Chapter 157

Name:Memory Lost Author:丁墨
Subway, along the dark tunnel, speed through. Whistling, roaring, noisy. The carriage was very quiet and lazy, and there were lots of people moving.

Nagging, staring at the cold face leaning against the wall of the car: "isn't it? You know there's something wrong with the car, so you can go on... " Before he had finished, he choked back. Obviously, I understand what cold noodles are for and make such a decision.

"What shall we do now?" Nagging and looking up, looking around, eyes swish, very sharp. However, the surrounding environment was so crowded and rough that the trace expert couldn't find any trace for a moment.

Cold face raised dark eyes, looking at the light and shadow interwoven in front of the tunnel.

"Wait." He only spits out one word.

"Fu Dun, train ahead." There was a sweet, soft voice on the radio. A lot of people in the carriage started to move towards the door. The two of them were almost on alert, paying attention to everything around them.

Gradually, the light is getting brighter and brighter. The subway is about to leave the tunnel and drive to the platform.

No one noticed the difference. Only cold face and nagging face more and more tense.

The subway roared out of the tunnel!

A lot of people on the bus realized that something was wrong.

There was no deceleration. The subway didn't slow down, so it kept running out of the tunnel at high speed, and continued to rush forward along the platform!

"Ah! Stop! What's going on? Why don't you stop! " A lot of people yelled, and others banged on the door. On all faces, there were expressions of surprise.

And on the platform, originally standing outside the yellow line waiting for the flow of people, have also shown a puzzled look. Their appearance, however, was only passing through the window. The last thing the passengers saw on the train were some subway workers, who were shocked, waved and yelled, running towards the train. Then there was a "boom" sound, and the subway once again plunged into the dark tunnel, all the light and shadow and human voice quickly disappeared behind.

The inside of the carriage had already exploded, and everyone was surprised and scolded. They didn't know what to do. Cold noodles two people are located in the front compartment, carriage and compartment is together. Lengmian is very tall. When you look up, you can see that many people have gathered at the front door of the car in the front of the car and clap hard at the door of the cab. But the door was still closed, and the speed did not slow down at all. It continued to drive into the dark.

Cold face and nagging look at each other.

The two quickly took out their certificates and separated the crowd with their hands: "get out of the way! Police

If the people next to him were granted amnesty, he immediately dodged a passage and said, "Comrade police, go over and have a look!" "Great, there are police!"

Everyone's eyes were on them, and they were able to get through one car after another and quickly approach the cab.

Just then.

After the weak and ubiquitous sound of electric current, a strange, hard to hear sound that has been obviously processed by the sound transformer sounded in the loudspeaker:

"Hello everyone. You've been hijacked. "


"what do you say? A subway was hijacked? "

On the police command car, Qin Wenlong was livid and pressed his hands on the table.

The face of the criminal police who came to report the news was not very good-looking: "yes. The subway has confirmed that the train does not stop when passing through the station, does not listen to the command, and the driver does not respond to the call. And most likely, the brakes have been damaged. Otherwise, the Metro administration can force it to stop by bus control. "

Qin Wenlong's face became cloudy and sunny, and he swore a dirty word. At this time, another criminal policeman in the car put down his walkie talkie and reported: "boss, the performance in the square is over. Now a has no further request. "

Qin Wenlong's two thick eyebrows twisted heavily, and he was silent. At this time, another criminal police opened the door and reported: "boss, the five bombs on the main road of the peninsula have been dismantled."

That's a big step forward, which means the hostages can start evacuating in large numbers. The faces of the criminal police were happy, but Qin Wenlong didn't smile at all.

He looked down at his watch again: 12:10.

At this point in time, the group of seven completed their "performance" with their bombs just removed. And a subway, hijacked, continues to drive underground in this city, the fate is uncertain On the surface, these things seem to have no obvious relationship, but the intuition of the criminal police makes him clearly feel that some internal connection, like a large net, is closely interwoven and unfolded.

What do you want to do?


above the subway.

After hearing the hijacking Declaration on the radio, all the people were stunned and yelled for help. Cold face heart has roughly expected this situation, and nagging again exchange eyes, two people pull out the waist with guns, separate the crowd, slowly approaching the cab.

The people nearby were scared to stay far away, and for a while, the surroundings became quiet. Cold noodles and nagging one left and one right pasted by the door, push hard with your hands! Don't move.

Just then, the overhead broadcast continued. It was slow and quiet."It may be a train to the end of the world. The brakes have been broken. You can't stop or get out of the car.

Otherwise, dozens of other bombs will explode in the car

He said it very clearly word by word, but all the people on the bus suddenly changed color. Nagao also took a breath, but his cold expression was still very calm. In the tense gaze of the crowd, he motioned to Nagao silently, and then stepped back a step and kicked him hard on the door of the cab!

"Bang --"

the door was successfully kicked open by him! Two men burst in with guns.

Inside the cab, it's bloody.

