 299: What are Memories (2)

The sunset smeared across the mountain peak was ethereal. The sky was dyed in mystical hues.

Wrapped as if in an aurora, I gazed at soliette.

Her outward appearance remained the same

No, even her exterior was different.

Her soul summoned forth simple habits, and these habits formed expressions that were both familiar and unfamiliar, making her seem like someone else.


I called out to soliette. She nodded as she looked at me.

What is it?

Her brief reply was perplexing. It was as if her mouth had frozen over.

Could it really be an oxygen issue?

Was I passed out and dreaming?

lt's not a dream.

Even the talk of dreams was initiated by soliette. I pressed down on my throbbing temples.

I decided to relax my body to maintain consciousness.

I ended up slumping to the ground.

Soliette looked down at me and asked,

Does it still hurt?

I let out a hollow laugh.

How could it not hurt? Its mental pain now.

lndeed. Something seems fucked up.

HOW What happened?

Soliette turned back to the horizon. Between the ridges, there were bursts of light spreading like fountains.

I dont know the details. But at this altitude, the magical energy itself becomes peculiar. Anything could happen.

Just peculiar is your explanation?

Soliette tilted her head.

Yes. It is peculiar, isnt it? Both Shion and I.

I ran my fingers through my hair. Soliette continued softly,

I thought I was dreaming all this while.

A dream.

Yes. In that dream, there was another me, not me, with the Shion I know.

By now, it was clear.

She was soliette from before her regression. However, why she was here, how she came to be here, I didnt know.

The most likely hypothesis was hallucinations due to oxygen deprivation.

A fantasy invoked by my subconscious longing.

Shion was experiencing things with a version of me that wasnt me.


Yes. Honestly, it still feels like a dream. I feel like Ill return when I wake up.

I got up.

If she was indeed the soliette from before her regression, regardless of the principles or reasons, if she was indeed the pre-regression soliette.

Then. Do you know your future?

I felt like I couldnt let her die.

Spoilers kill.

Soliette narrowed her eyes sharply.

She was deadly serious. And it wasnt even a joke. This soliette never joked in the first place.

I stood beside her.

Then take a guess, damn it. Why are you here?

lt might be because of the Severing Sword.

Severing Sword

Indeed, even the Severing Sword is suspicious.

Could this severing sword have cut through the ties of both before and after her regression?

lm not sure of the details, but one thing is certain.

Soliette gazed into the open scenery. The mystical colors had faded into mere afterimages, and a deep navy began to fill the void.

Something is pulling me.

Something? What is that something?

lf I knew, Id be a god.

Right now, you seem like a god to me.

As a simple regressor, she was the first to have overcome regression.

Dont fuck around.

Yes, of course.

Soliette shrugged her shoulders.

More importantly, is Shion okay?

The same. Just repeating everything from the begin ning.

ls that so? Then, is your revenge going well?

Soliette seemed curious about my illness and my revenge.

lts going well.

She nodded silently.

Now the world had completely darkened, and soliette quietly closed her eyes as if feeling that something.

We might see each other often.



She quietly collapsed. I caught her.

She keeps dangerously teetering towards the edge of the cliff.


Soliette opened her eyes again. I scanned her face.

Soliette. Are you okay?

Um Yes.

This innocent, frog-like expression wasnt the soliette from just before.

It was the current soliette, not the one before regression.

lt seems I fainted for a moment

We suspect your subordinates, Director.

Gedley listened silently to my story.

They attacked us and tried to pin the blame on you, Director.

Hmph. Baseless nonsense without evidence.

I pulled out a portable cassette player from my coat and played the tape.

No, its the opposite. Why would we assassinate Bell Moore in the first place? Theres no reason for that.


Everyone knows yet keeps quiet. Lets be frank. Its obviously something Director Gedley would do. The Director has almost lost his entire fortune.

Jensen. Thats too speculative-

Yet the Director is trying to pin it on us. Hes declared it an internal investigation, claiming one of the team leaders is the culprit. He even went through my subordinates and my bank accounts. Is this speculative?

The recording of a highly confidential meeting of the team leaders.

Gedleys expression changed moment by moment as he listened.

lt could be fabricated.

Gedley gritted his teeth and responded. I smiled slightly.

You really trust your subordinates. You can die that way too.

You bastard

I threw the tape onto the passenger seat.

lf you think its fabricated, listen to the whole thing, not just the context.

Hey. Is this also Bell Moores doing?

As I was about to get out of the car, Gedley grabbed my arm. I turned to face him, considering my next words carefully.

lt's not a scheme, its an opportunity that Team Leader Bell is offering you.


A hollow laugh spread across Gedleys face. Was it self-mockery about the situation he was in, or was it extreme anger?

Think it over and let me know your decision, Director Gedley.

I flashed a grin and left the parking lot.


It was clear how Gedley would move forward.

Having already lost Dereks trust and with the team leaders likely to betray him, the opportunist Gedley would surely cling to Bell Moore, or rather, to me, in an attempt to survive.

Then, Bell Moore would naturally become the next director, endorsed by the former di recto r


My smartphone rang just as I was thinking about it.

Speak of the devil.

It was a call from Bell Moore.


Hey! Hey!

Bell Moore shouted as soon as I answered.

Whats up?

Fuck, where are you? Were screwed.

He cursed immediately. Had this lunatic gotten into some trouble?

I sighed.

What happened now?

Just get to the team leaders office now! Weve been assigned some shitty mission.

A mission?

It seemed he hadnt caused any accidents, fortunately.

Yeah! Hurry up! Im waiting!


Bell Moore had hung up abruptly.

ls this really a team leader, this brat

I muttered to myself as I hailed a nearby taxi.

Take a look. This is the setup mission weve been assign ed.

In Bell Moores office.

He was biting his nails as he handed me the documents. I quickly scanned the contents.

Definitely. This is a big deal.

I immediately understood why Bell Moore was acting like a dog desperate to shit.

I lifted the photo of the [operation target] from the file.

Hair as dark as obsidian. Pupils deep and unfathomable like darkness itself.

The woman with the bob cut, Theia Esil, suited it quite well.

Yeah. The order came directly from above to target this woman. Directly!

Directly meant it was from Derek.

What should we do?

Whats the deadline for the mission?

I havent accepted it yet.

I looked at Bell Moore.

Why havent you accepted it?

Hey. You think you can handle Theia Esil? Shes a real crazy bitch.

lf you don't accept, Derek will be disap pointed.

This isnt the kind of operation you can just accept.

Damn it

Then Bell Moore flung the file into the air, like a child throwing a tantrum over food.

He might as well start stomping his feet next.

So what do you want me to do? Fight her? How? Even if we bring 100 Chasers, they'd all be butchered. You've never seen Theia Esil fight, have you?

We dont have to fight.

I set the report down.

Not fight?

Yes. Leave it to me.

I'm aware of the scandals surrounding Theia Esil. Honestly, theres not much to them, but they can be spun.

As they were before my regression.

lt might take some time, but I can definitely get her imprisoned.

Imprisonment would surely be a better end than death.