Chapter 317: Usurpation (3)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 317: Usurpation (3)

We were glued to the car window, looking at the prison gate. Sheron pointed towards a man standing there.

He had thick gray hair and wore sunglasses.

He was a close associate of Sherlock, residing in the heart of Libra——

“......Belingham Kantar.”

Akane said, a smirk appearing at the corner of her mouth.

“He was too perfect, though.”

“Do you know each other well?”

Soliette asked. Akane crossed her arms.

“That guy, me, and that bitch Theia, we were called the Golden Trio or something. You must know Theia well.”

I turned to Sheron.

“Miss. Sheron, what specifically is unusual?”

“......The wavelengths themselves are extremely foreign.”

Sheron continued with a serious expression.

“You and soliette might have overlapping wavelengths, but they are still distinctly human. But.”

Sheron stared directly at Belingham. He had entered the prison, but Sheron's eyes still seemed to follow the wavelengths.

“......his is very foreign. If a human soul is a curve, his feels like a straight Line.”

Then soliette tilted her head and replied.

“But Mr. Belingham has a family. How can an artificial human have a family?”


Honestly, I was also skeptical. Even setting aside the existence of a family, the notion of creating a homunculus meant creating a 'soul:

It's practically the domain of gods, creating humans.

I asked Akane.

“Ms. Akane, what do you think?”

“I find it hard to believe too. How can those who can't even make a proper doll create something as complex as a soul?”

“......But he's definitely not human.”

That was Sheron's comment. She furrowed her brow and muttered.

“Of all the wavelengths I've felt in my life, only his is like this. Even monsters aren't like that.”

Thanks to that, we knew about the existence of homunculi.

But knowing only made the questions grow.

“......Shion. What shall we do? Attack?”

Soliette suggested a rather radical solution. I chuckled and pushed her forehead with my finger.

“What attack? Are you going to dissect him?”

“U m......”

“Let's approach it differently. I know someone who might know about Belingham.”

“Oh, who is it?”


I ignored soliette. I just looked at Akane. Akane nodded. Soliette scrunched up the tip of her nose.

“Why are the two of you exchanging looks?”

It can't be helped. I can't talk about it in front of Sheron.

“First of all, Miss. Sheron. Thank you for your hard work.”

“Yeah. Oh, but aren't you from Libra? Is it okay for you to be doing this? Isn't that person your superior?”

I felt a slight sting, but I had prepared an excuse long ago.

I didn't want to reveal too much about myself to Sheron yet.

“Because I'm from Libra, I need to delve deeper. They could be a threat to Libra.”

“Really? Then, whatever you need.”

Sheron extended her hand.

“Give me what you promised.”

I handed her the coupons. There were two [CastoLogy Usage Tickets].

Her face lit up as she quickly snatched them.

“Can I go today?!”

“No, you need to make an appointment.”Finnd new chapters at


“But next time I ask for a favor, you'll have to come out again.”

“Can I use both tickets then?”

“One is for showing off, remember?”

Sheron narrowed her eyes.

“You'll owe me one next time too.”

“Of course.”

“Good. Deal!”

Sheron smiled and extended her hand to me.


In a secluded clearing, after dropping off Sheron, the three of us continued our conversation in the car.

“Dr. Vito probably knows.”

“Ah, the Al expert?”

Soliette nodded. Akane clicked her tongue.

“But will that coward talk easily? He's so fearful, we don't even know where he's hiding now.”

Vito's ability to detect danger is exceptional. Even Grawl can't locate him.

“He'll talk because he's scared. We can use this.”

I pulled out a diary.

It was written in Killian's handwriting.

“Vito doesn't know yet that Killian betrayed him.”

Yu Hains declared it normal.

Johanna chuckled bitterly.

“Let's call it a day.”


Yu Hains turned to Leave. Watching his retreating figure, Johanna pulled out a photograph.

It was a picture of Shion Ascal. There were quite a few. She had asked them to take several.

Yet, there were no pictures of her with him. Direct descendants of Libra weren't supposed to be 'subjects' in photos.

“Damn ridiculous.”

The rules of that family, which she once thought were natural, had never felt as shitty as they did these days.

No, they were becoming shittier by the day.

Johanna looked at the photo of Shion Ascal and smiled, stroking his image with her finger. His stupid-looking expression was endearing.


A small droplet fell onto it.

In the director's office of the Libra Intelligence Agency.

Gedley had summoned Shion AscaL

He was a major player in the current Intelligence Agency, practically the eye of the storm and the right-hand man of Bell Moore.

It was a bit too daunting to call Bell Moore directly.

Of course, even this required some mental preparation, and indeed it was necessary.

“ls this the first time we've been alone, Chaser Shion?”

“Yes, it is.”

Shion sat in the chair in the director's office. His gestures were filled with confidence.

Did his response to my summons mean he anticipated some of what I would say?

Gedley casually asked.

“I hear you've been dealing with Theia Esil recently.”


Theia EsiL Currently Derek's biggest adversary, and a heavyweight even the Intelligence Agency struggled to handle.

Yet Shion remained composed.

“You seem very confident, especially given who you're up against.”

Gedley sat down in front of him. He made coffee and offered it to him.

“I simply carry out orders.”


Shion Ascal followed Bell Moore's orders. He was someone who had never failed.

However, Ged Ley was still suspicious.

Between Bell Moore and Shion Ascal, who was the real—

Just then, Shion Ascal took a sip of his coffee. He also ate some peanuts that were laid out in front of him.


Gedley was convinced by his simple actions.

This guy was a puppet.

He was merely a doll, moving according to Bell Moore's commands.

The peanuts and the coffee could have been poisoned.

But this guy, as if he didn't even need to suspect such a thing, as if there was no need to think at all...

He was a one-dimensional character, not even worth being cautious about.

“l've heard that Team Leader Bell has been frequenting clubs lately.”

Gedley brought up some everyday topics.

“Yes. He says that's the only way he can relieve stress.”

Gedley had been deceived by such behaviors of his. At that time, he had thought him to be just a frivolous man.

If only he had known a bit earlier about his ambition, his endless greed, his wolf-like desires.

Things wouldn't have turned out this way.

“l'll ask you straight.”


Gedley Looked intently at Shion.

“What does Bell Moore want?”

Still, Ged Ley didn't want to give up his position as director. If possible, he intended to cling to it.

“Why would you ask me that—”

“Cut the crap. You're Bell Moore's confidant.”


“Don't pretend you don't know. Just say it directly.”

Shion stiffened.

“H m m...”

He seemed to ponder while stroking his chin, but soon he smiled leisurely.

“Therers only one thing Team Leader Bell wants.”

His second-in-command was about to speak.

Gedley perked up his ears.

And then.


Shion gestured towards the director's seat.

“Team Leader Bell Moore will not be satisfied with anything Less than that position. Therefore...”

Again, looking into Gedley's eyes, he continued.

“No matter what happens, he will obtain it.”

Gedley felt as if his insides were twisting.