Nagging suddenly opened his eyes, cold face more cold, put down the gun in his hand. And there are a few bold probes at the door, they just yell and retreat.

Two drivers were shot in their temples, one lying on the ground and the other lying on the driver's panel, bleeding everywhere. The broadcast was obviously pre recorded and broadcast over the heads of the crowd Good luck to you. "

The murderer is long gone. But Leng Mian is a keen tracker? He immediately raised his gun, rushed to the door and pressed the switch. The door opened slowly and the wind was pouring in. The tunnel ahead was dark, and under the light of the lights, he caught a glimpse of a black figure in front of him, who was flashing into a small door in the tunnel. Cold face, quick decision, gun shooting.

"BAM Bang --"

the man was in a good shape, covered his chest and quickly entered the small door, and his figure disappeared.

However, the figure, even cold face feel some familiar. I can't remember who it was for a moment.

"Cold noodles!" Nagging and drinking.

The cold face suddenly raised his head.

Ahead, the light is getting brighter and brighter, and the train is about to enter the platform again. On the platform, however, another train was just stopping there end-to-end, and many passengers were getting up and down.

Look, it's about to hit!


under the peninsula.

The ground is as smooth as a mirror, and the light on the top of the head is dim. Several people stood beside the smashed pillars. Han Shen's face was very pale: "don't be stupid for me at this time. Is it to cover up the quality problem of this project? Or don't you care about the other people? The underground shopping mall you built was planted with a bomb somewhere. Only when the criminals are rescued according to their demands can you have a chance to live. Do you understand? "

Su Mian, Xu Sibai and Ding Jun all look at them. Zhang fuchai's lips trembled, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. But Ji Zichang's face has changed again and again, many complex emotions flashed in his eyes. Finally, he resolutely looked up at them: "I'll take you to find it!"

Zhang Fucai: "Ji Zichang, you are my friend!"

Jizichang Huoran turned his head and looked at him: "Mr. Zhang, things have been like this, do you think you can cover it?" He even repeated Han Shen's original words: "let's not be stupid! At least it'll live! "

Zhang Fu Tsai is not stupid, but always holding a fluke. They didn't know that above the ground, the whole project was exposed. Although he didn't know who the group of seven was or who wanted to punish them. But as long as the police can be coaxed out now, there will be no problem with the project. The chairman of the board of directors and others died. Anyway, he went out and ran away. It was safe.

Now that he has already said it, he knows that his wishful thinking has fallen into vain, so he has to nod his head: "that's OK, find it."

At this point, there are only 8 minutes left before the specified time limit of L.

After a brief discussion among the six people, as Han Chen expected, there were two places on the third floor of the basement, one on the first floor and one on the second floor.

Han Chenwei pondered and said: "separate operations. Jimian, er'er and I are going to save one. Ding Jun's legs and feet are inconvenient. You and Xu Sibai and Zhang fuchai will save the remaining two people in this layer. "

Time is running out, which is obviously the best way to divide the work. Su Mian looked up, but with Ji Zichang's eyes. He was really in a mess when he was first rescued. At the moment, a handsome man is really calm down. The suit is exquisite in texture and fits perfectly. His hair and shirt were messy, but his eyes were clear and quiet. Because of what he had just done, Su Mian had a good impression on him and nodded.

He read her kindness keenly and nodded slightly.

"No way." Xu's voice has been quiet.

Su Mian Wei Zheng, everyone also looked at him.

Xu Sibai couldn't say this, but he blurted out after hearing Han Chen's division of labor. At the moment, he stares at Su Mian, his eyes are clear, and he is somewhat aloof and indifferent.

"I follow her." He said faintly.

Other people did not speak, Zhang Fucai and Ji Zichang looked at this, and then at that, probably also guessed some clues. Han Chen didn't even frown. He directly replied, "she doesn't need you to follow."

Su Mian immediately interposed between them, blocked Han Chen, and decisively said to Xu Sibai, "Sibai, if you are really good for me and for yourself, you should hurry to save people." After a pause, he looked directly into his eyes and softened his voice: "Han Shen is beside me. It will be OK. Come on, let's all move. "Ding Jun immediately agreed: "good! Forensic Xu, let's go at once. Fat man, lead the way

Xu Sibai did not move, his eyes moved to Han Shen: "protect her."

Han Chen ignored him.

The two teams finally parted ways.

At the same time, above the ground, the performance of the actors is over, but a's performance is still going on.

Under the sun, squares, shopping malls, hotels On several scattered LCD screens, only a's face with a mask is left.

When he said, "you don't really think we're here to do justice?" The discussion on the square gradually subsided. Everybody, look at him.

He laughed. The smile was light and calm, but for no reason made many people feel creepy. The fear that had been dispelled by these farce like performances suddenly revived.

"Our purpose is to prove one thing.

To you, and to the police underground, to prove a true truth. "

A's voice suddenly dropped down, like talking to himself and like a sad sigh: "that's the truth that s once told us." , the fastest update of the webnovel!