Chapter 327: Flow ⑸

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 327: Flow (5)

The conditions at the Bellaros Detention Center where Theia was imprisoned are harsh. The solitary cells routinely reach under negative four degrees Fahrenheit, and the environment is so barren that even describing it as 'dry' seems Like an understatement. One can literally feel the skin cracking.

There is absolutely no interaction allowed between the prisoners, and not even a minute of exercise time is guaranteed.

Simply put, it's worse than being homeless—a state she's all too familiar with, having experienced it firsthand.

Since being incarcerated, there hasn't been a single night where she hasn't lost sleep...

However, recently, there has been a small change.

“'s warm.”

Looking at the small stove, she felt grateful for the little things.

The slight warmth it provided was immensely comforting. The mini humidifier placed beside her bed was equally valuable.

Given her past respiratory issues, these environmental factors were potentially Lifesaving.


A small stove. A palm-sized humidifier. Along with eight volumes of academic humanities books.

These were the comforts she had received from the guards in exchange for a Lunchbox prepared by Shion Ascal. These small items were preserving her.

Crunch, crunch.

The sound of snow accumulating outside the window.

Every day, she immersed herself in reading, deeply reflecting on herself. Ultimately, it was a contemplation about her mentor.

Theia had killed the mentor who had saved her Life with her own hands.

She couldn't tolerate his corruption.

...Because that was her taboo.


“You have a visitor.”

The guard said. Theia Lifted her gaze slightly.

“You don't have to go this time.”

The guards1 words are usually the opposite. Visits that one must attend are the ones they dread, and those they are told they can skip are the ones they must attend.

“l'll go.”

She left her solitary cell, guided by the guards to the visiting room. Clanking in her shackles, she arrived to find—

Her mentor's daughter.

Emilia was there.

A middle-aged woman Looking at her, painted with complex shades of anger, sorrow, and bewilderment.

Only then did Theia realize her sin.

It wasn't a sin against her mentor. Excluding a monster who had forsaken his humanity was a creed she had upheld all her life.

However, she owed an apology to his daughter.

The old her had run away, unable to do so.

Because she was scared.


After a long time, she had returned to that place.

Belatedly, she faced the daughter of the man she had killed.

The elders of Libra are like immortals Leisurely residing in the Aerial Garden. They are both rulers and retirees, collaborators and participants.

Their esteemed treatment isn't merely because they are descendants of Libra's Lineage.

Most Balancers think of them as old folks squandering the resources of the Aerial Garden and the assets of Libra, but thats not the reality.

They too were once the backbone of Libra.

They were soldiers at the forefront of Libra, as cunning strategists, and knights with endless loyalty.

Their title of 'elder' isn't just a nominal position reserved for the backroom.

However, the vast majority of 'Libra employees* working across the continent treat the elders like troublesome old men.

They disregard the achievements of the elders' youth and trivialize the networks they've built.

Outwardly, they show respect, but subtly, they treat them like parasites.

Thats why the emergence of Shion Ascal, a staunch supporter of the elders...No.

The arrival of this earnest young man was a topic of discussion even among the elders.


Elder Anakta asked.

“Yes, that's right.”

BeLanta replied while eating ice cream.

“...No. You mean to tell me you came all this way with that precious invitation just to hear such an answer?”

“lts not just any answer. It was a crucial astrological reading.”

The elders, numerous and influential in the succession structure, hold significant sway in critical matters Like the Theia Esil case.Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m


BeLanta covered her mouth with her palm. Anakta also leaned in slightly.

“...I heard that Holy Knight Athan might actually be a monster.”


Anakta blinked but soon furrowed his brow.

“What nonsense are you spouting, you fool? Have you lost your mind?”

“lf you don't understand, never mind. The jury trial is exactly what could shatter Theia's souL”

“... H mm.”

Anakta swallowed a sigh and ate a macaron.

By the way, this place is a newly opened dessert shop in Libra Section 1, a kind of welfare project recently introduced by Shion Ascal.

Of course, the elders can use it without spending a dime.

