Chapter 337: Price(3)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 337: Price(3)

Gerkhen suddenly looked at the person who had come to find him.

A man with neatly groomed gray hair, a high nose bridge, and horn-rimmed glasses.

Belingham Kantar, a senior at Endex and a balancer at Libra.

“lt should be an easy decision.”

He made an offer. For Gerkhen, it was anything but easy.

“l've seen various resumes related to Mr. Gerkhen. At Endex, at the university, even in the Parliamentary Knights.”

Belingham smiled faintly.

“You've consistently harbored the ambition to become a Senator, haven't you?”

Gerkhen remained silent the whole time. Since Belingham's arrival, he hadn't uttered a single word.

“Don't overthink it. We only want one thing.”

Belingham continued. Without any sign of hurt feelings, not seeming coercive, as if he was proposing something truly beneficial for him.

“lf Mr. Gerkhen, or someone close to Mr. Gerkhen, has evidence related to Theia EsiL”

Belingham's gaze sharpened for a moment.

“Make a declaration of conscience.”


Declaration of conscience.

The phrase tugged at Gerkhen's heart. It would have been more fitting to call it a declaration of no conscience.

“We will awaiting your resposne.”

Belingham placed a blue business card on the desk. Gerkhen looked at the name and title written on it.

[Libra, Belingham Kantar: Balancer]

“lf you accept the offer.”

Gerkhen lifted his head. Belingham's calm gray eyes curved gently.

“Mr. Gerkhen will have what he most desires.”

What he most desires.

It was similar to something Theia had once said to him, but the weight it carried was entirely different.

“lts time for the council to change, isn't it?”

They could easily create a Senator. The youngest, a commoner-born Senator as well.

They had that kind of power.

Therefore, if he agreed, he could become a Senator.

“Then. I'll see you again.”

Perhaps reading his inner thoughts, Belingham stood up with a warm smile.

Gerkhen picked up the business card he had left behind.


He Looked at it for a long time, as if observing it.


Outside, Belingham paused as he was about to get into his car. Someone emerged from the darkness, walking steadily.

“What happened?”

It was Balancer Smith. Once, a senior balancer like Belingham.

“I made the offer.”

He is Derek's confidant. Although his physical strength is exceptional, unfortunately, his senses are not as sharp.

“An offer? You made an offer?”

He furrowed his brow. Belingham nodded.

“Yes. Do you think he won't accept it?”

“Think he'll accept it, my ass. Just an offer? This is a golden opportunity to bring down Theia.”

“...SO, what should have been done?”

Belingham found Smith amusing.

While he was utterly loyal to Derek, he failed to grasp the most crucial intentions of Zia.

Of course, Zia's strategy was cunning enough...

But internal enemies were probably the biggest problem.

Ultimately, it was Derek's Lack of virtue.

He treated people too carelessly.

Those who treat people carelessly fail to treat the right people properly, and those who fail to treat people properly lose the trust of those who are not treated properly.

This vicious cycle seemed to pose no problem while Derek reigned as emperor, but it was bound to crumble like a sandcastle when a much more meticulous and charismatic competitor appeared.

“You should have brought evidence. Even if by force. Waiting for that bastard to give up the evidence? Stupid move. Its a blessing if they haven't destroyed it yet”

“Ah, you mean to reveal that we've been wiretapping and monitoring.”

Smith's brow twitched violently, and deep wrinkles formed on his face.

Belingham calmed him down.

“Don't be Like that. There's no need to turn this guy into an enemy. He's still of use to US.”

“The use you're thinking of—”

“Leave that to me. I gathered the information first. You understand, right?”

They were at an impasse.

Belingham got into the car. Just as he was about to drive away, Smith grabbed the window frame.


The body of the car dented as much as his grip. Belingham's face turned visibly shocked.

“Ah... this is a limited edition.”

“Hey. Do you think you're always right?”

Smith asked with a forced smile. Belingham met his rather vicious gaze.

“... H mm.”

Pretending to ponder, he stroked his chin for a moment.

