Chapter 324: Flow ⑵

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 324: Flow (2)

I strategically placed key personnel within the Intelligence Agency.

For the cyber team, which gathers information through networks including the dark web, I installed 'Luin' as the head. 'Chloe' and 'Sia' naturally took their places among the five team Leaders, and I also planted my people in the security team.

Now, everything within the Intelligence Agency flows towards me. More precisely, towards GrawL

He will categorize and systematize the information, pass on the significant details to me, and manage the Intelligence Agency on my behalf.



I am not a team Leader.

Yet, the new office I inherited from Bell Moore is as spacious as a team leader's, and the layout is familiar.

I won't be coming to the Intelligence Agency as often as before, but it's better than not having an office at all.

I stepped out of the office.

I walked down the corridor.

Employees from various departments of the Intelligence Agency were still busy, indistinguishable from ordinary office workers. Occasionally, Chasers walked by, stiffnecked, but they lowered their heads turtles when they encountered me.

All of them, people of Libra.

However, not all of them were necessarily bound by the belief in 'Libra:

The reason Libra can command them, the reason they willingly serve, is probably money.

To earn money as individuals, to live a better life.

Their lives have continuity. A continuity I do not possess, which drives them.

They know they can't Live forever, yet they chase after a predictable future.

They are Living diligently.

Pouring themselves into their jobs, yet probably enjoying a simple can of beer and a chicken at home.

They are the very small cogs that make up the massive machinery of the Intelligence Agency...

At the Council of Elders of Libra, I was chosen as a Balancer. It was almost a unanimous decision among the elders, including the direct descendants, which I'm grateful for.

It was more of a formality since Derek, Johanna, Jade, and Zia all agreed.

However, it wasn't final yet.

There was one last step remaining.

“I didn't expect you to rise so quickly.”

Belingham Kantar. He looked at me and smiled.

“lndeed. Your achievements are quite impressive.”


He flipped through the documents detailing my career.

“Extreme mana stone, Cafe Balance, Golden Casino, handling Benedict, resolving the Beckman case, capturing the spies in Vancheon, Vern, Theia Esil... ”


He closed the folder.

“lts rare to see someone make such significant contributions in such a short time.”

Kantar slightly smiled.

“Of course, I could see your potential from our first meeting.”


I just nodded.

There's no need for words Like thank you' or 'it's an honor.1 We're equals now as Balancers.

“However. There's a very challenging final step remaining for confirmation as a Balancer. Its called a 'hearing'... Do you know about it?”

“I do.”

A Balancer is treated as both an outsider and an insider of Libra. Therefore, a hearing more stringent than most national ministerial positions is scheduled. It involves digging up and scrutinizing not only one's own past but also that of their family and lineage.

“Originally, today was supposed to be the day of the hearing.”

But I have no family, and my lineage is remarkably clean.

Probably nothing but a dusty lineage that has served Libra.

“Exceptionally, it has been concluded that there's no need for such a procedure for Mr. Shion.”

Belingham smirked and handed something over.


I took it.

“lts a key. Balancers are assigned a personal room in Section 1, the Libra mansion.”

Room 309.

It was probably the most secluded spot.

Even among Balancers, there's a hierarchy, and being Zia's Balancer, I would be treated as the lowest.

“C0ngratulati0ns. You can check out the accommodation today.”

Belingham extended his hand.


There was no reason to refuse the handshake.

I left Belingham's office. Before departing, I glanced back at the sign that read [Office].

It was still impressive. Having an [Office] in the Libra mansion meant a significant Level of trust.

But now that I knew the inner workings of Belingham, that 'trust' seemed profoundly complicated.

Libra only grants this Level of trust to those who were meant to be their servants from the start.

It makes me wonder.

In this competition of loyalty, can I surpass him?

I quietly walked down the mansion's corridor, my steps echoing softly as I searched for room 309. When I opened the door, I was met with a surprise.


There was someone already there. She was grunting as she moved furniture around.


I called out to her. Zia flinched and turned around, startled.

“Shion... you're early... Did the hearing already end...?”

“There was no hearing to speak of.”

Johanna is deliberately avoiding it.


She clenched her fist tightly but quietly Lowered her gaze. She ignored the dark ashes smoldering in her heart.

“Let's go.”


She just has to endure it.

Until Shion dies.

Shion Ascal wants that too.

He Loves her, so he would want her not to suffer....

Compared to Derek's prison, the 'Bellaros Detention Center* was far more harsh, filthy, and brutal.

“Visiting time.”

Theia Esil came into the visiting room, her magical restraints clinking. Although most of her visitations had been denied, today she was permitted.

The reason was not hard to discern.

“...You've come.”

It was Shion Ascal. Above all, she noticed his tie.

It was a Balancer's tie.

“You sold me out for a promotion.”

“Yes. Well, that's how it turned out.”

Shion fidgeted with the back of his neck, furrowing his brow.

“But it's cold here. Derek is in a much warmer place.”



He placed a lunchbox on the visiting table.

“lts hardly a recompense, but please, have something to eat.”

Theia scoffed. A murderous intent boiled within her. Her eyes sharpened like blades.

“You don't have to eat now. You can eat in the prison. Trust me. Tm confident in the taste. I make no compromises there.”

Theia stood up.

There was no need to converse with a madman spouting nonsense.

“...Sure. Bye.”

Shion hadn't expected much from their first meeting today. In fact, today's meeting was merely a pretext.

“See you next time.”

A pretext to advocate for Theia's treatment at the 'Council of Elders:


The elders of Libra often held meetings. With strong connections to the parliament and various national institutions, they convened especially when significant matters arose.

The case of Theia Esil was certainly a significant matter.

“We should be able to secure a death sentence.”

Elder 'Anakta' spoke, pleased with the conversation he had had with the chief prosecutor.

“Of course. She definitely deserves to die.”

This time it was Elder 'Belanta'. She had the gentle demeanor of a grandmother and had been with Derek since his childhood,

“How dare you touch our baby. That bitch deserves to be torn apart and even that wouldnl be enough...”

Her voice was murderous. She gnashed her teeth, her wrinkles writhing like a demon's.


Before my regression, Theia Esil's death was the result of this haphazard network boasting, a chaotic council meeting.

Knowing the truth, I was utterly dumbfounded.

The image of the elders I had in mind was not like this.

It seems that the further away a person is, the more Layers of fear and dread accumulate around hidden places.

But when all the veils are finally lifted—

“Bribing should be easy... Just squeeze them a bit. How much liquid assets does everyone have?”

“I don't have much left. Lost it all on betting golf.”

“Are you still playing golf at your age?”

I realized that these so-called elders were just ordinary people after all

“No. Before we discuss that, first. Balancer Shion.”

Suddenly, Anakta looked at me.

For the record, I attended the council meeting as the person responsible for the Theia Esil case.

“What do you think? It should be the death penalty, right?”

I quietly nodded to his question, which already had a predetermined answer.

“...Death penalty.”

Of course, I intended to prevent the execution, but the elders are stubborn. They extremely dislike being contradicted. Their stubborn nature is disgustingly strong.

They are old folks who have aged disgracefully, consumed by greed and desire.


“Of course. Theia Esil rightly deserves to die.”


“I knew you'd think the same. Thats why we've intricately entangled Theia Esil Like this. Haha.”


Pretend to agree initially, but slowly turn up the heat behind the scenes.

If that doesn't work, then strike from behind with a strategy.

“Before making a hasty decision.”

Either way, Theia EsiTs fate is in my hands.

“Would you listen to what I have to say...?”

Compared to before my regression, this was a significantly more positive scenario.