“Did you hear about Elder Raymond?”

At Belanta's question, Anakta chuckled.

“Yeah. Heard he went to Bellario. Silly old man. Balancer Ascal had to rescue him.”

Among the elders, Shion Ascal had quickly become known as a fixer.

“Speaking of Ascal, I heard a rumor. Theia asked Ascal why he serves Libra.”


The fact that she didn't know was clear enough. Shion wasn't sincere with her. Loyalty and love are vastly different.

Shion is fulfilling his duty towards Zia, but that is not love. It's a pristine duty, devoid of any trace of love.

“The perfect distinction between public and private matters.”


Zia called out to Johanna.

“lts fine.”

Johanna smirked and waved her hand dismissively.

“The rest is less important.”

Somehow, she felt Like a victor. She tossed aside the documents and placed her hand on Zia's shoulder.

“Good luck.”

Zia could never have Shion, even if she were to die and come back to life.

Johanna felt pleased, but a sudden thought made her heart sink again.

...Even if she were to die and come back to life, she couldn't have him either.

Unless she bears the pain.

Zia called me over. She asked me about the strange words Johanna had just said to her, but I chose to remain silent on that particular matter.

“lt seems Like Lady Johanna has become... overly fond of you—a sort of side effect.”


Zia seemed curious about what exactly had transpired between the two of us, but she didn't press further.

For me, it was a success.

It was proof that she at Least harbored 'curiosity' towards me.

“Okay... Now, about the most important issue...”

Zia brought up Derek's balancers.

“Yes, I've already thought of a method.”

Reduce the numbers, or make deals under the table.

Derek's balancers aren't incredibly loyal, but they aren't completely devoid of loyalty either. Some, like Balancer Smith, will definitely need to be eliminated, while others could be persuaded to join our side.

“Okay... I trust you.”

Zia didn't ask about the specifics of the plan. It meant 'do not spare any means necessary?

It was the perfect attitude for cutting ties—implying that no matter who you employ or how you kill, it has nothing to do with me.

But hey, I'm not offended.

There's no one harder to get close to than Zia.

Right now, I'm her second in command, but if I fail to demonstrate my worth, especially if balancers like Belingham Kantar show more exceptional talent, she'll replace me in no time.

Whether before or after the regression, thats just who Zia is.

“But what is this document about?”


I pointed to the document she was scribbling on.

“lts about utilizing the extreme mana stone... but there's a problem thats not resolving...”

“Hmm. May I take a look?”

“Sure... but it's quite scholarly...”

I picked up the document.

It was about enhancing the weapon efficiency of the extreme mana stone.

“... H m m?”

My eyes widened in surprise.

This is, it was even featured in the news before the regression as one of the '13 Simple Yet Amazing Inventions?

And the inventor was Zia Libra even then.

So, this was the exact time she was researching it.

“Difficult, isn't it...?”

Zia gave a wry smile.

“Give here...”

She reached out her hand to me. As I handed back the document, I added,

“But you know,”

The Zia I've come to know always tends to overcomplicate things, assuming the worst-case scenarios. Thats why she often struggles with simple solutions.

“Why not just install a double circuit?”

I offered a too-simple hint to her, who was deep in thought.

“...Huh? Double?”

“Yes. The extreme mana stone has too much power, making it difficult to utilize, right?”

“Thats true...”

“So, if you install a double circuit, it could fully transmit the power, increase efficiency, and improve safety, couldn't it?”

ln other words, not a single [—] circuit, but a double [=] circuit.

“lt can't be that simple...”

She was about to say it couldn't be that simple.

But Zia's words halted as something seemed to strike her.

She stared blankly at the paper for what felt like two hours to me.

“Let's see.”

She hastily picked up her pencil and began scribbling.

Scribble-scribble - scribble-scribble -

Her writing was a whirlwind of focus. Her hair seemed to buzz with static electricity as if struck by it, puffing up like an owl fluffing its feathers.

“...Please Let me know when you're done.”

I quietly sat beside her, waiting for her discovery.