“Yes. Not everything, but I believe I'm right most of the time.”

He continued in a Low voice.

“Trust me, senior. I was the one who discovered Balancer AscaL I always act in Libra's best interest.”


Smith's anger was visible, but he soon burst into genuine laughter and let go of his hand.

“Ha... I look forward to the day you become the successor.”

“lfs 600,000 Ren.”

Elise had won the painting for 600,000 Ren. It was a bit more expensive than expected, but she was set to see at least 50 times the profit.

“I suppose congratulations are in order.”

It was a birthday gift for Elise.

If my acquaintance can live well off Libra's money, then it's like stealing from Libra.

“Ah, but still, 600,000 Ren...”

“lt means many artists highly value you, so let's have some confidence now.”

600,000 Ren is a significant achievement. As a newcomer artist, it's enough to attract at least Jade's interest.

After all, the value of a painter is half art, half the price of the paintings.

“Let's keep painting.”

I handed Eceline the check. After deducting the auction fees, taxes, and whatnot, 250,000 Ren remained.


Eceline accepted it with a profoundly moved expression. Curious, I asked her,

“What will you use the check for?”

“Um... I'd like to use it for scholarships. There are many students at our academy who want to go to college.”

It was a solid use of the funds.

I smiled faintly and nodded.

With such a good heart, I have no choice but to help her make more money...

Recently, Belingham has been contemplating his creator.

In the deepest recesses of Libra, behind the most tightly sealed door, He who still slumbers awaits the day of awakening.

Belingham is gauging that moment, eagerly anticipating the day when the perfect balance will be restored.

...Knock, knock.

He raised his hand and knocked, but there was no response.

Thus, He remains locked away. To sustain Himself, for the sake of the Libra Lineage.

“...I shall see you later.”

Muttering, Belingham retraced his steps through the dark path.

This place, the heart of the family head, was accessible only to Belingham and the direct lineage. However, at the entrance, Belingham noticed someone.

A pacing blue lady.

“Miss Zia?”

Zia turned to face Belingham.

“Yes... Belingham.”

She held a flower in her hand.

“What brings you here?”

“...lfs soon my father's birthday.”

“Ah... thats right.”

Belingham grimaced slightly and extended his hand.

“He's still asleep, but I will deliver it on your behalf.”

Silently, Zia nodded and handed him the flower.

“Well then...”

As Belingham brushed past her, he whispered in her ear.

—My feelings remain unchanged.

Zia didn't respond, but Belingham was confident that eventually, she would choose him.

It was only natural. After all, he was created to be such a man.

A pillar of balance, devoted solely to Libra.


Belingham Left Zia behind. Yet, at the corner of the corridor, he was stopped again.

“...Hey. Where are you going?”

This time, it was Johanna. Belingham paused and looked at her silently.

A direct descendant Long estranged from succession.

Did she realize that she had been disqualified?

“What are you staring at?”


Belingham forced a wry smile.

“These days, you look particularly beautiful—”

“Cut the crap.”

Johanna frowned.

“Have you seen father?”

“...NO. He is still sleeping.”

Probably both Zia and Johanna had followed him here after spotting him. Their senses were indeed sharp.

“He's been sleeping for quite a long time.”

“lt seems he has been quite tired lately.”

At Belingham's words, Johanna snickered.

“Derek has been causing some trouble.”

It wasn't just Derek. Johanna herself must be a significant issue from his perspective.

“Well, that's all then. Go on. When he wakes up, pass on my regards.”

Johanna waved her hand dismissively.

“Yes. I will do that.”

Belingham smiled and bowed slightly. As usual, he passed by her shoulder.


The expression on Johanna's face as she watched his back was tinted coldly.


She had just seen Belingham Kantar and Zia together. She had noticed the strange tension between them.

If there was something between them, Belingham Kantar was a threat to Shion Ascal.

Belingham's intentions were still unclear, but she couldn't allow this snake-like man to threaten Shion.

With that thought hidden in her chest, Johanna returned to her quarters.