Chapter 309: Milky Way(3)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 309: Milky Way(3)

“Hey. How's work going?”

Bell Moore, who had stopped by my office at the Intelligence Agency, asked as he Looked around and smiled contentedly.

“lts gotten a lot bigger. A lot bigger indeed.”

True to his words, the office had changed.

It was about five times the size of the previous one.

As Bell Moore's stature rose day by day, the administrative team had taken care of the changes.

“Yes. How about your work?”

Bell Moore shrugged his shoulders.

“Same old, same old. But, you're still working on that project, right?”

'That project was probably Theia Esil.

“Yes. Its taking some time to prepare meticulously, and it's confidential externally. There's a risk of information Leakage.”


Bell Moore looked uneasy, typical of someone who shies away from unnecessary conflicts.

“Ah, whatever. Its not my fault if something goes wrong.”

Bell Moore muttered as he sprawled on the sofa.

“Oh right. You said you're not participating in Ortus?”

The Ortus Symposium. Derek's painstakingly crafted endgame for artificial intelligence was nearing.

“Yes. I have a mission.”

It's a self-assigned mission. I need to attend as Killian, so Shion will be staying away for now.

“You should go yourself, Team Leader Bell.”

“... H mm.”

Bell Moore's face scrunched up as if he found the idea distasteful.

It's the peak of summer season, maybe he'd rather be at a club.

“Hey. Shion. Have you heard the rumors about Dr. Killian?”

Bell Moore kept talking, as if he was chatting with college buddies or friends.

He must be really bored these days.

“What rumors are you talking about?”

“They say he blew through 50 million Ren in just three months. Isnrt that crazy?”

Bell Moore laughed heartily.

“Thats almost 500,000 Ren a day, even more extravagant than me~”

I raised an eyebrow.

Such rumors were actually what I hoped for. Appearing indulgent in luxury and pleasure would make his downfall all the more dramatic.

“Well... Team Leader BelL”

I subtly changed the subject.

“Oh, what?”

“Be carefuL”

“...Carefu L?”

“Yes. While I'm away.”

I looked him in the eyes and spoke gravely.

“Di rector Ged Ley might try to kill you.”


Bell Moore no longer denies such statements. He just listens silently and then sighs.

“I don't understand why that man is so paranoid.”

He only whispers behind the scenes.

“Make sure to keep the hotline on.”

“...I was going to do that anyway, man.”

Bell Moore got up from the sofa. He grabbed the doorknob, seemingly ready to leave.


He turned back to me and asked.

“Why do you... to me....”

What was it again? Oh, what was it? Bell Moore muttered to himself, seemingly embarrassed, then cleared his throat Loudly.

“Why are you loyal to me?”

Bell Moore seemed genuinely curious. Thanks to me, he had become a team Leader in just two years.

“Team Leader Bell, the only person I am Loyal to is Miss Zia.”

“...NO, I mean, thats just a saying.”

Bell Moore pouted his lips. His rabbit-Like features and the movement of his wrinkles were repulsive.

I held back a curse and smiled slightly.

“You're my commander, aren't you? And you're my mentor, Team Leader BelL”

That was the only reason.

You climb above me, and I use you from below.

Bell Moore must become the conduit through which all information from the Intelligence Agency is passed to me.

“...Right. Keep up the good work.”

He smiled somewhat plainly. Waving his hand, he left my office.

On the outskirts of Edsilla, in a remote area, there exists a dark cavern. Originally a humble village, it was abandoned following the emergence of monsters and the discovery of a mana stone vein.

This was Derek's first venture. A radical setup committed by him in his vigorous youth.

“This seems to be the place...”

Derek had Learned beforehand that beneath this village lay a vein of mana stones.

However, the villagers refused to sell their Land to him. To them, their homeland was more precious than any mana stone vein.

Not so for Derek.

He hired monsters.

The monsters pretended to be beasts and set fire to this tiny village. Precious homes were destroyed, and many lives were lost.

An ordinary disaster that received no media attention.

Afterward, Derek bought the entire village site for much less than the price he initially offered. He then mined relentlessly for 20 years.

“'s desolate now.”

I asked her back.

“Was it the doing of Theia EsiL?”

“Yeah, thats right.”

Akane muttered, clutching her cigarette tightly.

“The master had turned into a monster too.”


“He probably didn't want to die. The master was an old man dying. Renowned, Learned, honored, authoritative, but still a sick old man. Perhaps he still had many seas he wanted to sail before he died.”

Akane shrugged her shoulders with a Laugh.

“Anyway, so. Can you really tie it all up with just these things?”

“Yes. I've found the master's daughter.”

At my words, Akane's expression tensed.


“A testimony from her would be enough for a murder charge.”

Killing a monster is not a crime. Rather, letting a monster Live is a crime.

However, no one knows that Theia's former master was a monster. What no one knows isn't a fact.

Moreover, if I tie Theia up with the fact that she's a stooge for [Vancheon], she will definitely Lose.

She will be imprisoned.

“...That would be interesting.”

Akane muttered, flicking her cigarette ash. Then suddenly, she asked me in a deadly serious tone.

“You're sure. She won't die, right?”

Thus, Akane does not want to kill Theia.

Even if she betrayed her own master, she wants 'her' to stay alive.


I extended my hand to Akane.

“She will definitely not die. Theia EsiI...”

...and the 'human' ego of Akane...

“...WilL definitely remain in this world.”

To the people who helped me in my past Life, from me who cannot live long, this is the gift I can give.

A wish for their happy ending.

“...You really are a strange one.”

Akane held my hand with a faint smile.

One week before the Ortus Symposium.

I am preparing for a business trip as Dr. Killian.

“Are you all set?”

Riley, who I bumped into in the hallway, asked me. She would be my personal assistant during the symposium. She must have asked Derek directly.

“Yes, I've prepared all the materials.”

I emphasized the word 'materials' heavily.

The materials you need to take with you.

Riley sipped her coffee.

“...1fm a bit nervous. You're announcing Version 2 of the Al at Ortus, right?”

“Yes. WelL”

I forced a sad smile.

“I hope it goes well. Without any strange incidents.”

“Strange incidents... Well, there have been some odd rumors lately.”

Riley cautiously broached the subject.

“They say the Al are overwritten souls.”


I stiffened my face abruptly, reacting quite sensitively on purpose.

“Who says that?”


Riley feigned ignorance, tilting her head.

“Just... gossip. I don't believe it but... I mean, if it's overwritten souls, maybe that's a good thing?”


“Yes. It means we can recycle useless people.”

“...Well, that might be true. But, Ms. Riley.”

I looked around cautiously and then asked.

“You don't need to monitor me anymore, do you?”

“Ah... that's-”

Riley forced a smile.


I glared at Riley, expressing suspicion.

“Perhaps you had another purpose, not just monitoring.”

This provocation should be enough.

Riley, feeling a sense of crisis from my every word, would soon try to eliminate me, and then I would hand over the materials I had prepared as a 'whistleblower'.

“lts just a joke. Haha.”

I laughed and extended my hand to Riley.

“Please take good care of me during the symposium.”

It might be our last handshake.


Until the end, not revealing her intentions, Riley grasped my hand. Her skin felt soft against mine.

I recalled the same intent we both harbored.

The downfall of Derek.

The turbulent succession that would soon cascade like a waterfall.

It was indeed imminent.